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Captain Craig


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During this afternoon's Sabres Lunch Express, Craig said that he was so upset about how this season went that he decided not to take the usual one month off at the end of the season and started working out full time after just one week off! That's a Captain's move and hopefully some of the other players will follow his lead.

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During this afternoon's Sabres Lunch Express, Craig said that he was so upset about how this season went that he decided not to take the usual one month off at the end of the season and started working out full time after just one week off! That's a Captain's move and hopefully some of the other players will follow his lead.


Yackety yack. Bring it on the ice.


Rivet seems very insecure.

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Yackety yack. Bring it on the ice.
Yup. Talk is cheap.



Sometimes, I think you guys complain and spout clich?s as a knee-jerk reaction. Sure, he may have described it in "talk", but he's working out now; that's action. He's not saying "we need to be better, blah, blah, blah." He's out there working to improve three weeks earlier than the norm (he said that most guys, including himself, take a month off after the season.) Would you have been satisfied if he'd told Kevin that he had a video that he wanted to show him and fans, then proceeded to play a video of himself working out next to a calendar showing how far ahead of the one-month mark he is actually working out? Yes, ultimately, the measure is what he brings on the ice come October, but he's making a move to show that he is committed to improving.

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Sometimes, I think you guys complain and spout clich?s as a knee-jerk reaction. Sure, he may have described it in "talk", but he's working out now; that's action. He's not saying "we need to be better, blah, blah, blah." He's out there working to improve three weeks earlier than the norm (he said that most guys, including himself, take a month off after the season.) Would you have been satisfied if he'd told Kevin that he had a video that he wanted to show him and fans, then proceeded to play a video of himself working out next to a calendar showing how far ahead of the one-month mark he is actually working out? Yes, ultimately, the measure is what he brings on the ice come October, but he's making a move to show that he is committed to improving.

Right on. Not sure why folks are taking shots at Rivet, who is one of our precious few grit guys.

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Right on. Not sure why folks are taking shots at Rivet, who is one of our precious few grit guys.


As much as I like Rivet, I wonder where he disappeared to from about the 2nd week of the season until Jerry Sullivan called him out in the snooze. He had streches where his grit was finer than a 220 sandpaper. At times I felt Lydman was our most physical defender.

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Sometimes, I think you guys complain and spout clich?s as a knee-jerk reaction. Sure, he may have described it in "talk", but he's working out now; that's action. He's not saying "we need to be better, blah, blah, blah." He's out there working to improve three weeks earlier than the norm (he said that most guys, including himself, take a month off after the season.) Would you have been satisfied if he'd told Kevin that he had a video that he wanted to show him and fans, then proceeded to play a video of himself working out next to a calendar showing how far ahead of the one-month mark he is actually working out? Yes, ultimately, the measure is what he brings on the ice come October, but he's making a move to show that he is committed to improving.


But come on, he's supposed to bring it on the ice, even though the team isn't currently on the ice. :rolleyes:


Some people will complain about everything. Granted, the last two years don't help with that, but certain people are hopeless when it comes to things like this. I can't wait until next week when Rivet cures cancer. The complaints will be hilarious.

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As much as I like Rivet, I wonder where he disappeared to from about the 2nd week of the season until Jerry Sullivan called him out in the snooze. He had streches where his grit was finer than a 220 sandpaper. At times I felt Lydman was our most physical defender.


Didn't he say at the end of the season that he had been fighting various injuries all season long because he was trying to play through them and it was hurting his game? Maybe this is the point, that he wants to be in better shape so he doesn't fall victim to any of the nagging injuries that gave him problems this season.

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??????? 'splain please......inadequate.....nervous....????


Well, he started off his Sabre career by saying he wasn't thrilled to be traded here. The season itself was very average. After the season he tried to cover his tracks by revealing that he was injured and unable to give 100%. There's a nice cliche for ya carp. Now he wants to get credit for working out early in the offseason.


They'll never cure cancer. There's too much money in it.

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Didn't he say at the end of the season that he had been fighting various injuries all season long because he was trying to play through them and it was hurting his game? Maybe this is the point, that he wants to be in better shape so he doesn't fall victim to any of the nagging injuries that gave him problems this season.


Then by playing he was in effect making the team weaker. Don't they always say you play 100% or if you play scared then you will get hurt?


Look this is the NHL you bring your effen A game everynight not just when you feel "OK". Not that I am disagreing with your point. But it just sounds like more of the crap that should have been listed under the excuse thread.

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Well, he started off his Sabre career by saying he wasn't thrilled to be traded here. The season itself was very average. After the season he tried to cover his tracks by revealing that he was injured and unable to give 100%. There's a nice cliche for ya carp. Now he wants to get credit for working out early in the offseason.


They'll never cure cancer. There's too much money in it.



Sorry for the double post but you are spot on with this one you crotchety old bastage.

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Then by playing he was in effect making the team weaker. Don't they always say you play 100% or if you play scared then you will get hurt?


Look this is the NHL you bring your effen A game everynight not just when you feel "OK". Not that I am disagreing with your point. But it just sounds like more of the crap that should have been listed under the excuse thread.


Of course. I don't disagree with that. But prove to me that he was playing scared? He might have been hurting but I don't think you could describe him as scared. And when you look at our defensive corps and the fact that he had a C slapped on him as soon as he walked in the door, don't you think maybe he felt responsibility to try and be a leader, a beacon of strength, even if he wasn't 100%?


If this were a better team, I would say Rivet playing hurt may have harmed the Sabres chances of making the playoffs, but I don't think him trying to tough it out cost us anything this season.


