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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. It seems Waddell is starting to forget he's Waddell & believes he actually knows what he's doing & seems to be trusting his own judgment again. Which would be a great thing. One less team that knows wtf it's doing can't hurt.
  2. He & his wife have been OWNERS that long. They've had a long series of unsuccessful presidents & GMs under them actually MANAGING the operation. And the current manager has been in place ~1 year; his team significantly less.
  3. Believe you're at least a week late with that prediction. 😉
  4. Would rather have Frolik & his expiring contract than Eakin. What does the horrible acquisition of a bottom 6 player have to do with there having been a spot for Kahun at his inflated QO / expected arbitration price? Larsson's leaving is what made room for Eakin; not Kahun's leaving.
  5. Only if you meant you ran out of patience with him a year ago rather than a decade ago. Management has been in place ~1 year; not a decade.
  6. Nevermind.. His 1st year was '17-'18, not '18-'19.
  7. Your patience w/ Adams ended the day he was brought on as an assistant coach.? Holy prescience Batman!
  8. Welcome. (NS seems to be slipping. 😉 ) 🍺
  9. Well, that is why my post said the 62 games are locked in. As long as the league continues to agree with me that every team should play a h&h, they are.
  10. Would like more division games. Would add them at the expense of some of the extra in-conference games. But now have only 20 random games to work with there (31 home games & 31 road games being locked in).
  11. Different mix of players bemoaning the 2. Was fine w/ walking away from Kahun. Disappointed that it looks like Borgen won't be back. (Disappointed, not crushed. Disappointed.)
  12. For the handful of times it did, it isn't IMHO worth having to see the same 2 teams all the other times. Not only that, but you definitely don't get an opportunity to see all the teams each year if they go to that format. There is something inherently cool about being able to see every single star player in the league play your team in their own barn.
  13. Yours truly might be mistaking @bunomatic's point, but pretty sure he was referring to the players that were alleged to have hazed "John Doe 1" further after the alleged actions of the video coach became known amongst the team. From an outside perspective, it might be reasonably assumed the players would've backed their teammate rather than his alleged attacker.
  14. When it's just the regular season, and you're only going to get to see a team at most 3 times; it's more fun to see different players in town rather than watch the same team 2 nights in a row and then not see them again for a year. In the old days, btb's might create some bad blood in the 2nd game, but as we saw last year, that's a thing of the past.
  15. Often, but not always. Not even sure it's a majority of times. Bobrovski was 'meh' in Filly & great in C-bus & Florida. Dubnyk was a train wreck in Edmonton but very solid by the time he got to Minnesota. Bishop, Fleury, Grubauer, & Varlamov have all been very good at multiple stops. Just to name a few.
  16. Ticket buying fans aren't that fond of them.
  17. The Krakers have no home games in October? That doesn't seem accurate. [Edit: it isn't. Buffalo is their 5th home opponent after coming back from Edmonton following a 4 game homestand following a season opening 5 game road trip.]
  18. One more time! This time just the ladies. OK, fellas, your turn. Now everybody! Thank you, good night. Please drive safe everybody. 😉
  19. Truthfully, not really. (Don't get out much.)
  20. He'd be better off not making the trades that everyone's been expecting. Keep what they have (including Ullmark & McCabe). Add another Ullmark. Add Danault. If necessary to make the cap work, trade Ristolainen. Bring in a low priced D to cover until McCabe is healthy. If Granato is all his supporters expect, let the Pegulas do something they haven't done in 9 or so years - send out invoices for playoff tix in April on the possibility they actually might make them.
  21. IMHO, Adams will be far better off not making any moves the next 2 days than he will be making the moves people have been speculating about.
  22. 5 weeks w/ 4 games and 1 w/ FIVE! And that's with stretching the season out ~2 extra weeks.
  23. Wouldn't trade any '21 draft pick for him. Can't see Francis trying to trade him out this weekend especially if the thought is the most likely suitor is a cash strapped team.
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