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Everything posted by JustOneParade

  1. The Eastern Conference playoffs are going to be ‘must see’ TV. The NHL should just award the Cup at the EC Finals. Don’t see anyone from the West getting in the way unless COL suddenly reverts back to last year’s version.
  2. Fun game to attend last night. I will readily admit that I am not well versed in the nuances of hockey. But I must say that on a team with a few or more players that have NHL experience, Kulich just appears that he is the most NHL-ready on that team. Skills, movement, awareness. (Noting one game sample size). Some other observations. Cederqvist (sp?) will add a little weight and be excellent on a 4th/checking line in the NHL ... soon. Rosen, to be gracious, has a 'slight' build. Even though he potted two last night none were wow plays. He won't be up in Buffalo next year nor the year after. Bjork, although named the 3rd star, was unimpressive even at the AHL level. And lastly, there is not a defenseman on that team that projects into the NHL as part of a top-6. One game sample from a couch scout so take those comments for what they're worth.
  3. Saw the beginning of the UMass game Friday night. The first goal Levi 'gave up' was on a 2-on-1 clean breakaway seemingly from the opposite blue line. And the '1' on that 2 on 1 was completely worthless, not impacting either onrushing player. Clean cross ice pass and a gimme into the open net. Didn't see the other two. NU gives up a LOT of shots. They're pretty bad in front of Levi.
  4. I went to see the Amerks play last night. About 20 minutes before puck drop the PA guy was announcing the inactives for the game. Was surprised to hear Vinnie was inactive. I told my wife 'he's getting traded'. Then part way through the game I checked my phone and saw the Tuch news. It then became clear why Hiney was scratched. Probably was packing his bags for Buffalo as the game started.
  5. Just watched the PC. I'm thrilled with the positive news. And absolutely blown away by the knowledge, skills and ability of these professionals - and all who work in that profession. So, to @Brawndo, @North Buffalo and @Wyldnwoody44 (and anyone else I may have missed) : thank you for what you guys do every day. Go Bills. Go Sabres. And Let's Go Buffalo!
  6. I was watching the Caps post-game show last evening (because ESPN+ won't show MSG pre- and post game). Craig Laughlin (former player?) specifically made mention of the very positive difference he sees in UPL's game since the last time the Caps faced him. Maybe the plan is all starting to come together??
  7. That 'flick of the wrist' goal last night was incredible. A goalie will never be able to react quickly enough to something like that from that range.
  8. I thought the Otters played aggressively while protecting the one-goal lead in the third. Hope the Sabres were paying attention and can learn something from it.
  9. Thanks @PromoTheRobot. So it is about $$, amirite? I understand what you are saying. My issue is that I am sitting 90 miles from Boston and paying money for an ESPN+ subscription to watch the Sabres on the MSG feed but I can't because NESN. On the bright side, I didn't have to listen to the insufferable Jack Edwards.
  10. Agree with all of this. No way the Sabres should trade Comrie. Can you imagine if they did and we get 'early' UPL instead of 'recent' UPL? Royally screwed. And it also short circuits the 23-24 plan. Who then shares the net with UPL next year? Hope Levi is ready? Sign another FA? The Sabres have wandered in the goalie desert long enough, no? Lots of games remaining to be played in a more compressed schedule. Let's keep UPL up and evaluate his body of work at the end of February. If he regresses before that, send him down then.
  11. Bumping this because I have the same issue. Hulu doesn't carry NESN either and somehow I live in the Bruin's broadcast market (I feel so dirty). ESPN+ has NHL Power Play on Demand to re-watch games. Just put it on to watch yesterday's game .... even the replay is blacked out. I have never seen an industry that goes through such great lengths to limit the exposure of its product to its customers. F**k the NHL and its broadcast partners. I don't understand the reason for this but if I had to guess, it has something to do with advertising dollars - in some form. Pumped that the Sabres won! Happy New Year all!
  12. A contrast in leadership. All within the span of about 3 seconds.
  13. Was that required to send him to Rochester? Or did the Sabres flat out dump him?
  14. Me too. The rest was certainly needed but I fear the first period or two can look like it's the Sabres first exhibition game of the season. I hope I'm wrong. Just in case, hang tough for 30 or 40 minutes then dominate the third. In any event, glad to have Sabres hockey back. And really glad to hear the reports that the community is starting to recover from this mess.
  15. I re-watched the last two periods last night because I was barely half awake the night prior. And the EXACT same thought came to mind as I was watching UPL. And he's 3rd on our original depth chart.
  16. Gotta love a guy who can deke goalies without even moving his feet. 'The Age of Tage'. (someone at the Athletic wrote that).
  17. Before the season started Adams said UPL needed to be in Rochester playing a lot of games. Has KA ever deviated from his plans regardless of a changing landscape? Rightly or wrongly, I wouldn't expect him to start now.
  18. I worry about Power's effectiveness later in this season if he has to play the kind of minutes he has been of late for much longer. (Bad sentence structure?). I realize he's young but its also his first full NHL season. Is 'the Rookie Wall' real? Need guys to get back in the lineup soon.
  19. Oh, c'mon. When has THAT ever happened? Wait. Nevermind .....
  20. Pay me over $7M per year for the next 7 years to play a game I love with guys I love being with every day? Sign me the F up right now. Part of this is the culture that KA is building, much like the Bills have. Guys just need to feel they'll be contending soon. WRT Cozens, KA may have gotten himself into an inadvertent pickle here. How does he tell DC's agent he can only pay DC $1M per year less than he's asking while being at the salary floor by having to pay a guy almost that much (>$1M) to NOT play for the team?
  21. I drove in for the game Friday night. First live one in 6 years. Always have an appreciation of how things look live vs. on television. One of the things that absolutely jumped out at me was how quickly JJP gets up to full speed. Like in two strides. I'm curious if that's consistent with what you guys in ROC saw last year. That line will become special. If DG ever beaks them up (other than for injury) I'm driving back to Buffalo with baseball bat in hand.
  22. I'm just now scrolling through the game day thread. Prescient. Great call @Gatorman0519!
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