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Everything posted by sabrefanday1

  1. Geez Vegas is becoming one big mess...good work Jack you took the curse with you. An dyes that 1st rounder is looking better every day. Hard to believe Vegas wil be forced to dump some really good players to clear cap space for Jack.
  2. I too hate Vegas and their smug attitude. They got everything handed to them in their expansion deal and were made to look like geniuses. Of course Seattle sure did not get anywhere near what Vegas hauled in as managers learned from their mistakes ( a rare event indeed). Looks good on Vegas now losing and probably thinking or wondering if they made a BIG mistake trading for Jack. I am very pleased with the return and they will only get better (plus we have draft picks too)
  3. Does anybody really miss Jack? Or Sam? Or Risto? I am so glad they did what they did with the team. They are fast, entertaining, and even have heart!!! When was the last time we could say that? Probably back when we had Danny Briere Peca etc... As for announcers, up here in Canada we had Sportsnet guys trying their best to make the Leafs sound good and the Sabres whatever. Toronto is starved for any kind of success from their hockey team and again this year the team started great and got their hopes up. Now it seems they are on the same path as every other year. Clearly defensively they are a mess and are spending far too much on a few guys (and an aging Traveres at 10 or 11 mill is absurd). They play with absolutely no defensive system and of course they always blame goaltending. One way or the other, what great win (again).
  4. Just another example of how little class the guy has. I was waiting for him to pull his usual temper tantrum at the end and break his stick over the goalpost after he gave away the puck at the end there. I actually feel we are a better team without him and am so glad we got what we did. The return was great and the future does look good for this team. Every time we get good goaltending we are competitive. I also fear Jack is one good hit from suffering a further serious injury. Good riddance is all I can say! Oh and the fans (including me) are maybe the most passionate in the NHL. To bitch about them is pathetic. Just no class whatsoever...
  5. What a strange twist of fate with the schedule...Sam tonight and Jack Thursday! I don;t care too much about Sam as he is just Sam, quietly putting up his numbers. I sure do hope we beat Florida but more so I hope we beat Vegas.
  6. Boy LA sure are boring...never thought I'd see the good old New Jersey trap used again. Oh well should be fun with Jack back in town Thursday!
  7. For sure a really valuable asset if he can add grit with any sort of skill. Basically though I just want Marcus back (and Nic too!).
  8. My cousin's step-son is Michael Bunting who is a really good player and may win rookie-of-the-year. I have hated the Leafs for many years but do like seeing him do well. I liked Bunting when he played last summer for Team Canada overseas and had hoped the Sabres would sign him but he of course wished to sign with Toronto (he is from Scarborough which is a huge city within Toronto). I do however hope the Sabres kick the Leafs' a^^...
  9. totally agree...they can have him. I really like what both Tuch and Krebs bring, we have a 1st round pick and yes Tage is on fire and most importantly Skinner has shown he is still capable goal scorer...
  10. I remember when we had guys who could fight and add some excitement to the game..oh wait that was Nicolas. And Marcus. Would love to have both back
  11. I know that it is typical to rant and rave and put down players all the time but I think it is obvious OV is hurting and clearly his shot isn't as hard as it was but with time that will return. Some have gone on how we should dump him for whatever we can get but he is young and clearly when healthy a good player. He is just a piece in what wil become a big puzzle soon with all the fine young players we have that will be on the big team in the next few years. Another nice win that clearly shows that after my greatest fear of Jack being traded for basically nothing we did really well and still can look forward to using the 1st round pick as well. Hell if we win the lottery we will be really set for the future (either way we wil get another good prospect next draft)...I am thinking positive about the team for first time in a long time. I think we have seen that the team can and will be better and get wins if they get NHL goaltending, something they have not had in many years.
  12. Pretty much a throw away by Montreal..they are a complete mess and make our organization look downright excellent! The sad thing about the Habs is they really do not have any great prospects in great numbers either so their future sure is bleak...
  13. I know this game and year doesn;t mean much but I really like that Skinner is proving he is not done, and also that Nate has become a really good center and the trade that everybody feared is clearly showing us that both Tuch is really good and that trade is looking better every game.
  14. I totally trust Vegas to draft good NHL players thus I have no worries or doubt both will be good players for us. With all the other good young players we have and will be getting in the next year the team should be very good (if they add NHL goalies) in 2 years. Of course then they will all want big contracts and we will probably lose them all to free agency...
  15. KInda hate how Vegas got such a sweetheart of a deal and how they got to pick so many good players while Seattle did not...should be interesting in March when Vegas comes to Buffalo and Jack should be playing by then (unless he gets hurt before which would not be a big surprise either). Hopefully the team will rally around Anderson and win this one. I do really like both Tuch and Krebs and hopefully when Vegas goes to shed 5 mil in space they throw us another good player...
  16. Wow that was confusing...I was referring to Nicolas Deslauries from the posting earlier about his heavyweight tilt with MacDermid and just called him "Nic" and he was a Sabre from 2013 to 2017. Not sure where Nic Foligno came in this but I also referred to Marcus Foligno who was also a Sabre from 2011 to 2017. And I still miss both...
  17. I hate seeing either Nic or Marcus (Foligno) as I still think we should have kept BOTH. Good fighters with some talent as well...sure could use that ion our 4th line
  18. Oh and don't forget their great goaltending...and their 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines after the dynamic duo
  19. Big surprise...Oilers are a complete mess yet again.
  20. they do need d-men desperately so that would certainly be worth exploring...hopefully KA agrees
  21. Clearly the Oilers are desperate and will be signing Kane anytime soon...Holland's "magic touch" has been anything but since taking over the reins in Oil country and he is desperate to do something to make the team better. They seem to always start great then revert back to what they truly are...an average team with two of the best players on the planet.
  22. that's pretty good numbers...we seriously need to acquire him in our quest for tank-success...
  23. seems like any goalie that plays any good gets mysteriously hurt...still think we should go for broke and trade a bag of pucks for one-eyed Hutton
  24. Yes the team is not winning many games right now but they are probably as good as they would have been had we kept jack and Sam and Risto and carried on doing what they have been doing which is of course skate around, maybe score once in a while but otherwise show no real interest. At least now there seems to be some sort of "plan" and "direction" and there seems to be some hope now that did not exist not to long ago. As for attendance, of course the play of the team is closely linked to how many people show up but also the fact that us Canadians got use to not coming has hurt too. I use to buy tickets regularly and drive down with my son (who unfortunately i got to love the team like I do). Obviously good old COVID has sure put a damper on any thought of driving down these days. Hopefully when the bloody thing goes away whenever that may be we can safely return as I miss our weekend getaways to Buffalo!
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