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Torpedo Forecheck

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Everything posted by Torpedo Forecheck

  1. I've always liked the big body in front of the goalie and Risto does it well. It's either Hall or Reinhart for sure. Or a third option, put Cozens in the bumper position and have a second unit with those 2 guys, and leave Jack out, maybe Skinner and Miller.
  2. The teams who were not part of the bubble playoffs during the summer are behind the other teams. They will be not be smooth operating teams immediately, rust needs to wear off. Give it time and you'll see it come back.
  3. Larsson isn't some kind of superstar, he was a fourth liner on a ***** team. He didn't break the bank in FA either.
  4. Good move for Hall too. Gets a year to put up numbers playing with Jack and more money available next year if Buffalo doesn't workout
  5. Dahlin taking a big step this year would be huge too!
  6. You're not arrogant and you believe that NHL experts know better than Sabre analytical fans.
  7. Josh Allen didn't have the numbers either...that is all.
  8. Brendan Dillon. Lefty, brings size, toughness, playoff experience and veteran presence. Plus his analytcs are pretty decent.
  9. Look not really looking for an argument, it is debatable at the very least as is whether he is the number 2 center on one of the best teams. Tampa has alot of C/W types and Stamkos is listed as a C and takes as many faceoffs as Point and Cirelli. Not a Cirelli expert, nor looking to argue, but the guy has never scored more than 21 goals at any level, including midgets and juniors, and only did it one time. I Like my second line Cs to more productive .
  10. I don't get all the love on here for Cirelli and him being the second line center savior. He'd be fine as a 3, but I'm not planning on him being much more.
  11. Yeah I know one more shot in the dark, just whistling in the wind and and hoping the mods wake up and realize the potential of the site. I mean listen to what a great writer is saying and not the ones who have kept away many who could contribute. I mean come on dude, he's correct, try and post something during the season that runs contrary to analytics and see what happens. Try and say that the Sabres are making a good move or playing well or anything basically positive and just watch the pack come after you. Embrace civility!
  12. Any site where you can tell another poster to Phuck off as I've seen happen on here -amongst many other uncivil things(in the presence of a mod), and for no apparent reason other than they were disagreed with isn't worth the time. You try that stuff on 2BD and your in deep doo doo, here it's tolerated and even supported.
  13. Kim said its a results business and that's what I want to see. I could care less about what is said, too much emphasis by some on that aspect. Verbal IQ ....jeez give me a break.? Let's see what happens, that is what we should be after not words and flowery language. Some of the good GMs in this league barely made it out of HS.
  14. Has anyone heard rumors about a National Shelter in Place coming over the weekend?
  15. Agreed. I hope a lot of intelligent people are wrong, but I fear that this is not the case. This must be dealt with harshly right now.
  16. 350 million people, if 70% get it thats 250 M. If 85% of the cases are mild that still leaves 35 M. If the death rate is 1% that is 350, 000 Dead. Lots of bodies, especially when you consider the normal flu kills 20-50,000. Even if only 30% get it still over 100,000. If the death rate is 3.4% like WHO says that's over a million. I hope everything tends to be hyperbole by the media. I'm no so sure that this isn't pretty damn serious.
  17. Can't quantify the second and third level effects of physical play. People who've played know what it's like to get knocked around by a guy like that. Risto was a beast last night when is was imperative against a team with the likes of Wilson and Ovie. People who want him gone or don't value him, be careful what you wish for. Personally, he reminds me of Ivan Drago. LOL
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