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An expected loss with the flu hitting the team. Lalime probably should have started tonight...with Miller's performance, I wouldn't be surprised if he has the bug too.


Not to take anything away from Marty, but I've never seen a team with 38 shots look so flat. Very few quality chances tonight.


On the plus side, they have 3 days to get healthy. Wednesday we will see if the team has improved as much as we hope they have over the last two years. If they are a new team, they will bounce back with a big win...if it's the same team from the last two years, I expect a few more losses in a row.

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Miller gets the loss.

And he deserves the loss. Hopefully this lopsided loss to a clearly inferior team will be a wake-up call. We'll see how the Sabres respond next week. If they have any balls they will crush the Islanders. If they don't have the balls, we have to wonder if we've seen this script before. A hot start followed by months of mediocrity and maybe a trip to the playoffs as the number 8 seed. I've been a fan since the Sabres' first season. I've seen the good the bad and the ugly. But I haven't seen the Sabres hoist the Stanley Cup, so pardon me if I'm a little skeptical.

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Game is over dude. We turned off the lights and left the room :thumbsup:

The game was over a long time ago, dude. I was criticized for acknowledging that fact. Just wanted to see what the "diehard" fans were doing on "their" message board. Apparently they left the room when no one was looking.

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The game was over a long time ago, dude. I was criticized for acknowledging that fact. Just wanted to see what the "diehard" fans were doing on "their" message board. Apparently they left the room when no one was looking.

I'm not a dude...I'm the fat lady...and I hadn't sung yet!


Really though, you just never know whats gonna happen. I just kept waiting for it!

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I was out and got home to catch the very last goal, then turned it off.


Ryan Miller's record: 8-0-1.


Lalime: 0-2-0.


I thought we should have ditched Lalime for Manny Legace last year when he was waived. Lalime is finished.

Miller let in 4 goals on 15 shots! How does Lalime earn the loss?? :blink:



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The game was over a long time ago, dude. I was criticized for acknowledging that fact. Just wanted to see what the "diehard" fans were doing on "their" message board. Apparently they left the room when no one was looking.


Which only left the dooshes here, right?

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Not sure why Harry and Rick felt the need to protect Miller after he got yanked. This was easily his worst game of the season. "Never saw it" and "didn't have a chance on it" get very old very quick.


Probably similar to your logic of thinking he should have stopped every goal he let in...ever...not that you will see much argument from me about the goals tonight, but still.

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Well, we all said "let's see how they respond" after the Atlanta game and they won four straight (albeit uglier wins than the four before that loss.) So, let's see how they respond to this one. They will lose games - every team does, even the 2006-07 Sabres - but it's how they respond to those loses that matters. 1-4-1-4-1-4- ... would put them over 128 points even without OT loss bonus points. :thumbsup:

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I'm sorry, I didn't see where it says: GAME DISCUSSION THREAD FOR DIEHARD FANS ONLY.

As the song says, you gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em. When I left the game the Sabres were losing 2 - 0 and looking pretty lame in the process. It appears they are down 4 - 0 now and it's in the third period. I'm a big Sabres fan, but quite frankly when they suck, they suck. Stuff happens. I'm not going to waste my time watching Roy and Vanek not score and Miller fall flat. I decided that I saw enough. I'd much rather watch an entertaining game. If that offends you, tough beans. You can always ignore my posts.


At 4-0 with Biron in net, I was more interested in HNiC, the World Series, and college football than in a game where I knew the Sabres had no chance of coming back. And I'm a pretty damned diehard fan. There's nothing wrong with spending free time, of which we all have too little, in a more entertaining way if the Sabres are laying an egg. And they laid an egg last night.

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At 4-0 with Biron in net, I was more interested in HNiC, the World Series, and college football than in a game where I knew the Sabres had no chance of coming back. And I'm a pretty damned diehard fan. There's nothing wrong with spending free time, of which we all have too little, in a more entertaining way if the Sabres are laying an egg. And they laid an egg last night.


Another quitter.

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Probably similar to your logic of thinking he should have stopped every goal he let in...ever...not that you will see much argument from me about the goals tonight, but still.


Goalies should stop every shot -- perfectly logical. That's certainly how the good ones think. Ryan's gone on record as saying, "#%^$#! happens," so maybe his mindset is different.

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Game thoughts...


- I don't know if I pull Miller at 3-0. I'd have left him in there for awhile longer and see what happened. Now instead of Lalime getting the start on Wednesday, I see Lindy going right back to Miller. The backup goaltending mess has begun once again.


- Four FAILED PP's while the score was either 0-0 or 1-1.


- I don't think Marty had that hard of a night despite what the shots on goal say.


- Every team is going to have stinkers, but I'd be happier if the Sabres had managed a goal or two in the 3rd.


- I saw Myers skate up ice while the puck got turned over and stayed deep in the Sabres zone. Luckily the puck never made it to the Islander forward all alone in front of the net. I know the confidence of a young player can be fragile, but I think Lindy needs to pull the reigns in on Myers just a little bit. The subtle message..."defense comes first".


- I saw signs of Stafford reverting back to where his play is very mediocre. He had a lot of jump in his game early in the year that seems to be fading.


- On either the fourth or fifth goal, as the puck heads into the Sabres zone, you see Kennedy heading to the bench. What seemed like 5-7 seconds go by and as the Isle slapped the puck into the net from the deep slot about 25-30 feet away, you see Roy coming into the picture. Where the heck was he in the meantime? I'm probably not painting a good picture of this, but my point is that from the Sabres bench to where the goal scorer was standing, didn't appear to be that far from point A to point B.


- Big games against Philly and Boston follow the rematch with the Islanders. Let's see how it plays out.

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Just Cause


1. Some nights it doesn't matter what your team does, they're not going to score. Last night was one of those nights.

2. Lalime should have started..

3. Myers gift wrapped that turnover. You could see Miller going from relaxed to set, real quick. Just not quick enough.

4. Vanek with two maybe three open net chances again last night. He can't buy a goal.

5. Speaking of can't buy a goal, Roy blistered the post again. His funk is now 11 games and counting.

6. Even though they didn't score on the PP, they had a ton of shots

7. I saw the replay twice on Miller's second goal and I still didn't see it go in.

8. Tambellini.. Are you kidding me?

9. Montador's fight was lame.

10. If you're going to lose, it might as well be a road, out of division game.. Time to move on..

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