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Walker sucker punches Jovanovski


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Pretty nasty:

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I guess my definition is a little different.

Maybe not a true sucker punch where the guy isn't expecting anything, but in general, if the other guy hasn't dropped his gloves, it's still a sucker punch. A fight in hockey involves to guys with there gloves off.

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I guess my definition is a little different.

My definition is the same as yours then. The reason he still had two hands on the stick was because he never let go of it when he punched Walker in the face. Pwned.

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Like I said, not a true sucker punch like Nichol on Spacek or Bertuzzi on Moore, but you can't drop your gloves and start punching somebody that has two gloves on and his stick in both hands, either. Jovanovski didn't punch him, he gave him a little cross-check to his upper chest. His right hand didn't contact anything so it continued a little further than his left, but it was still just a crosscheck. I'm sure Jovanovski was thinking that it could end up being a fight and, knowing him, he wouldn't have had a problem with that, but you still have to wait until the other guy drops.


That said, I didn't post this to start a debate about what is or is not a (borderline) "sucker punch".

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It was a 5-0 game at the time if I am correct. Jovo wasn't gonna fight in that situation. Walker knew he f'd up after seeing the result.


It wasn't a classic sucker but still. This is like Crosby too. Jumping guys before they are fully ready. Man up, square up and go but none of this jumping the gun stuff.

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While it may not be considered a sucker punch it is a cheap shot by hockey standards. In the Laraque story that someone posted he mentions this specific scenario.




Which brings me to the next subject: The Code. The Code is unwritten -- everyone knows it, but not everyone follows it, and those who don't are not respected. When you retire, respect is all you have left, and you want people to say that you were honourable at all times. At least I do.


The Code says things like:


* not fighting a guy at the end of his shift


* not jumping guys to get a head start


* never punch a guy when he's down (that's the most important thing for me; players -- and referees -- know I never do)


* and, especially, don't celebrate after a fight. You see that stuff a lot in junior hockey, but for guys who do it in the NHL, it's embarrassing and shows no respect for the other guy. Remember that everything you do comes back to you; you do that, it will happen to you because everyone is watching and talking!

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While it may not be considered a sucker punch it is a cheap shot by hockey standards. In the Laraque story that someone posted he mentions this specific scenario.




Which brings me to the next subject: The Code. The Code is unwritten -- everyone knows it, but not everyone follows it, and those who don't are not respected. When you retire, respect is all you have left, and you want people to say that you were honourable at all times. At least I do.


The Code says things like:


* not fighting a guy at the end of his shift


* not jumping guys to get a head start


* never punch a guy when he's down (that's the most important thing for me; players -- and referees -- know I never do)


* and, especially, don't celebrate after a fight. You see that stuff a lot in junior hockey, but for guys who do it in the NHL, it's embarrassing and shows no respect for the other guy. Remember that everything you do comes back to you; you do that, it will happen to you because everyone is watching and talking!


Not that I would usually disagree with many of the well respected posters here but I do have too agree with Carp on this one and was going to use same material but the rookie here beat me to it right out of Laraques Blog on "the code..." Well played amacc.

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Not that I would usually disagree with many of the well respected posters here but I do have too agree with Carp on this one and was going to use same material but the rookie here beat me to it right out of Laraques Blog on "the code..." Well played amacc.


that's fine. however, I would just say it was more a breach of etiquette or "code" than a sucker punch. Sucker punches come when you don't see them or you are unable to defend yourself.

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It was a 5-0 game at the time if I am correct. Jovo wasn't gonna fight in that situation. Walker knew he f'd up after seeing the result.


It wasn't a classic sucker but still. This is like Crosby too. Jumping guys before they are fully ready. Man up, square up and go but none of this jumping the gun stuff.


The problem is that people now a days are antagonizing and then not dropping the gloves when the other player does. I hate to say it, but we have seen plenty of this on the Sabres this year. Maybe it's a smart play from a tactical standpoint, but from a hockey standpoint I think it sucks. If you're going to antagonize then drop the gloves.


So, while I think Walker should have waited for Jovanovski to drop them, he wasn't going to. He just wanted to take the punch and get the PP (IMO). Turned out it was a pretty hard punch. I can only hope that it was hard enough that next time he would rather fight than just take it.

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I can't believe I'm signing on for the first time in ages to jump in for SDS, but I am!


Jovanowski, Kaleta'd it. He took a hit into the boards, chopped back with his stick, Walker pushed back, Jovanowski comes at him with gear still on.....Jovanowski knows better than that and in my opinion is fully engaged, gloves or not. At 5-0 it is even MORE obvious things can get nasty.


Walker assumed that it was tango time. How many hundreds of times have we seen gloves fling in the air simultaneously as the fists fly?


The king of the early punch is Mair. If he can't get the first off before you, he comes with the left to try and get you off guard. I never laughed so hard as when Tootoo beat him to the draw last year. Someone studied some game film!

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that's fine. however, I would just say it was more a breach of etiquette or "code" than a sucker punch. Sucker punches come when you don't see them or you are unable to defend yourself.


I agree. I think Walker had every reason to believe it was go time....

Jovo was square in the offensive zone behind the goaltender (he's a defenseman) and crosschecked him in the yap.

There is no reason to be in that position which is why I think it was only a double minor for Walker.

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The king of the early punch is Mair. If he can't get the first off before you, he comes with the left to try and get you off guard. I never laughed so hard as when Tootoo beat him to the draw last year. Someone studied some game film!

Yeah, but Tootoo missed with that early shot. The reason that Mair lost is that he also missed with his first shot, but being more of a full swing (verses Tootoo's quick shot), it took him way off balance. He never got his feet back as Tootoo completely capitalized. (

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Jovo looked like he was doing his best Kaleta impression. He knew Walker was going to drop and he didn't seem to have any intention on dropping his gloves and got drilled for it. It was a little cheap, but if you're going to take that posture with someone, be ready to man up and go.

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