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Found this on the Thrashers message board. I was at the game and thought the Sabres fans were plenty loud, given the conditions (we never got the lead all game), and we made up only about 10% of the crowd. Is it just me or is this post ridiculous? How often do you have the visiting teams fans leaving an arena yelling and cheering after a LOSS?


If that's how you prove how good a fan you are, the Thrashers fans have a long way to go. They only cheered loud to try to drown us out, and their "lets go thrashers" chant was pathetic, sung like a school girls choir. Can't wait to see them in the playoffs and let them hear what LOUD means!




Re: We made this step! How are sabres fans tonight?

Posted: Mar 19, 2007 12:45 AM in response to: burkov Reply



"Man look we've played the Sabres obviously in years past and they've NEVER come out in droves like this or never been as obnoxious as they are this season. Do you think they'd come out in these kinds of numbers if they weren't in first place? No way. They are are so bandwagon it's not even funny. There were a bunch of 'em sitting a few rows in front of us today in 310 and they kept standing up and wouldn't sit down. Apparently their mama's just don't raise those Sabres fans right. I dunno what it is. But I do know that as soon as we won, they left QUIETLY... as quietly as a church mouse... they made no noise, no cheers, and they just left. They can dish it out, but oh they couldn't take the heat or the loss and just left as fast as possible. They can dish it out but they can't take some of their own medicine. If they were REALLY hardcore was they say they are, even though they lost, they'd still be yelling and cheering for their team, but no, they were as quiet as could be leaving Blueland. They were so quiet you barely knew they were there... and that was a GOOD thing! "

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We all know Sabres fans were there loud and proud, but who cares what some Atlanta fan thinks? Besides, there's no point in getting both of their fans all riled up now, Raelity...

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Re: We made this step! How are sabres fans tonight?

Posted: Mar 19, 2007 12:45 AM in response to: burkov Reply



"Man look we've played the Sabres obviously in years past and they've NEVER come out in droves like this or never been as obnoxious as they are this season. Do you think they'd come out in these kinds of numbers if they weren't in first place? No way. They are are so bandwagon it's not even funny. There were a bunch of 'em sitting a few rows in front of us today in 310 and they kept standing up and wouldn't sit down. Apparently their mama's just don't raise those Sabres fans right. I dunno what it is. But I do know that as soon as we won, they left QUIETLY... as quietly as a church mouse... they made no noise, no cheers, and they just left. They can dish it out, but oh they couldn't take the heat or the loss and just left as fast as possible. They can dish it out but they can't take some of their own medicine. If they were REALLY hardcore was they say they are, even though they lost, they'd still be yelling and cheering for their team, but no, they were as quiet as could be leaving Blueland. They were so quiet you barely knew they were there... and that was a GOOD thing! "


Hope they move to Winnipeg......losers

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They are right about the band wagoning thing. But i don't think the band wagoners are gonna make the trip to Atlanta. I know people who were at the Atlanta game. Actually they went on a road trip and went to all four road games. They're die hards. The band wagoners are the ones who go to the games this year but never did before. Ask em who Clint Malarchuk is and they look at you funny. They've never heard of Punch Imlach or Scotty Bowman. When they hear French Connection they spout "oh I just love Rick Martin!" even though they've never watched a highlight reel. I've never met the guy, but I know what he stands for. I wish I could have seen him play. The bandwagon chick just go "oh i like him cuz he's cute!". I can't stand the band wagoners. My first Sabres game was in supposed to be in December '96, but it was the game that the Jumbotron fell. That game got postponed until St. Patties day. We beat the Bruins 4-1 and Rob Ray broke 2000 Penalty Minutes. It was the best game I had ever went to and I was in 4th grade.


The past few years I've shelled out to go to a few games every season with my friend Amanda. It's our thing because we're both fanatics. You used to be able to get tickets to games.


