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I'm Embarrassed


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Grow up. It's easy to do what Lucic did. It's easy to play dirty. It's easy to drill someone from behind and act tough. Would it be nice to see a fair fight? Sure. But who knows if that opportunity presented itself. There's always next game.


Yesh, there's next game, in which someone will cheapshot a Sabre, now that it's all but clear they still won't respond to it.


Bruins surrounding Lucic? So? You don't go after Lucic, you put the Bruins goalie through the end boards on the very next shift.

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Lol, no, maybe he should just use his head next time. :thumbsup: He's been making paraphrased versions of the same post in the other two threads where this discussion has been taking place... then he just adds some filler words and makes his own thread? Makes sense. lol


Throughout the season there have been about 3 threads dedicated to Leino and countless dedicated to the goaltending. 2-3 dedicated to the fanbase/response to the hit really is the least of the worries. :)


I found the response on ice a little lacking, but our energy should go into making sure Lucic gets a severe penalty rather than infighting. I'd put money on him getting of scot free though, Bruins won the cup last year so they'll get off with it.

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ARE YOU KIDDING ME? NO SERIOUSLY ARE YOU ######NG KIDDING ME? Miller gets cheap shotted in the head and you think it is acceptable that no one on this team did anything? LACK OF CHARACTER. Fans should be able to judge a team and no fan should follow a team blindly. You are way out of line here and have no clue what this can and is doing not only within that locker room but around the league. Character wins cups not the kind of hippie love you are spouting. And the type of fan who calls them pussies is the type of fan who calls it like he sees it. They didn't try to do anything. I didn't say cheap shot you did. Dont put word in my mouth just because your an idiot.


All I have to say is ...



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ARE YOU KIDDING ME? NO SERIOUSLY ARE YOU ######NG KIDDING ME? Miller gets cheap shotted in the head and you think it is acceptable that no one on this team did anything? LACK OF CHARACTER. Fans should be able to judge a team and no fan should follow a team blindly. You are way out of line here and have no clue what this can and is doing not only within that locker room but around the league. Character wins cups not the kind of hippie love you are spouting. And the type of fan who calls them pussies is the type of fan who calls it like he sees it. They didn't try to do anything. I didn't say cheap shot you did. Dont put word in my mouth just because your an idiot.


Unnecessary, to disagree is one thing but dont lower yourself to the level of certain users (I'm sure you know who I mean :thumbsup: )


Agree to a large extent, Goose, Kaleta, Tropp, Mccormick, Ellis, Myers, Regehr, Leopold and Stafford should have made the game very physical, really finished their checks and pressured Thomas at least, Possibly a couple of fights. Vanek, Pom, Adam, Roy, Gerbe? I don't want those guys involved, their our entire offense.


Whether this team has the toughness in it is beside the point when none of the big guys use the power they have.

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I agree with that.

I can understand that some players that were on the ice, weren't capable for not "fighting".

But, for example, look at the Ottawa brawl, changed the lines after the assessed penalty and put out Mair, Peters and Kaleta.

Tell me why we couldn't put any "grinders" out there...??

Probably because the refs were trying to keep that from happening and skated over to talk to Lindy after it happened. They most likely told if if he did that, there were gonna be some big penalties being called

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Probably because the refs were trying to keep that from happening and skated over to talk to Lindy after it happened. They most likely told if if he did that, there were gonna be some big penalties being called

Lets discuss this in two ways:


1) Ruff should have said screw the refs and put out his angriest line to hit anything and everything. Penalties be damned.


2) If the refs gave major penalties for that response but still only gave Lucic 2 for that crap it demonstrates why the NHL has some issues...

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Pushed....looked more like they were offering to give him a massage..."Oh poor Lucic...did you hurt your shoulder after the cheap-shot on our goalie?...maybe we can rub it a little for you and you'll feel better so you can cheap shot another one of our players...just please don't hit me okay...as long as I give you a massage?!?!


There are some unwritten rules in hockey at any level...one of them is not to mess with a team's goalie...maybe you've never played hockey to know this? BTW, Kaleta's hit on Chara was great...but it would have been more impactful if it was on Lucic....sorry, but it has no bearing on the lack of response to Lucic IMHO

maybe they didn't want to ruffle their skirts? What the Sabres did after the hit on Miller was a joke, not "retaliation" No one feared them as they circled around Lucic. The only one to stand up for Miller after that happened was Miller, taking the swing at Lucic from the ground


You mess with a teams goalie, usually you mess with the entire team afterwards, thats why you almost always see players get right in on guys getting close to their goalie and push them away after a whistle or during the play.


