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Everything posted by Doohickie

  1. The Aisles are the kind of hot trash the Sabres used to be, innit?
  2. He's said that's definitely true from an offensive standpoint. He's much more comfortable on the right side of the offensive zone.
  3. YES, DAMMIT. It's back now but from the commercial break just prior to the Aho penalty it stayed on "commercial break" all the way until the very end of the period, came back with 12 seconds left. WTF, ESPN+???
  4. Bjork with a very good shift of forechecking. I think Granato knows he's got Bjork for one more year and is trying to figure out how best to deploy him.
  5. As soon as they said slashing I knew it would be against Skinner.
  6. That goal was a direct result of Dahlin taking an extended foray into the offensive zone. The defense was never set.
  7. Doohickie reporting for duty! Just got back from my morning bicycle ride; what did I miss?
  8. Well not everyone is as old as me (and apparently @LabattBlue)
  9. /thread.... at least for those of us of a certain age.
  10. Normally I get through the summer on baseball. But here in north Texas our team has already been eliminated from the playoff hunt (technically the Rangers are still in it, but they are in second last place in the whole league, 12 games into a 162 game season and I'm not expecting a turnaround.) It's gonna be a long summer.
  11. And one last thing: If you think it belongs in another thread, why not move it there? You have the ability to do so, don't you? Wouldn't that be easier and take less time than ranting on your own forum?
  12. I think you're blowing this way, way, WAY out of proportion. Since it involves a specific Sabre, posting it in the NHL thread seems like an odd choice. That's kind of the point: It's not really worth its own thread, but it doesn't cleanly go into any other thread. It's a judgment call. Your judgment and my judgment are different.
  13. Is he the best since Lindy? Clearly. But the competition isn't particularly strong.
  14. Well Okposo almost died in the neurological ICU. He had to pretty much completely rebuild his body after that.
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