Now all the band wagoners buy all the tickets and fans like us can't go to games. I wish I could spend the money to get tickets off of ebay, but I'm a broke college kid. I'd like to think I'll get to one game this year, but with everyone going "oooo I gotta go to Sabres games because that makes me cool!", I don't know if I'll get to one. I love how well the team is doing, I just wish people wouldn't use the fact that they're going to a game as a status thing. You go to watch the game, not just to say "Oh I was there!" meanwhile you know nothing about the sport.


end rant. :wallbash:


The thrashers wish they had fans like us. Though. They couldn't get band wagoners if they tried, so I guess it's a double edged sword. :beer:

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We all know Sabres fans were there loud and proud, but who cares what some Atlanta fan thinks?


Atlanta has fans?


Guess the corporate bigwigs had nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon than catch a free hockey game---


the rest of the city was probably watching NASCAR

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While I haven't been to a game in years, the stuff I see Sabres fans doing on TV in opposing arenas is obnoxious and it appears to be young kids (18-25) acting completely disrespectful.

Welcome to the new age of arena sports. Where the purpose seems to be turning every sports experience into the drunken NFL experience.


I like my beer. I just will never understand the need to power chug a 12 pack before every game. I hope that culture never takes full hold of the Sabre game experience. Turning into the Bills game day experience would just suck.

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Welcome to the new age of arena sports. Where the purpose seems to be turning every sports experience into the drunken NFL experience.


I like my beer. I just will never understand the need to power chug a 12 pack before every game. I hope that culture never takes full hold of the Sabre game experience. Turning into the Bills game day experience would just suck.

The Bills game day experience has become carnage bordering on Sodom and Gomorrah type stuff. If that is what the NHL is becoming then no thanks. I'll take my quaint little Amerks games.

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LOL -- criticizing opposing fans for not cheering after a loss? That's about the funniest thing I've ever read. They're really stretching.


I'm tellin' ya, it's a southern phenomenon...fans down here just don't understand the passion with which northern fans support their teams. I agree that some idiots go overboard, but in general the fans down here just bristle at the thought of the "enemy" invading their quiet afternoon or evening out with the toddlers.



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LOL -- criticizing opposing fans for not cheering after a loss? That's about the funniest thing I've ever read. They're really stretching.


I'm tellin' ya, it's a southern phenomenon...fans down here just don't understand the passion with which northern fans support their teams. I agree that some idiots go overboard, but in general the fans down here just bristle at the thought of the "enemy" invading their quiet afternoon or evening out with the toddlers.




Well, :censored: that one guy, and :censored: the 12 other people that share that opinion. That's really the appropriate answer here.


I took my 5 year old daughter to this game and she loved every second of it. She cheered her little heart out for the Sabres. Every single Thrashers fan I spoke to was cordial, polite, and at times - knowledgeable about the game. Just like the occasional Sabres fan is a drunken douche bag, the occasional Thrashers fan is pretentious, stereotypical, southern-fried douche bag.


I don't give a crap about the Trashers. I could care less if they win or lose. I don't wish for them to leave because that would kill my two trips to see my Sabres. There's no point in arguing who's the "better fan" in my mind because honestly I could care less. I got to see my team play twice this year, win once, nab a point the second time. Everything else is just noise.


I completley agree with the Bills game experience opinions floating around here. I don't understand the need to chug a beer-ball and puke all over the stadium. What the hell's the point?


Someone had something in similar to say in their blog last time... you know, typical killing babies stuff.



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Atlanta has fans?


Guess the corporate bigwigs had nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon than catch a free hockey game---


the rest of the city was probably watching NASCAR


That is exactely what has happened to the NHL. Corporate accounts in the boxes that have know idea what is going on, and know one is buying $14 nosebleeds.


You cant catch hockey talk in any other city than Buffalo. Here in Boston, NESN never talks Bruins, they talk Celtics alot, which are ten times worse than the Bruins. WFAN in NYC will do the occasional segments, but give the same time to boxing :blink:


I actually like hockey being a small time sport of the major 4, but dont like the PHX,Anahiem,nASSVILLE, and cities that do not deserve teams because of attendance.


Watching 75% of other cities on Center Ice is pathetic sometimes, boring announcers with nothing interesting to say, and quiet building because the fans dont know what to watch for or appreciate the game.

