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Low-balling Gerbe?


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So, I was reading the latest article by Tim Schmitt about signing Gerbe as a top priority. At the end, it says that he's heard that the Sabres are sticking with their usual ways of tossing low-ball offers. Of course, as buyers, they'll start low, but it sounds like they're throwing out the usual non-starter offers like they always do. It sounds to me like now they're being just plain cheap. Isn't their supposed blueprint to sign young inexpensive talent to stay competitive. Compared with high priced free agents, Gerbe's contract can't possibly be that much even if his stock has soared. Freaking sign the kid to what he's worth for cryin' out loud already...which now is probably 1st round money...which is still cheap.

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Very, very dissapointing if this is true- I have heard of trying to negotiate, but this is ridiculous. Signing Vanek to that $7 mil a year

looks more and more like a simple reaction to fan anger rather than any attempt at being smart. Not good!!!

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I don't put too much stock in writers stating "facts" about contract negotiations. Usually, while they are on-going, neither side will discuss details.


That said, as long as he is playing in the AHL or lower, his salary is really low (less than $100k, I believe) regardless of how close they get to the maximum. If he proves he is good enough to play in the NHL, then he is probably worth any amount that the initial contract goes up to when he comes up to Buffalo (don't remember the maximum, but I believe its something like $650k or maybe $850k). With your top prospects, there isn't too much reason to argue to much over contract specifics, the maximum just isn't that high.

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Makes me very doubtful on their sincerity about signing Pominville or Miller. What kind of signal does it send to those guys already? It just looks like they're heading to an implosion despite their talk. All words, no action...as usual.

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I don't put too much stock in writers stating "facts" about contract negotiations. Usually, while they are on-going, neither side will discuss details.


That said, as long as he is playing in the AHL or lower, his salary is really low (less than $100k, I believe) regardless of how close they get to the maximum. If he proves he is good enough to play in the NHL, then he is probably worth any amount that the initial contract goes up to when he comes up to Buffalo (don't remember the maximum, but I believe its something like $650k or maybe $850k). With your top prospects, there isn't too much reason to argue to much over contract specifics, the maximum just isn't that high.


This is the part specifically that got to me:

he's heard that the Sabres are sticking with their usual ways of tossing low-ball offers.


No matter who it is, this will only hurt us when it comes to helping our team!

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Makes me very doubtful on their sincerity about signing Pominville or Miller. What kind of signal does it send to those guys already? It just looks like they're heading to an implosion despite their talk. All words, no action...as usual.


Now this is Schmitt we are talking about.


A bit of lazy journalism here methinks. A slur from "sources" is a bit

of a salacious bit, but he could have done better by using 1 sentence about

the entry level compensation parameters.


Don't work too hard, Timmy.

You can do better than that.

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I just read the whole article and "word has it ..." just doesn't cut it as good journalism. This is an alarmist piece. He says the Sabres have a reputation problem, but posting this without sources or quotes, and before any real time has passed to see if they get it done, only stokes the fires. I'm not saying that they have shown yet that they have changed, but come on, give 'em at least a little chance to prove it.

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Even if it was true, it doesn't mean a thing if Gerbe doesn't want to leave BC (hint, hint).



Makes me very doubtful on their sincerity about signing Pominville or Miller. What kind of signal does it send to those guys already? It just looks like they're heading to an implosion despite their talk. All words, no action...as usual.


So how exactly does low balling a 3 foot tall college player send established players like Pominville and Miller a bad message? You have a player with almost no leverage and then you have two with far more leverage (especially Miller). That's like comparing a Taro T post to a Deluca post.

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Even if it was true, it doesn't mean a thing if Gerbe doesn't want to leave BC (hint, hint).

So how exactly does low balling a 3 foot tall college player send established players like Pominville and Miller a bad message? You have a player with almost no leverage and then you have two with far more leverage (especially Miller). That's like comparing a Taro T post to a Deluca post.


The article wasn't just about Gerbe, but our rep man, our rep! :ph34r:


That's why he made that comment, and I agree with him- if we have the cheap rep, then free agents and those who have to deal with Darcy & Co will just say NO, and that's just intolerable.

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The article wasn't just about Gerbe, but our rep man, our rep! :ph34r:


That's why he made that comment, and I agree with him- if we have the cheap rep, then free agents and those who have to deal with Darcy & Co will just say NO, and that's just intolerable.


But how hard was it for Schmitt to write that the compensation limit for Gerbe

is $850,000 if he should stick with the team, and $62,000 per for minor league .

With a maximum bonus of 10%. That is the most he can be paid. Really. How hard is it? :wallbash:


He either. A) Doesn't know that. B) Knew it and chose not to disclose it.


Either way, it is crap journalism. Lazy, un-contextualized, un-sourced crap.


He's the fricking editor. :wallbash:

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Ok, I just read it and boy does my head hurt. I'm am now that much more dumb after reading that. I don't even know where to start, but I will say that the idea that Gerbe should be the key move this offseason is downright laughable.


