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Is Darcy a Weasel?

Stormin Norman

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I'm probably just drawing a blank here, but did Darcy say he would never fire Lindy, or did Paul Hamilton say it so many times, we think Darcy said it?


Dammit - I'm at work, and am now off to look for news archives.


EDIT: February 7 was the date of the "it won't be the coach" comment.




EDIT: message board talk from january 2012 that sorta comes up empty:




EDIT: I'm done looking. It's bizarre, though, that I can't find a quote out there attributed to DR to this effect. The results that I get prior to the firing are almost all on message boards where people are saying "DR has said he will never fire LR."

Edited by That Aud Smell
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a) Would Lindy have quit if Darcy had been fired?


b) I'm probably just drawing a blank here, but did Darcy say he would never fire Lindy, or did Paul Hamilton say it so many times, we think Darcy said it?


a) I doubt it. He'd probably have a long discussion about the direction of the team with the incoming GM, like he did with Pegula before signing his contract extension, but extenuating circumstances aside, he'd likely have stayed.


b) I can't remember Darcy saying something exactly to that effect. Folks may have gotten caught up in the "coach for life" mentality Back on Feb 6th, Mike Harrington framed a lot of that up with paraphrasing and auxiliary quotes. That story was picked up and retold by a few national-level rebloggers, who speculated Ruff wouldn't be fired this year.

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b) I can't remember Darcy saying something exactly to that effect. Folks may have gotten caught up in the "coach for life" mentality Back on Feb 6th, Mike Harrington framed a lot of that up with paraphrasing and auxiliary quotes. That story was picked up and retold by a few national-level rebloggers, who speculated Ruff wouldn't be fired this year.


i think this is right. good man.


EDIT: and if'n it's true that DR never actually said such words, then my rant above about my Dad's travails in corporate amurica is a bit misplaced.

Edited by That Aud Smell
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FWIW Darcy outright denied at the Ruff firing presser that he ever speaks in "absolutes." And he went after Harrington for not putting the "it won't be the coach" quote in the context of the question, which was something like, "Will there be changes if the team has a bad weekend/loses two out of three?" Harrington came back with "What about your interview with Channel 2?" I didn't see the interview on Channel 2.

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Yeah, I don't know the details of the interviews.


I've alwayshad the impression that Darcy as a legitimate business professional, regardless of perceptions about his hockey accomplishments. Even in the best of times, I didn't think he wouldn't say never to firing a coach. That's probably because that was one of his first lessons on the job- dismissing the Jack Adams winner from that year.

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Yeah, I don't know the details of the interviews.


I've alwayshad the impression that Darcy as a legitimate business professional, regardless of perceptions about his hockey accomplishments. Even in the best of times, I didn't think he wouldn't say never to firing a coach. That's probably because that was one of his first lessons on the job- dismissing the Jack Adams winner from that year.


It was some time ago, but I believe he offered coach Nolan a one year contract, which Nolan didn't accept.

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Would Lindy have quit if Darcy had been fired?


I'm probably just drawing a blank here, but did Darcy say he would never fire Lindy, or did Paul Hamilton say it so many times, we think Darcy said it?



Funny on Hamilton. That's where we've heard it certainly. The WGR mantra becomes reality KInd of like Washington or the nightly news. If it is repeated enough, it becomes the truth..


Look, I have been firmly on the side of both coach and GM going since we bowed out to Boston last time in the playoffs. It was obvious that THEIR (both DR and LR) vision for a team wasn't working in today's NHL. Clutching, grabbing ,and interfering requires big boys and guys with attitude as well as skill. We have skill without attitude and attitude without skill in general.


As to his public statements, ownership, or GM often endorse their unerlings to the media and public. It is common. We've all heard the sports center comment "Joe Blow just got endrsed by his GM." Then the following statement from the broadcaster: "that's the kiss of death."

Edited by Grumpy
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True, to a point.


When I was in high school, my Dad was a sales manager for what I will call a widget wholesaler (doesn't matter for the story whether they sold clamps, desks, pulp, whatever). His company was bought out and new management came in. They liked my Dad, but thought his 5 sales guys in/around Albany, NYC, and New England weren't up to snuff. They said they had guys who could cover that territory better than my Dad's guys did. My Dad disagreed, strongly. Plus, my Dad cared about those guys and their families -- they were like little brothers/sons to him. New management said that those guys had to go -- non-negotiable. So my Dad gave his 2-week notice, then and there.


Now, the situation wound up working its way out over the course of a year or more -- my Dad did end up moving on and some of those sales guys actually stuck with the acquired company. But the point is the same: My Dad hadn't told 10s of 1000s of rabid fans of his widget wholesaling company that he would never fire those sales guys. But he knew that he wouldn't fire them. My Dad was a mid-level sales manager with 4 tuitions to pay at that point in time. And he told new ownership to stick it. My Dad's just a guy -- a good guy -- a normal, ordinary, good guy. He's not some storybook hero.


That's my point.


EDIT: There were certainly many more mid-level sales manager positions available to my Dad than there are NHL GM positions available to DR. But, whatever.


Thank you!


C'mon. Easy to say. Would you quit your job without having another?


Yes....I have out of principle after protecting people that were about to get f'd. That's why this board has been graced with my presence.