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Do you think they'd come out in these kinds of numbers if they weren't in first place? No way. They are are so bandwagon it's not even funny...


Apparently their mama's just don't raise those Sabres fans right.

Apparently their mamas just don't teach them proper grammar. There's no apostrophe in mama's, unless you're talking about something owned by mama.


As for the bandwagon claim.... it's more like this: If the Sabres come to play locally and they're just doing so-so, I might follow the game but maybe no go through the expense of getting tickets and going. But this year I think a lot of people who normally wouldn't attend games are going the extra mile because the Sabres are having such a good year. Was I a Sabres fan two years ago? Sure. But would I spend the expense to go to a game two or three years ago? Probably not. If they had come to Dallas this year, though, I would have made more of an effort to go.

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Has there ever been a Thrashers fan inside of HSBC Arena?

I sat in the nosebleeds last year around the holidays, didnt see any. Kovalchuk is starting to be a punk but is why I went to see the Sabres play them, and they were atop of Eastern Conference last year too. (Bure-esque with a temper)

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I have been to every Sabres game in Atlanta and I have nothing but good behavior by Sabres fans. If anything I have seen Thrashers fans act like punk rednecks, like the moron who was sitting across from me Sunday and made a complete jackass of himself in front of his family.


ANother disturbing thing I have seen at Thrashers games is that the Jumbotron and PA announcers fire off insulting barbs against the Sabres, the city of Buffalo, and Buffalonians....anyone else notice this?


I believe the Thrashers are a cracker jack organization which is so wrapped up in its own insecurities as a relative neophyte that is has to resort to making fun of the opposing team. Why not let your team speak for itself? Because it's easier (and more entertaining) to resort to the lowest common denominator. You would never see this bull - - - - at a Sabres game or any other old school northern city for that matter.

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I have been to every Sabres game in Atlanta and I have nothing but good behavior by Sabres fans. If anything I have seen Thrashers fans act like punk rednecks, like the moron who was sitting across from me Sunday and made a complete jackass of himself in front of his family.


ANother disturbing thing I have seen at Thrashers games is that the Jumbotron and PA announcers fire off insulting barbs against the Sabres, the city of Buffalo, and Buffalonians....anyone else notice this?


I believe the Thrashers are a cracker jack organization which is so wrapped up in its own insecurities as a relative neophyte that is has to resort to making fun of the opposing team. Why not let your team speak for itself? Because it's easier (and more entertaining) to resort to the lowest common denominator. You would never see this bull - - - - at a Sabres game or any other old school northern city for that matter.


I will never understand why we care what people write on other message boards. C'mon people, are we really this sensitive to what opposing fans think? Would it be any different if they came to this board and saw some of what's spouted out here about their teams? Why don't we stick to talking about our team and leave the other fans to their team?


As far as the Jumbotron this goes, I was at the game and they put up a picture of a banana with horns on it that was pretty funny. Also, after some good natured ribbing about our team, they also mentioned that we were the best team in the East, so let's not blow things out of proportion here.

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They are right about the band wagoning thing. But i don't think the band wagoners are gonna make the trip to Atlanta. I know people who were at the Atlanta game. Actually they went on a road trip and went to all four road games. They're die hards. The band wagoners are the ones who go to the games this year but never did before. Ask em who Clint Malarchuk is and they look at you funny. They've never heard of Punch Imlach or Scotty Bowman. When they hear French Connection they spout "oh I just love Rick Martin!" even though they've never watched a highlight reel. I've never met the guy, but I know what he stands for. I wish I could have seen him play. The bandwagon chick just go "oh i like him cuz he's cute!". I can't stand the band wagoners. My first Sabres game was in supposed to be in December '96, but it was the game that the Jumbotron fell. That game got postponed until St. Patties day. We beat the Bruins 4-1 and Rob Ray broke 2000 Penalty Minutes. It was the best game I had ever went to and I was in 4th grade.


The past few years I've shelled out to go to a few games every season with my friend Amanda. It's our thing because we're both fanatics. You used to be able to get tickets to games.