Will all due respect to Gerbe - if he is INDEED the key move - Boy it's going to be another long season.

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1. I see no evidence of low offers to prospects. Pat Kaleta is the lowest paid Sabre. From nhlnumbers, here are the league-wide salaries. Pat's contract looks pretty cookie cutter, to me. Stafford makes just under $1M, and MacArthur has incentives that would get him to $700.


2. If they can minimize the cost of entry level talent, it leaves more for signing the Millers and Pominvilles. I see that as a good thing. Produce at the NHL level, and like Pominville, you'll get your due.


3. If Gerbe were a Sabre next year, we're in heap-big trouble. How many people would have to be hurt to call him up?

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If Schmitt's information is credible, then my point was that it really shouldn't be a big negiotiation to sign the kid for the max. It's just sounded like to me how much lower of an offer could they be fielding to make it a tough go of it. In terms of Miller and Pominville, it might appear as though that if the team makes signing a prospect a tough negotiation then what it's going to be like for them for big money. Probably Campbell-esque.

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I just don't see how anyone can get so worked up about "Word has it..."


First of all, why is "Word" only talking to Tim Schmitt? Only two people know what is going on, Regier and Gerbe's "agent" (or whatever they call those guys that in football and basketball would draw the wrath of the NCAA but somehow are OK for hockey and baseball players) ... We know Regier ain't talking ... so maybe "word" is the Gerbe camp, trying to get more leverage? So why not talk to the Buffalo News, really put the public heat on the Sabres? Why only talk to a not-so-respected, not-quite beat reporter at a paper no one in Buffalo really reads? And like Benedict said, even if they did that, all the heat in the world still can only get him $850,000 tops ... it just doesn't make sense. More likely the Sabres just didn't offer to max him out the very first time they sat down and Schmitt is overreacting.


All that aside, his position that they HAVE to sign him or it sends a bad message is crap. Obviously the kid is talented, but he led the country with 68 points ... last season T.J. Hensick led the nation with 69 points ... the Avs gave him $585K, $685K and $850K for 3 years ... if they hadn't and he became a free agent, would teams have been lining up to throw the entry-level max at the kid? Somehow I dount it. How many people even know who he is? So why should the Sabres max out a kid who is 5-foot-5 when everything in the league is trending back to bigger being better than faster? Yeah, Patrick Kane may be rookie of the year ... if Gerbe was Kane, he would not have been a 5th round pick. For better or worse, Gerbe still has a lot to prove because of his size. Maybe he will dominate at the world championships, but I doubt it. ... Come to think of it, if the Sabres offered a deal similar to Hensick's, wouldn't it be in Gerbe's best interests NOT to sign in case he DOES play well in this tournament? He can only improve his stock. If I'm the Sabres, I'd like to see him play in this thing against some actual NHL players before I panic and give him whatever he wants.

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There is no rush to get things done for either Gerbe or Kennedy. August would typically be the cut off point. You definitely won't be seeing much of anything right now since most schools are just weeks away from the end of the semester. These kids are focused on other things at this point. The family advisors (there's the title BTP) will still talk to the teams, but really, anything that goes on there should be kept away from the players for now.


Since the world championship has been mentioned, I'll throw this out there. Two college players participated in the camp for the event, Gerbe and BU's Matt Gilroy. Both are high profile juniors who have seen a lot of speculation of them jumping ship. Gilroy is a 23 year old free agent but has decided to stay for his senior year. So that's one player in a similar situation playing in the same city who opted for the college life over a big contract. Of course, Gilroy's brother will be a freshman this year, which I'm sure played a huge role, but it just goes to show you that Gerbe is no lock to leave.


Also, it doesn't appear that either player made the final roster. They're not listed on the USA hockey website.

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I just don't see how anyone can get so worked up about "Word has it..."


First of all, why is "Word" only talking to Tim Schmitt? Only two people know what is going on, Regier and Gerbe's "agent" (or whatever they call those guys that in football and basketball would draw the wrath of the NCAA but somehow are OK for hockey and baseball players) ... We know Regier ain't talking ... so maybe "word" is the Gerbe camp, trying to get more leverage? So why not talk to the Buffalo News, really put the public heat on the Sabres? Why only talk to a not-so-respected, not-quite beat reporter at a paper no one in Buffalo really reads? And like Benedict said, even if they did that, all the heat in the world still can only get him $850,000 tops ... it just doesn't make sense. More likely the Sabres just didn't offer to max him out the very first time they sat down and Schmitt is overreacting.


All that aside, his position that they HAVE to sign him or it sends a bad message is crap. Obviously the kid is talented, but he led the country with 68 points ... last season T.J. Hensick led the nation with 69 points ... the Avs gave him $585K, $685K and $850K for 3 years ... if they hadn't and he became a free agent, would teams have been lining up to throw the entry-level max at the kid? Somehow I dount it. How many people even know who he is? So why should the Sabres max out a kid who is 5-foot-5 when everything in the league is trending back to bigger being better than faster? Yeah, Patrick Kane may be rookie of the year ... if Gerbe was Kane, he would not have been a 5th round pick. For better or worse, Gerbe still has a lot to prove because of his size. Maybe he will dominate at the world championships, but I doubt it. ... Come to think of it, if the Sabres offered a deal similar to Hensick's, wouldn't it be in Gerbe's best interests NOT to sign in case he DOES play well in this tournament? He can only improve his stock. If I'm the Sabres, I'd like to see him play in this thing against some actual NHL players before I panic and give him whatever he wants.


