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Patrick Kaleta called up


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Whoo Hoo! Go Kaleta! Waterboy! Waterboy!


These injuries suck, but I think this adversity now will help this team forget all this All-Star and frontrunner press they've been getting. Looks like most, if not all, the boys will be back in time for the playoffs. Plus, our Amerks get meaningful game experience down the stretch against hungry competition. I hate to say it, but this might be just what the team needed to regain their collective moxy.


Hmm, you have a good point. This might be exactly what they needed, especially if all the players are back in time for the playoffs like they are hoping.... Afinogenov, Kotalik, Novotny, Paille.


Leaving aside the very fair question of whether the amerks are a real team in a real league vs just being a farm team -- I'm curious as to the specifics of the agreement that you are referring to. Can you provide some detail? I find it hard to believe that the Sabres/Darcy/Quinn are simply reneging on a contract and telling the amerks to go jump in a lake. If there is some kind of "escape clause", it's quite likely that it is something that the parties agreed to in order to cover the kind of extreme situation the sabres now find themselves in. On the other hand, I don't know anything about it.


Here it is....




Under the terms of the affiliation agreement, the Sabres must find at least two more players before the Amerks play Wednesday at home against the San Antonio Rampage. Amerks president Steve Donner said Buffalo must bring in players if they fall below 10 for more than two games. There were only nine Buffalo players on the roster Friday and Saturday.


The Sabres have no other players under contract. Donner said that general manager Jody Gage will likely discuss replacements with the Sabres today.


The Panthers are willing to fill some gaps in the short term but can't raid the ECHL's Florida Everblades.

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Is it true that the Sabres have no one in the ECHL under contract?


Nope, Berkhoel was their only one....


Donner and Amerks are SOL. Sorry.



mikey- The Sabres didn't have til Wed. They broke the rule on Sunday and they could careless. They got more to worry about in Buffalo right now then in Rochester. Trust me, Darcy isn't happy with Kaleta playing regular shifts vs. Ottawa just like Donner isn't happy being shorthanded.


Amerks had 9 on Friday and Saturday and 8 on Sunday.... today will be the 4th game and 2nd game in a row the rule was broken. Tuff luck Amerk fans.

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as far as I know.

Berkhoel, who was just called up to the Amerks. :doh:


Calm down..... take a deep breath and realize the Amerks are just an developmental team. Who could have guessed we'd have a guy hurt in each of the last 5 games? Please.... sh!t happens man, move on and deal with it.

The Sabres are contractually obligated to supply players. If the shoe was on the other foot, like the Amerks benching Sabres prospects in lieu of Panthers prospects, the Sabres fans would be crying foul.

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Berkhoel, who was just called up to the Amerks. :doh:

The Sabres are contractually obligated to supply players. If the shoe was on the other foot, like the Amerks benching Sabres prospects in lieu of Panthers prospects, the Sabres fans would be crying foul.


I knew about Berkhoel, the goalie that was just called up to back our backup, but I didn't remember his name.


As for the rest....good post! The Sabres fans would be bitching left and right! <_<

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Amerks had 9 on Friday and Saturday and 8 on Sunday.... today will be the 4th game and 2nd game in a row the rule was broken. Tuff luck Amerk fans.

Perhaps in the future, this will be remembered and the Sabres will have to ship their prospects to San Antonio or wherever.


You are bent out of shape about minor league developmental hockey. It serves its purpose to develop NHL caliber talent. Not to win AHL championships.


Quit yer whining.

Yes, so Buffalo should spurn them at every opportunity. God knows good working relationships with a minor league team that is 60 miles away are easy to come by. <_<


F the Amerks. Their whole reason for existing is to train players to play in the NHL.


Anyone of those players would turn their back on the Amerks in a heartbeat to have a chance to play at the NHL level.

Yes. This has nothing to do with Buffalo's obligation to suppy the Amerks with players. Would it be so hard to get some players floating around in the ECHL or wherever that would welcome an opportunity to play in the "A"?


This thread is freaking hilarious. I can't believe anyone would seriously raise the suggestion that an NHL franchise should not call up players from its' minor league affiliate because doing so will hurt the affiliate's chance of winning a minor league trophy.

I don't believe Mikey's intentions were to have the Sabres not call up players, but rather just throw the Amerks a bone and supply a player or two in return.




Hi Patrick, this is Darcy Regier.


Hello Mr. Regier, it's nice to hear from you.


Patrick, I'm sure you've heard about all the injuries we've been suffering.


Yes sir, I have.


Well Patrick, the time has come for you to report to Buffalo. We have a game against our archenemies the Senators on Thursday night. How soon can you be here?


Well sir, I've been thinking about it for awhile now, and I just don't think it would be fair to all the Amerks fans if I were to leave right now. I'll pass.


You'll what?




You realize that we may NEVER call you again and we'll probably trade you to the Florida Panthers for a bag of pucks, right?


Yes sir. Thank you sir.

Get a grip, Mikey. No player in the history of the AHL, IHL, ECHL, the Federal League, or the Iron League would ever respond to any NHL GM in this manner.


Like I said before, F the Amerks. This isn't about the Calder Cup, the AVCO Cup, the Grey Cup, or my hockey cup; it's about the STANLEY CUP, the most revered trophy in all of sports, and the most difficult to win.



It's nice to see it took less than 10 posts to reach this level of obsurdity.

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Perhaps in the future, this will be remembered and the Sabres will have to ship their prospects to San Antonio or wherever.

Yes, so Buffalo should spurn them at every opportunity. God knows good working relationships with a minor league team that is 60 miles away are easy to come by. <_<

Yes. This has nothing to do with Buffalo's obligation to suppy the Amerks with players. Would it be so hard to get some players floating around in the ECHL or wherever that would welcome an opportunity to play in the "A"?