I stick by my guns. Will Darcy give out Halloween candy to the kids? Sure.


Will he do anything to survive and collect a paycheck as fans fork over tens of millions a year? Yes.

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I combed Hamilton's twitter page over the weekend. A couple of followers asked him for a published, quoted source for DR's alleged "I'll never fire Lindy" stance. Hamilton came back with "yes, Darcy told me that many times", but did not say "go look at the article/video from such and such..."


The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether it's fair to say that DR pledged never to fire LR. I see reference to a channel 2 interview where DR expressed an expectation (hope?) that he and LR would remain a tandem with the Sabres. But that's not the same as promising not to fire LR.

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I combed Hamilton's twitter page over the weekend. A couple of followers asked him for a published, quoted source for DR's alleged "I'll never fire Lindy" stance. Hamilton came back with "yes, Darcy told me that many times", but did not say "go look at the article/video from such and such..."


The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether it's fair to say that DR pledged never to fire LR. I see reference to a channel 2 interview where DR expressed an expectation (hope?) that he and LR would remain a tandem with the Sabres. But that's not the same as promising not to fire LR.

Paul's been around forever. Darcy's been around forever. We KNOW these guys like we know our family members. Can anyone here really envision Darcy telling Paul, "I'll never fire Lindy Ruff. As long as I'm here, he's here."? I can't. I think there have been many statements of faith, references to the Torrey-Arbour partnership and so on.

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I don't think he is really a weasel, a weasel would make a good GM. Usually some of the best guys in positions where they are expected to make deals and moves are weasels because they have to be to build something better then someone else and to get things from others


I personally believe that a Chimp with Down Syndrom could get better results then Regier has as GM of the Sabres though..............

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Darcy speaks like a lawyer....be it stats, trying to put a good spin on a situation....and getting out of his Ruff comments.


Again....Darcy said Ruff changing his style ended up being too big a risk....A RISK OF WHAT????




Just play it safe....try to sneak into 8th.....come up with some excuses....wash, rinse, repeat....pass Go....Collect $1.5 million.....yet another year......


I'm sure his nephews like him.....and he smooches his wife on the forehead before bed......and he gives his $100 pledge to the Variety Club......but the great CEO's know what it takes to win......and that is taking risk. You can't win the big one without it......and you WILL FAIL miserably in trying to do so at times. It's the name of the game. That is why Bucky has sources that laugh at Darcy...I don't doubt it for a second....because if you have the wavos of at least a 12yo.....it is hard to respect how he does his job.


Brian Burke is a blowhard.....and he failed in Toronto....but he will give it a real go....AND....he'd probably be able to keep Pegula in check.


Bill Polian in his prime chopped his own head off when Ralph and his family wouldn't stay out of things.....that's what people with ability and self-confidence do. They don't play puppet for both sides of the spectrum.


I can't wait to see where Regier ends up after he is fired. I don't doubt Lindy will get another NHL head coach job if he wants it....in a hurry. I'd put 6-1 against Regier ever seeing a GM job again.

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And there's been more than a few tough times that encouraged the media to badger Regier about what has to change and he's put in a position where he almost has to say that to get them off his back about Ruff, but I still don't think he'd try to give the impression that it could never happen. Seems unprofessional.


...so you're saying Darcy is not, in fact, a weasel, but members of the media are badgers? :D

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Darcy speaks like a lawyer....be it stats, trying to put a good spin on a situation....and getting out of his Ruff comments.


Again....Darcy said Ruff changing his style ended up being too big a risk....A RISK OF WHAT????




Just play it safe....try to sneak into 8th.....come up with some excuses....wash, rinse, repeat....pass Go....Collect $1.5 million.....yet another year......


I'm sure his nephews like him.....and he smooches his wife on the forehead before bed......and he gives his $100 pledge to the Variety Club......but the great CEO's know what it takes to win......and that is taking risk. You can't win the big one without it......and you WILL FAIL miserably in trying to do so at times. It's the name of the game. That is why Bucky has sources that laugh at Darcy...I don't doubt it for a second....because if you have the wavos of at least a 12yo.....it is hard to respect how he does his job.


Brian Burke is a blowhard.....and he failed in Toronto....but he will give it a real go....AND....he'd probably be able to keep Pegula in check.


Bill Polian in his prime chopped his own head off when Ralph and his family wouldn't stay out of things.....that's what people with ability and self-confidence do. They don't play puppet for both sides of the spectrum.


I can't wait to see where Regier ends up after he is fired. I don't doubt Lindy will get another NHL head coach job if he wants it....in a hurry. I'd put 6-1 against Regier ever seeing a GM job again.

Burke is one of the only other guys I wouldn't want as a GM just because I don't like him cause he seems unwilling to work with others and its his way only. I will say he is a more successful GM then Darcy who prefers to let others control him and would rather wait and see how things unfold and then react.
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...so you're saying Darcy is not, in fact, a weasel, but members of the media are badgers? :D




1. Any of various carnivorous mammals of the genus Mustela, having a long slender body, a long tail, short legs, and brownish fur that in many species turns white in winter.

2. A person regarded as sneaky or treacherous.




tr.v. badg·ered, badg·er·ing, badg·ers

To harass or pester persistently.



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