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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. I had to think about that one for a few seconds to recall that Nixon was president when I was born.
  2. I may not make it home for Thanksgiving this year. However, the way things look now, I WILL be home for both my 14th wedding anniversary AND for Christmas this year! :w00t:
  3. +1 Thanks for the advice. As I said earlier, my wife and I have talked about it a lot lately. We just have to overcome some obstacles which I stated earlier today. As for lineage, it's all in God's hands. It may very well be in His plan for us not to have biological children, and I have come to accept that if that turns out to be the case.
  4. My wife has done considerable research about this, especially for Alabama. The long of it and the short of it is that the respective state agency wants to make sure that the kids go into stable homes. Furthermore, it has to be on their schedule, not mine. Thus, if I can get with a company that will get me home daily, I am hoping that the company will at least work with me on that - especially with the hours that the home studies take place.
  5. Thanks for asking. My wife and I have talked about it quite a bit. We're going to try to buy a house that has at least 3 bedrooms so we'll have the space for at least 2 kids. She wants a sibling group so they don't get broken up. At the same time, I need to find a job that will get me home daily. We want to adopt through the state; but if I stay over the road, they won't even consider us because, in their minds, I won't be home for them and I need to be present for what they call "home studies". It doesn't matter if I can financially support them. They want both prospective parents home on a daily basis.
  6. What is really disturbing is that the Tea Party protests were mocked and ridiculed for all the wrong reasons. Yet, if there were any arrests/crimes committed, they were few and far between. OTOH, a lot of the OWS protesters have been getting arrested left and right (no pun intended). Women have been raped by their fellow protesters, quasi-anarchy has been taking place at some of these protests, and all sorts of unlawfulness. Even if I am counted amongst the 99% when it comes to wages and net worth, I am not buying their rhetoric - nor their hypocrisy (especially when it comes to people like Michael Moore). As for other complaints, I am struggling to keep the mindset that when there was a changing of the guard when DR and Lindy first came on board, it took them a couple of years to get to the Stanley Cup Finals. Thus, with all of the chatter about how the team is or is not performing to par, it gets really hard to keep that focus that, with T-Pegs owning the team now, that it may be a few season before we're back to being a serious contender. Also, I don't think that what I'm about to say is worth starting another thread. Nonetheless, this complaint is the fact that I have been slow to listen to what the Lord has been showing me through His Word - especially with regard to the fact that my wife and I still don't have children (as I have mentioned here before). Both of us have made the mistake of making the assumption that maybe we're doing something wrong or that we would hope that if we did certain things, then maybe God would bless us with a child. Then, as I was pondering Scripture while driving and all of the accounts of childless couples, it finally hit me that God was being glorified throughout all of these accounts, and that He is also getting the glory for us not having children. It really brought me to tears because I was so foolish for not understanding this earlier. I don't expect anyone here to understand what I'm talking about. I just wanted to get this out in the open, given what I've said about the issue in the past.
  7. I can imagine a few people having a field day with that one.
  8. 1, are you absolutely sure about that? 2, notsomuch? Can we say, "understatement"?
  9. Some personalities just cannot be duplicated. Your oddball sense of humor is certainly one of them.
  10. I know that American Thanksgiving hasn't hit yet, but this is actually one of the better Christmas songs out there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjopqWOCTWs
  11. I had a very unpleasant home-buying experience a few years ago and we had to deal with a mortgage-lending agency. Then, we found out that our mortgage got sold to Wells Fargo and that it was standard practice for these "no name" mortgage lenders to turn around and sell them to these thieves. I wish I'd found out back then that this was a trap waiting to happen. I can only advise those of you who have yet to buy your first house to stay away from these places. If you find out it's been sold to Wells Fargo, refi ASAP!!! Otherwise, if you have to shortsell or you run into trouble, they WILL stab you in the back.
  12. Will your company be reconsidering their obligation to Penn State and have you get your Master's elsewhere?
  13. There is nothing more infuriating than taking advantage of someone's horrible circumstances. If Sandusky is convicted, I see him going the way of John Geoghan.
  14. I would expect the NCAA to do something about it for the sole purpose of protecting whatever image they have through their PR department.
  15. You can always count on GoDD to come up with some dandies. As an aside, I'll never forget when he said something along these lines about the Buffalo. For Real video: "That's a great video and soothing soundtrack to play for the folks at the nursing home when they are euthanised because the county doesn't have any more medicaid money."
  16. The depth of creativity from the PsyTrance music world never ceases to amaze me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJLsD0bd82w
  17. People do know better. The problem is collective apathy. Then, when "you-know-what" hits the fan(s) and splatters all over the place, then there's collective outrage.
  18. It happens in churches that claim to be "Protestant" as well. Wow. Talk about the intensity of the invectives on this thread! I haven't seen such righteous indignation ever on this forum. I have to wonder if PSU is ever going to recover from this embarrassment.
  19. When I say this, I am not trying to make light of the situation. To have this blow up in Penn State's face is something that could have been avoided had someone come clean/reported it when it first happened. It never ceases to amaze me how people never learn from other's mistakes, misdeeds, and crimes. Nonetheless, this best explains the whole situation: It's called Total Depravity.
  20. Once this tune really gets going, it jams! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4pp1Rx9uMY
  21. This wasn't my idea. Looks like someone put two and two together with regards to vocals. At least I know what the Cookie Monster does when he moonlights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WaRrh1CpQw
  22. Have a good time while you guys are all there and be safe. While you're at it, maybe you could watch this during halftime.
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