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Barely touched him. A "good" slash should have broken his stick.


Even if he had, the thing that drives me nuts is the number of non-calls up to this point... this one was borderline at best and they called it, but they've let so much worse go tonight. No consistency whatsoever.

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If my girlfriend does not SHUT UP!!!! I mean seriously...I'm literally just staring at the tv in a daze and she's still yapping away. Why?

Just wait until she's watching her favorite show and talk about how many different types of beer there are..

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If my girlfriend does not SHUT UP!!!! I mean seriously...I'm literally just staring at the tv in a daze and she's still yapping away. Why?

my fiance got home and started screwin with the dvr making the screen about [] this big and I was like do you mind? and she got pissed... wtf?

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Just wait until she's watching here favorite show and talk about how many different types of beer there are..

Or read every single post that is on the topic you are reading on sabrespace. Will definitely make her think twice about talking.

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