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Buffalo Fan

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Move Phoenix to Winnepeg

Move Nashville to Quebec City

Move Tampa to Seattle

Move Florida to Milwaukee

Move Atlanta to Baltimore

What is the point of this? Also, did this need a separate thread from the Phoenix-to-Winnipeg circle-jerk?

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Move Phoenix to Winnepeg

Move Nashville to Quebec City

Move Tampa to Seattle

Move Florida to Milwaukee

Move Atlanta to Baltimore


I like it. I'd also move Carolina to Olean and Dallas to Niagara Falls. Bring back the Little Three!

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I have no problems with Atlanta and Florida, and probably Phoenix as well. Nashville I don't know enough about the support or market. Tampa struggled early to establish a market but has generally drawn pretty well over the last ten years (winning a Cup didn't hurt) but they have bad ownership who is struggling financially.

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Baltimore???? You lost all cred with that one. I lived in B-more and there isn't a US town that cares less about hockey. Even when the Capitals played in Landover, less than a 40 minute drive, you could not get a Balti-moron to go to a game or watch one on TV. This city had two AHL teams that couldn't draw flies. Plus where would an NHL team play? Baltimore Arena? You ever see that dump?



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Baltimore???? You lost all cred with that one. I lived in B-more and there isn't a US town that cares less about hockey. Even when the Capitals played in Landover, less than a 40 minute drive, you could not get a Balti-moron to go to a game or watch one on TV. This city had two AHL teams that couldn't draw flies. Plus where would an NHL team play? Baltimore Arena? You ever see that dump?



I'm not sure people in Seattle care all that much about hockey, either. They're too busy drinking coffee and shootin' heroin.

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