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Low-balling Gerbe?


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He did not question the direction, he questioned the "goal" which in my mind is a big distinction and troubling that after all this time that would be a question.

That being said, I agree that there are some who give Reiger too much of a free pass.


As far as spending the lock out doing nothing but scouting, after all that time Reiger picked Zagrapan number 1 and decided that Pominville wouldn't make it in the "new" NHL and put him on waivers in order to keep Andrew Peters.


I listened to an interview about that some time ago. I remember Darcy saying that everybody had their roster set coming out of the lockout, and Buffalo wasn't really on anyone's radar, so they gambled Jason would clear waivers but were extremely nervous about it.


There was quite a bit of speculation that Andrew Peter's wouldn't have cleared waivers and that Pittsburgh would have been happy to have him at the time for some protection for Crosby.


So it all worked out.

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All this talk about 'lowballing' gerbe is ridiculous. First of all, it's May. If it were August, I'd be wondering what's going on with the Gerbe talks. But even then, just because Gerbe had a great junior year does not mean he's worth considerably more than any other unproven pro prospect. Tim's article smacks of the same old whiny anti-management bias that have made Bucky Gleason so tiresome to read. IT'S EARLY. And yes, they DID sign Butler early. So what?

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