Good post. Also, excellent avatar.


There is no rush to get things done for either Gerbe or Kennedy. August would typically be the cut off point. You definitely won't be seeing much of anything right now since most schools are just weeks away from the end of the semester. These kids are focused on other things at this point. The family advisors (there's the title BTP) will still talk to the teams, but really, anything that goes on there should be kept away from the players for now.


Since the world championship has been mentioned, I'll throw this out there. Two college players participated in the camp for the event, Gerbe and BU's Matt Gilroy. Both are high profile juniors who have seen a lot of speculation of them jumping ship. Gilroy is a 23 year old free agent but has decided to stay for his senior year. So that's one player in a similar situation playing in the same city who opted for the college life over a big contract. Of course, Gilroy's brother will be a freshman this year, which I'm sure played a huge role, but it just goes to show you that Gerbe is no lock to leave.


Also, it doesn't appear that either player made the final roster. They're not listed on the USA hockey website.


Also a good post.

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I do actually read the Gazette because I live in Lewiston, and while I definitely don't agree with Schmidt all the time, who cares? Even if he's not "in the know," what the hell does it sayy that outsiders are looking this team the same way? Are potential free agents "in the know?" Doubtful. And if the comments of Soupy, Grier and others seep into their consciousness, it's going to be a lot harder to bring anybody here than it already is.


Whether or not they're trying to "low ball" him or not, if they don't sign this guy, it's only going to continue to kill their cred throughout the league. Not to mention with a fanbase that's sick to its stomach already over what's happened here.


And as for the beat writer thing, does the owner of the team talk to the beat writer? or the hometown paper? Does the Russian player who has the longest tenure on the team? C'mon. Let's think about the message, rather than attack any messnger.

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I do actually read the Gazette because I live in Lewiston, and while I definitely don't agree with Schmidt all the time, who cares? Even if he's not "in the know," what the hell does it sayy that outsiders are looking this team the same way? Are potential free agents "in the know?" Doubtful. And if the comments of Soupy, Grier and others seep into their consciousness, it's going to be a lot harder to bring anybody here than it already is.


Whether or not they're trying to "low ball" him or not, if they don't sign this guy, it's only going to continue to kill their cred throughout the league. Not to mention with a fanbase that's sick to its stomach already over what's happened here.


And as for the beat writer thing, does the owner of the team talk to the beat writer? or the hometown paper? Does the Russian player who has the longest tenure on the team? C'mon. Let's think about the message, rather than attack any messnger.

My point about him not being a hometown beat reporter was in response to the idea put forth earlier in the thread that Gerbe had some sort of leverage and that by leaking info about the Sabres offer would somehow put heat on the Sabres. So, if they DID want to use the Sabres image as leverage and put heat on, they'd be better off going to Sully or Bucky. I'm not saying only the News guys know the team. But if SOMEONE is talking, and Schmitt implies that someone is by saying "Word has it ...", and that someone wants to put public pressure on the team, that someone is talking to the wrong reporter.


And again, if it is Gerbe's side talking, their idea of "lowballing" might be a contract similar to what the nation's leading scorer got last season. Just because the Sabres had a bad year in this department doesn't mean they should get stupid and throw extra money at a guy who there are still SERIOUS questions about given his size. Give it to Pommer and Miller and the fans will be just fine.

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This warrants a little respect and a nice starting point:



The goalie does look lame though...


form me, just a little - especially given that stupid, smug "holla atcha boy" thing at the end.


i'll also note, just fwiw, that gerbe's (arguably illegal) penalty shot was posted previously on this board and also re-broadcast by mike harrington on the bn's sabres edge blog.


for me, it's the jam/drive/desire that wee gerbe showed on the final goal of the championship game




that is more promising. (the pic shows the kid on his belly after he dove headlong to bang one home -- sorry, can't find a video clip.)

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A couple of things...


1. I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, nothing surprises me with the Sabres organization anymore when it comes to $$$.


2. I thought Tim Schmidt was the bass player for the Eagles. When did he switch careers? :D

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that is more promising. (the pic shows the kid on his belly after he dove headlong to bang one home -- sorry, can't find a video clip.)



The do a little section on Gerbe (note: you have to turn the volume WAY up to hear it) and show that goal, his second of the game, at 0:35. Also, check out his pass/assist at 1:21. What I liked was that with under 0:15 second left in a game where they had a big lead, he was on the ice (coach was probably trying to get him the hat trick) and he was still willing to go to the ice to block point shots. I don't like the hand thing from the SO goal, but the kid definitely has heart.

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