I can understand Kaleta being held back a little, Shanahan would have had a field day giving out the biggest suspension on record if Kaleta touched Thomas or retaliated inhis first game back from a 4 game suspension

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Lets discuss this in two ways:


1) Ruff should have said screw the refs and put out his angriest line to hit anything and everything. Penalties be damned.


2) If the refs gave major penalties for that response but still only gave Lucic 2 for that crap it demonstrates why the NHL has some issues...

you still have a game to be played, and everyone here would have been all over Ruff for "costing the Sabres the game" by doing that. As for the refs, its like in baseball, if a pitcher hits a player or 2, or comes in close and the umps worn the teams, anything after that is gonna get called worse because they have been warned and its viewed as being premeditated

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It's really an indefensible hit.

Talk to Bruins fans or the majority of the people replying to the story on TSN's website, they basically all say that the goalie left his crease, he is fair game and should be hit. If he doesn't like it, stay in the crease. Then you get the occasional Leafs fan that tries to compare this to Reimer getting hit and now being out (completly different situation/incident)

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Lets discuss this in two ways:


1) Ruff should have said screw the refs and put out his angriest line to hit anything and everything. Penalties be damned.


2) If the refs gave major penalties for that response but still only gave Lucic 2 for that crap it demonstrates why the NHL has some issues...


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theres always next game? 41 years without a cup but hey theres always next game. bite me. this team is pussies and i would rather have vanek with a jacked jaw than know that the entire NHL now knows it can run over any sabre and no one will do sh!t. Your pathetic because you think we fans should follow our team blindly. This isn't jumping off the bandwagon you ###### bag, its calling a bunch of pussies a bunch of pussies. It isn't easy to do what Lucic did... because Lucic won a stanely cup. You just failed congrats.


I am embarrassed too, because you are a fellow sabres fan. :angry:


Don't blame him for winning the cup. Lucic was a non-factor throughout the playoffs except for one game in the Montreal series, where he creamed Spacek, which got him a game misconduct. The guy could be a Cam Neely, but he floats to the the point of reminding me of Miro (empty net) Satan, instead...


One other thing - the Big Bad Bruins did what to answer the bell after Matt Cook basically ended Mark Sevard's career? They were just as gutless, even after Cook was not suspended, by in a second game two weeks later. The Bruins still have not been forgiven by fans here.

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Don't blame him for winning the cup. Lucic was a non-factor throughout the playoffs except for one game in the Montreal series, where he creamed Spacek, which got him a game misconduct. The guy could be a Cam Neely, but he floats to the the point of reminding me of Miro (empty net) Satan, instead...


One other thing - the Big Bad Bruins did what to answer the bell after Matt Cook basically ended Mark Sevard's career? They were just as gutless, even after Cook was not suspended, by in a second game two weeks later. The Bruins still have not been forgiven by fans here.


While Im not commenting on how true what you say is i like the arguement. Interesting points.

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I agree with that.

I can understand that some players that were on the ice, weren't capable for not "fighting".

But, for example, look at the Ottawa brawl, changed the lines after the assessed penalty and put out Mair, Peters and Kaleta.

Tell me why we couldn't put any "grinders" out there...??

There wasn't an assessed penalty.

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Well, you said the Sabres won the season series against Boston, which suggests you felt we would have beaten them in the playoffs. What point were you trying to make exactly?


Were you into hockey yet the year prior? When Buffalo lost to Boston in the playoffs?





Come out and playyyyyyyy

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It has nothing to do with being embarrassed. It's about taking care of business. Sekera should have been beat down for not going toe to toe. I live all around Bruin fans and it shows the Sabres are soft. If you let something happen like this happen now it will continue. End of story. The Sabres know better and they even admitted they should have done things different. The Sabres need a true physical guy who will not take anything from anyone and drive home a message. If Lucic knew he would get his ass beat for doing it, do you think he would have? He knew something would come his way but was surprised he received nothing. What happened last night to Enroth? Didn't something familar happen as well. What's next at intermission milk and cookies? The Sabres are WELL KNOWN AS SOFTIES in this league and that's the bottom line. If you are happy with a team that can score but won't go into the boards and gets pushed around that's you. I for one ask this. What do you think Rob Ray would have done? Playfair? I'm not saying drop the gloves like slapshot, but if you get pushed, you better shove or you will continue to get pushed. Just ask Shoenfeld about that or anyone else what they think. This is why teams have enforcers. Buffalo right now have ushers in my opinion. Prove me wrong please...............

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