I don't believe Mikey's intentions were to have the Sabres not call up players, but rather just throw the Amerks a bone and supply a player or two in return.

It's nice to see it took less than 10 posts to reach this level of obsurdity.


At least someone else understands it. :thumbsup:

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The Sabres are contractually obligated to supply players. If the shoe was on the other foot, like the Amerks benching Sabres prospects in lieu of Panthers prospects, the Sabres fans would be crying foul.


That's not exactly apples to apples, Ink. If the Sabres are breaking a contract, the Amerks must have some sort of recourse, and if they feel they are being wronged, they will certainly act on it. But IF there IS an escape clause in case of injury emergency, which is what this is, then it is part of the contract that BOTH teams agreed to. It comes with the territory of being a minor league team. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just a fact, The Bisons have lost chances at championships because the Indians were forced to raid them. It is part of the deal that the Amerks went into with thier eyes wide open. I can't believe anyone in Rochester is even making an issue out of it with regard to the Sabres screwing them. It agree it sucks for them, but would 5 stiffs from the ECHL really make them feel better? If they want to guard against it, they should sign some AHL vets to contracts instead of relying entirely on NHL prospects. That's what the Bisons did ... of course as soon as a major league job opened, that guy could bolt, so there is risk either way.


Not to mention the fact that it is the SABRES who are PAYING THE COACHING STAFF that is doing such a good job of developing these guys. Let's not make it sound like the Amerks are martyrs here, the Sabres are bankrolling their business to a large extent, this is one of the freak risks that goes along with that.

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Yes, so Buffalo should spurn them at every opportunity. God knows good working relationships with a minor league team that is 60 miles away are easy to come by.


Not what I'm suggesting. Gimme a break... this is ridiculous. They have a fantastic working relationship... things are just a little bumpy at the moment.


The Sabres have a laundry list of injuries, they aren't deliberately forcing this upon the Amerks. This whole conversation is about has ridiculous as Darcy not have 15 NHL caliber D-men playing in the minors, so the Sabres don't have a replay of last year against Carolina.

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LOL! I knew you people wouldn't understand it. If you actually spent the time to read my post...you'd know what I really said. They can call up a player whenever they are needed. BUT they also should replace that player with another player from the ECHL or somewhere else.

When you have this many injuries, someone's bound to get the shaft. You say Buffalo should replace their players. I agree. But that player has to come from somewhere. Unless they sign someone new, a team has to get the shaft down the line. I do agree they should keep the Amerks restocked if at all possible, but their situation right now is approaching absurdity.


BTW, the AHL is a development league. It's the same thing for every minor league. Granted, for some players that's all they see, so it's more than that to them. However, these leagues are designed to develop talent. As far as your playoff and Cup argument, that also falls within the whole development concept. The more clutch, high stress situations the better these players can learn to handle it when it really counts, and shine. I followed the Amerks as religiously as I follow the Sabres during the lockout season. I know that the players and fans can be just as passionate for the AHL, but that doesn't make it any less of primarily a development league.

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I don't mean that as an insult, it's just a fact, The Bisons have lost chances at championships because the Indians were forced to raid them. It is part of the deal that the Amerks went into with thier eyes wide open. I can't believe anyone in Rochester is even making an issue out of it with regard to the Sabres screwing them. It agree it sucks for them, but would 5 stiffs from the ECHL really make them feel better? If they want to guard against it, they should sign some AHL vets to contracts instead of relying entirely on NHL prospects.


I'm not asking the Sabres to supply AHL all-stars. A couple of 98.6's would do (I forget who I stole that from but I loved it). A couple of stiffs from the ECHL would actually make me feel a lot better.


As far as the AHL vets go, when you have to affiliations supplying anywhere from 20-24 players, you shouldn't have to go out and sign anyone.

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I'm not asking the Sabres to supply AHL all-stars. A couple of 98.6's would do (I forget who I stole that from but I loved it). A couple of stiffs from the ECHL would actually make me feel a lot better.


As far as the AHL vets go, when you have to affiliations supplying anywhere from 20-24 players, you shouldn't have to go out and sign anyone.


Another good post. Any bodies right now would make me feel better. They are one more player away from not having enough to fill the lineup.

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so last year the amerks was all sabres owned players. Now this year they have 2 main clubs? So what happened to all the sabres players that were on the team last year???

The players were all Buffalo propects 2 years ago, and they are in Buffalo currently.


so why don't the amerks just go offer some players a pto? it seems to happen to unaffiliated guys in the echl all the time.


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with all the negativity over the past two pages of posts, i just wanted to express my happiness for kaleta getting his first shot at the nhl level. i hope he works hard, has a boatload of fun, and impresses some coaches and front office guys over the next couple of games. it's gotta be an amazing feeling and a ride that virtually none of us will ever experience.

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Maybe Buffalo should look into affiliating themselves with an ECHL team like many other NHL teams do. This way, while thay can continue to develop more players for the future, they will also have enough players to cover call-ups. Just like MLB, every team has a AAA, AA and A team that they are affiliated with. Never any shortage there. Florida has an ECHL team, Buffalo should have one too. I live in Rochester, but I also enjoy watching these guy develop and moving up to Buffalo. It would just be nice if we could play games with a full lineup every night.


By the way, Kaleta will F somebody up tomorrow night. Look out Chris Neil.

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I'd like to see Kaleta or Peters or someone give peter schaefer a little piece of hell

just to remind him not to go head-hunting on a concussed player.


do you really think he should have stopped to think about who it was that was coming across the middle with their head down? c'mon now. he doesn't care who it is. if you've got your head down you'll get smoked. when you've got the chance, instinct takes over. doesn't matter if you've got a shot at a guy with a history of concussions (connolly) or some other chump.

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