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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. - The draft lottery - The draft - Opening of free agency/trade period - Rookie development camp(July?) - Training camp - First preseason game that McEichel dresses for - SEASON OPENER! GO SABRES!!
  2. Before people are willing to send Zadorov packing, keep in mind that Pysyk has this mystery illness hanging over him, and McCabe got run from behind in todays game(2nd concussion)? There is little prospect depth after these 2 guys. Ruhwedel? That's about it.
  3. I've got no use for either Stafford or Myers. They did nothing more than tease fans for years with infrequent glimpses of potential. I hope the Jets get swept in 4.
  4. I still don't understand how the greatest of the 4 professional North American sports leagues(the NFL) can succeed without a draft lottery, but the NHL has to have one, and then even make it more of a level playing field starting in 2016 just because teams choose to "rebuild" in a year when generational players are draft eligible. Did the NFL make drastic changes to their draft when the Colts decided to "Suck for Luck"? That being said, there are only two teams I want to win the lottery...Buffalo or Arizona.
  5. I am so glad the Sabres clinched 30th last night. The crowd/atmosphere would have been 100x worse than the Arizona game, and would have been uncomfortable beyond belief. Instead...go out and knock $hitsburgh out of the playoffs.
  6. It's over. This has been a trying two years which began with Darcy's "suffering" statement, and ending with Nolan rallying the troops against the fans. I never want to go through this as a Sabres fan again. :thumbsup:
  7. Bogo injury history... http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/player-bio/zach-bogosian/bio
  8. So we get a head case and a defensive defenseman who can't stay healthy for that package? WOW.
  9. Merry Christmas to all, and please be safe wherever your travels will take you over the holiday season.
  10. All you had to do was stay out of a pro-tank thread, but you couldn't help yourself. Thanks for your efforts in keeping tank talk civil. Much appreciated. <_<
  11. We can argue about a lot of things Sabres related, and I'd be wrong probably more than I am right, but don't ever tell me that I need to find another team to root for. :angry: If I wasn't a better man, I'd tell you to go f....
  12. You couldn't resist could you? I've been a fan longer than you have been alive, and if I choose to take this stance for the rest of this year, who are you to question it? How come you didn't turn in your Sabres fan card when Darcy issued the "suffering" statement if it is so repulsive to you?
  13. :sick: :sick: :sick: I'm interested to see how they contrast to the white ice from a viewing perspective.
  14. I am stating this in a pro-tank thread because I am growing tired of arguing with the anti-tank crowd. - I am NOT cheering for the Sabres to win a single game this year, even if it comes to the point where last overall is no longer possible. I still want a shot at the best pick possible. - I SUFFERED last year(one of the worst if not the worst in franchise history), and am ready to SUFFER for the remaining 50 or so games if it means the best shot at drafting McEichel. - I am NOT happy when they win. - Despite being a fan since their inception, there are so few players on this team that will be around when they get back to the playoffs, plus the shot at McEichel, that makes it easier than I thought when Darcy first spoke the word...suffering. - I want the kids to look good, but in losing efforts. - If I am forced to choose between Girgs scoring the GWG in OT or a loss, I am still cheering for a loss. - My pro-tank stance ends forever when game 82 is completed next April. - I know my stance pisses off some anti-tankers, but this is my thread to state my position, so if you don't agree with me, get the heck out of this thread. :P
  15. It's been stated many times, but let me break it down... 1 - No fan expects the players or coaches to "lose on purpose". 2 - The players are giving their best effort(at least some of them) while trying to win. 3 - The coaches are trying to win. 4 - What fans are HOPING for(and I don't mean to speak for all the pro-tankers) is that they lose as many games as possible in order to draft #1 or #2.
  16. The do if they have significant bonuses in their contract for winning any of them. ;)
  17. My team is regressing rapidly. I had a decent week last week with my best goaltending of the season, and still got crushed. This week...goose eggs across the board in every category so far(gold league).
  18. As a fellow tanker who gets completely disgusted by the anti-tankers who want to kick me to the curb, AND disgusted by the Sabres getting thouroughly outplayed game after game, yet find a way to pull two points out of their collective ######, I AGREE 100%. No one is questioning if the players and coached should tank. It isn't that hard of a concept to understand. The only guy controlling the tank is Murray. There is a long way to go, and a lot can happen. Enroth can come back to earth, and Edmonton and Carolina certainly have enough talent to win more often than they have through the first 1/3 of the season.
  19. Was just surfing and found Amerks game on TWC Sports Channel.
  20. The bigger question...was Adam a negative influence in Rochester and since he had no future with the Sabres, why not send him packing for an AHL'er who can help the Amerks win, and be a positive influence on the youngsters.
  21. I'd hate to give up on a talent like Hodgson at his age, but his unwillingness to play defense, lack of production this year, and the joke of a contract make it a tough call. If he is trying to play his way off the team, he is well on his way to his wish. Losing Hodgson, Stafford, Stewart, and Myers(despite the love professed for him on SS) off the team either now or in the offseason wouldn't bother me at all. PS Hodgson is a reminder to all those who have their pants around their ankles when looking at the prospect list, that the majority of them WILL NOT amount to anything regardless of their draft position and/or amateur numbers.
  22. When we has his head in the game, Cutler is a GREAT "passer"(Orton is not even comparable in this regard). He can throw the ball with zip and accuracy. That being said, he is a head case, and if that wasn't the case, his name wouldn't be thrown out there as possibly available in the offseason.
  23. Yes! Way to help a young player by sticking him with scrubs, and giving him no chance to showcase his offensive skills on the PP, and build some CONFIDENCE. This is why I want Nolan out of here and away from the future core of this team.
  24. God forbid, he gets a few shifts on the PP. Let him fail(once again) like Reinhart, who that idiot Nolan couldn't see fit to give more than a little PP time over his 9 game stint.
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