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Everything posted by Scottysabres

  1. Can the thread title now be changed to "Lehner is a starter, until he's not again"?
  2. So did Murray step in and spank some pee pee's :D
  3. Kane straight up. No way I'm giving them a top 3 round draft pick.
  4. YEA!What he said....... #fake-thread-title :P
  5. Eichel at $7 x 8 Reinhart at 5.5 x 5
  6. I think the full moon and Lehner's bowel movement questions are valid queries. The shifting of the tides, both from the moon and Lehner flushing the toilet could hinder the opposition from getting fresh water. I wonder if Lehner does it pre game in the visitor locker room so one of them have to plunge the toilet.
  7. Wow! 2018-19? Getting a little ahead of ourselves, no? And Eichel at 8 mil? No.
  8. So, by my count, that is 13 Sabres games in a row with Pittsburg scouting, including their AGM, Boterill last week. What are we looking at here? Maatta? Or is this just a Kulikov for a late 1st scenario?
  9. I'm starting to think larger package swap. Wondering about Fluery. You just know they'd like to clear up that 5.75 aav for the next 2 seasons since they've decided to go with Murray.
  10. Pittsburg scout in Ottawa tonight per Bruce Garrioch
  11. Darren Dreger‏ @DarrenDreger Normal reaction to Therrien firing and Julien hiring. Belief was Therrien was starting to lose the room and Julien too good to pass on. 5:23 PM · Feb 14, 2017 Interesting........
  12. Eeegads, politics in a hockey setting? Blah. Hockey is hockey, and I love hockey.......
  13. Kane not at practice this morning? Where is the Pegula jet right now?
  14. 2nd shift, blah I'll have the ear piece in with wgr on. Just win boys!
  15. I've read and heard enough. I am now firmly in the fire Bylsma corner. And not only that, but I am seriously questioning if Tim Murray is the right individual to GM this organization. Edit: and that was just painful to listen to. About 2/3 the way through, everyone was stretching to find reasons to like Bylsma as a coach. Then at the end of the conversation, all 3 admit he's not remotely close to one of the better coaches in the league............UGH
  16. I have an even deeper concern about this organization as a whole after reading so much material on Bylsma. First, let me start he saying I'm usually not in to the inner workings of the management system of the team, but I have been, currently am and will remain to be a rabid fan of our beloved Sabres until the last breathe leaves my body. With that in mind, what in the hell is going on from the GM's office? How could General Manager Tim Murray hire this guy given the critical importance of putting our franchise and young elite players in the hands of Bylsma? And furthermore, General Manager Tim Murray convinced owner Terry Pegula this was the right decision after Babcock fell through? Or at the very least was supposed to be an advisor of Terry Pegula on such important decisions as putting the clubs future in to the hands of a coach that had these known reports on him? I am now squarely concerned that Tim Murray may not just be inexperienced, but may actually be somewhat incompetent. And I don't say that lightly. Due diligence, proper due diligence would have a file 6 inches thick with all of the quantifying information on a potential coach selection, especially when your handing him the keys to the newest Mercedes prototype. My humor has quickly melted away, replaced by a queezy uneasiness about the navigation of this hockey team. Am I alone in questioning what i do or in deducing what I have?
  17. Sigh......I concur......in lieu of the playoffs one can dream of a violent campaign......:D
  18. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I'm glad both Lehner and Falk did what they did. As a matter of fact, I wad mad ad hell screaming they should have both jumped Borrows and pummeled the out of him. I want blood on the ice and after they got off him, I want Lehner batting Borrows teeth he lost down the ice with his stick! Go big or go home!!!!!!!
  19. Bump And the "Bylsma Doomsday Clock" has been changed. Inching closer it now reads 7 minutes to midnight.
  20. I paid 8 bucks last time. I need that down to 3.50 so I can drink twice as much. This way I get to see 2 of that blonde in the 204 section along the rail. Obviously a season ticket holder :)
  21. Lindy Ruff, Lindy Ruff to the white courtesy phone.....
  22. Russ, is that you? If so, come on man, let's talk beer prices.........
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