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Breaking News- Plane crash in Buffalo

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The woman who lived in the house and survived is on WBEN right now. Remarkable that she was in the back of the house, her daughter was in the front and both survived. She suspects that her husband(who did not survive) was somewhere in between them in the middle of the house.



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The woman who lived in the house and survived is on WBEN right now. Remarkable that she was in the back of the house, her daughter was in the front and both survived. She suspects that her husband(who did not survive) was somewhere in between them in the middle of the house.




I'm listening to the replay now. Simply stunning.

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This is usually "urban legend" surrounding every single plane crash. The mind can't process what it just saw. I just wish people who didn't see anything would shut up and stay off TV. And I wish the cameras would stay away from the families.


Thoughts and best wishes to WNY from your friends south of the border.

This is one of those times I'll agree with absolutely everything you say PA.


Counselors at college today really helped us.



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The Buffalo News is reporting 4 people from my wife's work were on board.....Damn....


UPDATE: One of the guys was my old boss when I used to work there and another was a very well liked individual.....Unfortunately, the other 2 started working there after I left the company, so I did not know them.....I'm in shock more than anything and my wife is quite upset.....



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I was in complete shock when I learned of this horrific event this morning. My thoughts and prayers go to all people who have some type of relation to this tragedy.


It really shows how a number of things in our lives don't have true importance or value. Hockey is an example.


I couldn't have said it better. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who may have been directly or in-directly effected by this terrible event.

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Among the eyewitnesses to the crash of Continental Flight 3407 were several members of the Buffalo Sabres, who reported for their morning skate today in HSBC Arena still shaken by what they saw and heard Thursday night in their suburban neighborhood.


The Sabres meet the San Jose Sharks, the top team in the National Hockey League, tonight at 7:30 and the game will be played as scheduled. Several members of the team live in Clarence Center and the nearby Spaulding Lake subdivision in Clarence.


"I heard the plane coming," defenseman Teppo Numminen said. "I was in my bed and I heard it and thought it sounded really weird, really close to us. Then I heard a little poof afterwards and I was thinking, "That doesn't sound good, doesn't sound right.' So I looked out of my window and I saw the red sky and I knew something was wrong."


"I heard the fire trucks and amublances coming and I remembered that it was pretty bad weather when I was driving home for dinner," added defenseman Jaroslav Spacek. "I thought maybe it was some car accident or something happened but I turned the news on and I saw the plane crash and I was like, "Wow.' I looked at the window and saw the flames. It was scary.


"You saw the smoke and they were talking about a small plane and then you hear 50-80 people might be on it and you're thinking, "Wow, that's not a small plane at all.'?" Spacek and defenseman Toni Lydman both said they got frantic text messages from relatives in the Czech Republic and Finland to make sure they were OK.


"My wife's sister was texting us," Lydman said. "She's been to our place, so she knows how small Clarence Center actually is. They were worried. It was really too close, you know."


"We talked to each other in the neighborhood to make sure everybody was OK," Spacek said. "It's a big tragedy for everybody. You think about how big the country is and something happens like that 800 yards from your home. You've got to think about it. Everything stops. It's not about hockey. It's about the lives and about the people here in Buffalo first."


Backup goaltender Patrick Lalime said his brother-in-law was visiting his home less than a mile from the scene and saw the plane on its descent.


"He just ran inside and he was scared because it was coming down," Lalime said. "We thought something would happen and a couple seconds later we saw a big ball of fire not even a mile down the road. .?.?. As we went back outside we saw fire everywhere and we called 911 to make sure. They already knew what happened."


Speaking in a voice choked with emotion, a red-eyed coach Lindy Ruff said he addressed the team before its morning workout about keeping the game in perspective.


"It's an incredibly sad day for our city and we've talked about it that this is going to reach and touch a lot of people," said Ruff, who lives a couple of miles from the site in Clarence. "You've got to get through it. It's an area where a lot of us live. Everybody is going to know somebody that's touched by this. It's a tough day for Buffalo. First and foremost, it's all about the families of the people that were lost and all our feelings go out to them first. When it comes to something like this, it's a tremendous tragedy."




Just a sad, sad day for WNY. :(

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I have been following the crash progress closely due to my Clarence Center connection, etc. This song has just stuck with me over the last couple days, thought I'd share in relation to the terrible event. The game last night was a sign of luck, chance and abit of destiny to add to this experience.


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ThX9_Zu1c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ThX9_Zu1c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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