Now all the band wagoners buy all the tickets and fans like us can't go to games. I wish I could spend the money to get tickets off of ebay, but I'm a broke college kid. I'd like to think I'll get to one game this year, but with everyone going "oooo I gotta go to Sabres games because that makes me cool!", I don't know if I'll get to one. I love how well the team is doing, I just wish people wouldn't use the fact that they're going to a game as a status thing. You go to watch the game, not just to say "Oh I was there!" meanwhile you know nothing about the sport.


end rant. :wallbash:


The thrashers wish they had fans like us. Though. They couldn't get band wagoners if they tried, so I guess it's a double edged sword. :beer:


So when you first started watching the Sabres, you also could be called a bandwagoner, you never watched them before?

So what if people are starting to watch the Sabres, maybe even for the first time!! So what, who cares!!! Everyone starts somewhere! I have been around since the Sabres first made their appearance into the NHL, and I welcome new fans and I don't offend them by calling them bandwagoners! My son is 16 and just started watching the Sabres because we live in Philly and didn't get a lot of game before the NHL Center ice package, is he a bandwagoner too...I don't think so!!! I am so tired of people who think they are entitled to label people because they have been watching the Sabres for a few more years than someone else!

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They are right about the band wagoning thing. But i don't think the band wagoners are gonna make the trip to Atlanta. I know people who were at the Atlanta game. Actually they went on a road trip and went to all four road games. They're die hards. The band wagoners are the ones who go to the games this year but never did before. Ask em who Clint Malarchuk is and they look at you funny. They've never heard of Punch Imlach or Scotty Bowman. When they hear French Connection they spout "oh I just love Rick Martin!" even though they've never watched a highlight reel. I've never met the guy, but I know what he stands for. I wish I could have seen him play. The bandwagon chick just go "oh i like him cuz he's cute!". I can't stand the band wagoners. My first Sabres game was in supposed to be in December '96, but it was the game that the Jumbotron fell. That game got postponed until St. Patties day. We beat the Bruins 4-1 and Rob Ray broke 2000 Penalty Minutes. It was the best game I had ever went to and I was in 4th grade.


One of my first games (it's kinda fuzzy going back almost 30 years) was a home game in the Aud against the Atlanta Flames. We won 6-2 and Rick Martin had a hat trick. Needless to say, Martin was my favorite for years. He was a great player.

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I will never understand why we care what people write on other message boards. C'mon people, are we really this sensitive to what opposing fans think? Would it be any different if they came to this board and saw some of what's spouted out here about their teams? Why don't we stick to talking about our team and leave the other fans to their team?


As far as the Jumbotron this goes, I was at the game and they put up a picture of a banana with horns on it that was pretty funny. Also, after some good natured ribbing about our team, they also mentioned that we were the best team in the East, so let's not blow things out of proportion here.


You have your opinion, I have mine. I guess you missed the "good natured ribbing" about the women of Buffalo? My point is that you would never see this type of "entertainment" in cities like Buffalo, Toronto, or Montreal, who let the game speak for itself. My opinion is also an observation of how classless some parts of our society have become, where taste is an afterthought.


That's it, I'm off my soapbox.

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You have your opinion, I have mine. I guess you missed the "good natured ribbing" about the women of Buffalo? My point is that you would never see this type of "entertainment" in cities like Buffalo, Toronto, or Montreal, who let the game speak for itself. My opinion is also an observation of how classless some parts of our society have become, where taste is an afterthought.


That's it, I'm off my soapbox.


Want to make yourself feel better? Next time a Thrashers fan gives you grief remind them the Sabres won the series with 6 points out of 8 while the Thrashers only got 5. That's what I said to all the Rangers fans who were ragging me on the way out of MSG after a shootout loss. Sadly only a couple of them understood what I meant by points.


You could also ask them what their franchise record is in the playoffs.

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The Bills game day experience has become carnage bordering on Sodom and Gomorrah type stuff. If that is what the NHL is becoming then no thanks. I'll take my quaint little Amerks games.


Wow, what Bills games are you attending? The place has become downright corporate over recent years.

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