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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. But would, say, TB give up a 3rd or better for him? Could see, IF Adams really wants him back, giving up a '22 4th for him. So they'd have to be willing to give up at least a 3rd along with the cap dump (who would presumably still be useful) to make it worth Seattle's while.
  2. But wasn't that essentially the same scenario they were working with last season (minus the vaccinations part)? Would expect they'll find a way to reschedule any games that get postponed just like last year.
  3. It's not. BUT if you have 2 goalies that can each play at a 90 point pace on LAST SEASON'S train wreck then you only need to find 6-8 more points to be in the playoffs. Might adding Danault to that along with the growth of the kids find them those 3-4 regulation losses that need to turn into W's?
  4. When it's official it'll be 1 of the 5 I'd prefer to be back actually being back.
  5. Saving grace for him is the low cost of living in Manhattan.
  6. He's good enough to be an NHLer, but his skill set really only translates to a top 2 line usage and on almost every roster a team will already have better options in their top 6. A rather unusual version of a "tweener" but a tweener none-the-less.
  7. So, maybe protecting the non-controlled goalie was a good move? Would seem that way. Now get another goalie.
  8. Sabres don't even have a Bernier to send back. If the Canes were adamant about getting a backup back ...
  9. Or they're about to give Moe-ray-all a 2nd for Kulak or "future considerations" to make sure Weber is on BF-LTIR until that contract runs out.
  10. Asked this in the other thread, but this is probably where it should go. Anybody know what Weber being done would do to Nashville's cap?
  11. Anybody know what his being done would do to Nashville's cap?
  12. That's definitely a significant part of it. But can't help but believe that another non-insignificant portion was Seattle overvaluing their hand. And Botterill has a reputation for doing that.
  13. Can't see Borgen being a guy that somebody else wanted bad enough to have worked out a deal w/ Seattle to grab him for them. Might be off-base there, but just don't see it. But maybe they expect to trade 3 or 4 other D-men & then Borgen has a shot at being top 8. Expecting the lack of Seattle trades is more of Botterill once again overvaluing his hand and having been able to convince Francis that his position was correct. And that a fair amount of the talk from the talking heads about how many deals Seattle will soon announce is them trying to save face from being pretty much dead wrong about pre-draft moves. We'll see about that soon enough.
  14. Or, perhaps he is already getting it. 😉 And in spades.
  15. Really going out on a limb there suggesting that Botterill might be shouting in Francis' ear to take a D-man. 😉
  16. Oh, it absolutely is more likely than we here expect. That does not mean it is actually likely.
  17. A team with Botterill giving input into roster building losing a guy for absolutely nothing?!?!? Ludicrous!!!! Sabres might have that one in the bag. 😉
  18. Ezra Johnson's right about Kent Johnson being right about Ryan Johnson being right about being a D-man.
  19. Foot in the door for getting a handful of CHL eligibles into the AHL or 1 time only thing? My money says 1 time only.
  20. With a complete reset don't expect the culture is toast without winning in year 1. But you'd better be competitive in all games (regardless of end result and realizing Mittelstadt, Cozens, & Dahlin won't carry them to competitive vs Tampa) and you'd better improve significantly (like 20+ pts) that next year to keep from finding yourself right back where they are today planning to jettison all the movable good players hitting their prime to correct some perceived ills that THEY somehow are responsible for. It'd be so much easier to just get support for those guys than rebuild and hope the kids can become what they ARE and then bring in support for them because those kids are already finally at the point they CAN support the top. The only tangible thing getting rid of the "core" does is reset the timeline. And there are only a handful of people that benefits. And, we ain't in that handful. (Realize you already know that. Wasn't directed at you.) The PC is 10AM. The roster freeze lifts 3 hours later at 1PM.
  21. So, if the rumor that it's $40MM total in either scenario, what is saving $714k/yr on the cap worth to them? If it's any more than a 7th rounder, somewhere the Pegulas continue to smile & say their small prayer of thanks. 😉
  22. So that would run counter to Perreault's theory. Maybe Francis just shut him out on the Sabres selection? How many of their picks were Americans & Euros? (A lot of Canadians would boost his theory.) Any Russians? [Edit: They did avoid Tarasanko. That's a tough one to fit into the theory. 😉 ]
  23. Well, if you want to get anything of value for a bum like Eichel you'd better expect to see some good young potential go out the door as well. 😕
  24. Yeah, the "dirty little secret" that everybody knew but nobody admitted was that he couldn't help but spill the beans on what the Bills were doing or going to do. Kind of tough to get the upper hand in trade negotiations or when going after FAs when the other guys can see all your cards.
  25. ALL players (with exceptions for young, inexperienced players) must clear ordinary waivers to be sent to the AHL. After they've cleared waivers, if they are recalled they can be sent back down that season without reclearing waivers provided they haven't been back up for more than 30 days nor played in 10 games since being recalled.
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