I think Rivet is a sincere guy. I think he knows he could have been better this season and wants to turn it around next season. Why wouldn't he want to try and increase his value? And if he can do something good with that C in the process, well why fault him for it? I bet Roy has been hangin' out on Chippewa face down in the street every night since the last game and Pommers has been right there filling up on La Nova's and cupping balls.

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Rivet was an okay defenseman, and a good player to have in the rotation. And if he wants to improve his play, that's great.


But as captain, working out isn't going to help. This team doesn't need a buddy or an example, it needs a locker room leader. If he wants to improve that part of his game, he needs to start making things uncomfortable for players who fail to exert their maximum effort in games.


It doesn't look like he has this in him. I doubt he's going to go to management after his workouts this offseason to tell them to kick the floaters off the team, like Drury did with Satan.


Regier needs to aquire a veteren (or two) who is willing to make life miserable for the passengers on the team.

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Well, he started off his Sabre career by saying he wasn't thrilled to be traded here. The season itself was very average. After the season he tried to cover his tracks by revealing that he was injured and unable to give 100%. There's a nice cliche for ya carp. Now he wants to get credit for working out early in the offseason.


They'll never cure cancer. There's too much money in it.

He wasn't thrilled to be traded, not because he was coming here.

News article:

?I?m not going to lie. I wasn?t happy about being moved,? Rivet said by telephone. ?It wasn?t the point of me going to Buffalo. I didn?t care where I would have gone. I was leaving a place that I really enjoyed. I had a great setup, and now that?s done. Now, I have to start over. We?ve heard great things about Buffalo. We?re excited.?He was in the process of building a home, who would want to move after all that effort?


He didn't just "reveal" he was injured. He was out with his knee in October and his shoulder in November. We all knew he was hurt, it's no surprise.


Credit? What "credit" is he asking for? If you were asked if you were a grouchy old coot you'd say "yes". And we'd give you "credit" for it? Please. He answered a question honestly.


And if you think curing cancer itself isn't worth some bucks I've got some prime real estate in Florida for ya.

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After the season he tried to cover his tracks by revealing that he was injured and unable to give 100%.


13 year vets on D are never 100% ...... he might not be your idea of a captain, but I would say he has always left it out there.


His body was not 100% ....I never had the impression his effort wasn't.

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Rivet was an okay defenseman, and a good player to have in the rotation. And if he wants to improve his play, that's great.


But as captain, working out isn't going to help. This team doesn't need a buddy or an example, it needs a locker room leader. If he wants to improve that part of his game, he needs to start making things uncomfortable for players who fail to exert their maximum effort in games.


It doesn't look like he has this in him. I doubt he's going to go to management after his workouts this offseason to tell them to kick the floaters off the team, like Drury did with Satan.


Regier needs to aquire a veteren (or two) who is willing to make life miserable for the passengers on the team.


I think part of Rivet's problem this season is that we know he's dealing with locker room brats. If he's hurting and not playing 100%, they all know it. How can you ask players to play harder if you can't do it yourself? A team like this needs to be led by example. Drury wasn't vocal in the locker room either, but he led by example. I don't feel like Craig is extremely vocal either and it hurt him this season to not be able to lead from the front.


Everyone here always demands action over words. Well when the only leader on the team wasn't able to lead by example all season, how can you fault him for wanting to make sure he'll be better able to in the future?


This says to me that he knows how he needs to lead this team and he knows he was unable to last season. And he also knows that at this point, it will be more of the same in 09-10, where he is the only one leading and that he has to be ready to be the only one in charge.


Rivet can be a good captain, but he needs some good A's to be able to step in when he is unable to. There's a certain amount of respect to be had by one who isn't viewed as a hypocrite.

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Everyone here always demands action over words. Well when the only leader on the team wasn't able to lead by example all season, how can you fault him for wanting to make sure he'll be better able to in the future?


True, and to be perfectly honest I don't fault him at all, it's just that with anything else on this team, I've grown utterly numb and indifferent to anything that doesn't happen on the ice or in the locker room during a game.


I guess my problem is that until I see improvement on the ice, I don't care in the slightest who's working out, who's golfing, who's getting hammered, who's walking the dog, and who's getting their nails done.


We don't need Rivet working out a month early, we need half the brat pack shipped the heck out of here, and replaced with guys who aren't lazy and full of themselves. I'd take call-ups from Portland to replace them if they fit that description, that's how sick of I am of the Rochester Boys.


Rivet deserves some credit for being pissed at himself, but I'd be a lot happier if I knew Darcy was trying his damndest to unload some passengers, even for draftpicks.

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True, and to be perfectly honest I don't fault him at all, it's just that with anything else on this team, I've grown utterly numb and indifferent to anything that doesn't happen on the ice or in the locker room during a game.


I guess my problem is that until I see improvement on the ice, I don't care in the slightest who's working out, who's golfing, who's getting hammered, who's walking the dog, and who's getting their nails done.


We don't need Rivet working out a month early, we need half the brat pack shipped the heck out of here, and replaced with guys who aren't lazy and full of themselves. I'd take call-ups from Portland to replace them if they fit that description, that's how sick of I am of the Rochester Boys.


Rivet deserves some credit for being pissed at himself, but I'd be a lot happier if I knew Darcy was trying his damndest to unload some passengers, even for draftpicks.


I do agree. Rivet working out early isn't going to solve the Sabres' real problems, but he's the only guy who's talk I haven't grown tired of, mainly because he doesn't do a lot of talking. If this were Pommers or Stafford or Roy, I would be indifferent with you. I'm not ready to give up on Rivet quite yet.

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