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Everything posted by Doohickie

  1. To be honest, I would be in favor of this moving. Possibly look at other woods than the hardwoods they've been using. Find something a little whippier.
  2. Who do you want to win? Who do you think will win? I'm pulling for Minnesota this year. Marcus Foligno is my favorite ex-Sabre. I think Florida will win. They seem to be peaking at the right time.
  3. Marchand has over twice the penalty minutes that Skinner does.
  4. I'm going to answer the question as yes. Marchand is a hack and he's dirty, but he's also pretty skilled and has a way of getting opponents off their games. In that sense, Skinner is our Marchand. Both have similar offensive output. Both get the other teams off their game. But what makes Skinner better than Marchand is that Skinner isn't a dirty hack.
  5. General comment from not only today's game, but the Sabres of late: I was watching the Stars-Kraken game. The Stars tried several stretch passes and cross-ice passes. The missed most, if not all, of them. Not that they were defended, but that the Stars passers kept missing their targets. The Sabres were like that earlier in the season. Now the Sabres hit those long passes routinely. It's a huge, huge improvement in the play of the team and gives them a big advantage when they can flip the ice with stretch passes. And it's not just the skill lines that do it: All lines and defense pairings are hitting long passes for the Sabres right now. They are playing like a unit and I think if the Sabres played the Stars now, the Sabres would win handily.
  6. I will also say with regard to in-game experience, the Pantera DALLAS STARS fight song played after goals is just wilting to the other team and any of their fans in the arena (said as a Sabres fan who has endured it repeatedly). When they play it, they crank it up PAST eleven.
  7. I have say for non-Sabres broadcasters, the Dallas team is my favorite. Josh Bogorad is a very good, no-nonsense play-by-play guy. You know what's going on, even on radio (the team is both TV and radio). Daryl Reaugh (the other "Razor") is a great combination of informed and goofy, providing good color commentary while keeping it light. 3-2 Dallas.
  8. They scored.... trail 2-1 now. AND after they almost tied it up, a Dallas power play coming. TIED UP.
  9. I think the Pegulas never trusted Murray or Botterill. And from that, they tried to keep a hand on the tiller to steer the franchise. The problem is, their vision didn't match the GM's vision and so you ended up with the meddling owners narrative. Right motivation, wrong tactics. Kevyn Adams had worked in the Sabres organization before taking the GM job. He knew the Peguals. He knew how to talk to the Pegulas. They trust him. I think that's the difference. Murray was famous for his ZFG attitude and it filtered all the way down to the players. Botterill is a good numbers guy, and good contracts guy, but he didn't understand how to take all those individual parts and make a whole out of them. He knew about stats and stuff but seemed blind to the human dimension. Kevyn was on a Stanley Cup winner and he understands what team chemistry means. He was able to articulate what he wanted to do to the Pegulas and eventually got them on board. I think his first summer was about trying to make Jack and Ralph happy, but thereafter you can see a steady building of a certain character, a certain identity, a certain direction for this team. He is, I think, also smart enough to know what he doesn't know and brings in the right people to advise him. The Sabres have reflected their GMs and HCs, and the first two GMs under the Pegulas did not bring the proper visions. I think they hired two poor GMs and then a good GM.
  10. It's amazing. I think there are a whole bunch of players that contribute to this team that the casual fan doesn't recognize. They're not scoring? They must suck! No, not necessarily. There are lots of contributions a player can make without earning goals and assists.
  11. Just saying what he has said. Maybe for him, in his coaching career, he's had quicker success with implementing defenses than offenses.
  12. Ralph neutered and lobotomized Skinner; made him a shell of the player he is capable of being.
  13. The position of goalie is almost being overcome by events. The Sabres have been playing such consistently good (if not great) hockey that they've maintained a playoff pace in getting points for almost two months, with mediocre goaltending. Without an upgrade at goal, they are at the very least a bubble team. With an upgrade they could actually win a round or two. Granato has said all season long that he wanted the team to learn how to create on offense and then trying to apply some structure on defense is, in comparison, relatively easy. I think the offense is here. Today's game was fairly typical: Goals be three different lines and a defenseman. They're getting what they need scoring-wise. Improve the play in their own zone... just a bit really... and improve goalie just a smidge and this team can challenge.
  14. On the other hand, I'd 123% prefer that he jam the puck into the goalie that try to aim for the corner and shoot wide. Make the goalie make the save... and least Cozens is doing that.
  15. Now we missed half the power play on ESPN+ WHAT THE ACTUAL F*&%, ESPN+???
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