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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. 2 AM here in Japan and I'm too tired to want to hear Ray's "analytics". Nice try by Kane
  2. Well maybe we won't allow a SH goal. Baby steps guys. We'll get there. Honestly since Bailey has been a nice surprise why not call up a couple more guys from the A? They get some experience and maybe breath some fresh air into whatever this is.
  3. I don't think jack will get blamed. Bylsma's coaching is wearing thin with the fans I think. Jack is not Kessel.
  4. I hope Eichel avoids Lehner for a couple days. Lehner skating away from him on the own goal was the only positive in that situation considering Lehner seems to have a short fuse. Complete bonehead play by the kid who threw a locker room tantrum earlier in the year.
  5. Physical strength has a role in fighting but I would think technique and balance would be more important. I think Eichel's balance on his skates would help in a hockey fight but benching 225 may not be as big a factor against an experienced fighter who knows how to protect himself and counter attack. I think it would matter if it was a guy like Lucic as opposed to a guy like Laine. When Drury got hit Stafford didn't really fight. He tried but the more experienced fighter took him down. That situation is different if It was Peters instead of Stafford. Bottom line is if Eichel fights a goon out of rage it won't end well. Regardless of how much he benches off the ice or what lead to the fight.
  6. Saw Logan a week ago. For some reason I feel like it diminished my perception of Wolverine like Hogan Knows Best did with the Hulkster. However I also saw John Wick Chapter 2 and thought it developed a good story line and made it easy for a third installment.
  7. Obviously it depends on the opponent. If Eichel fought Laine or McDavid then whatever. If he fights a true scrapper then I don't see it going well. Who knows maybe he has ginger strength and KOs Lucic.
  8. I think his first fight comes when we lose the last game of the season and finish 29th. Eichel then b$&ch slaps DD. But seriously I think it depends on who his line mates are next season. I could see Kane stepping in to take a fight to try and protect him. But if his line mates are say Samson and Nylander then I think Eichel busts his cherry by Christmas
  9. I don't see what taking a shot with no screen on the pp does.
  10. Good pressure there but too many missed shots like giontas from the slot
  11. This team has the capability but lacks ability. I post this as they tie it up
  12. Seems lehner has improved on his positioning. When he slides side to side he isn't taking himself out of the net.
  13. After this it's off to California where hopefully the Sabres come away with more than a tan.
  14. Don't meh too much or you will go blind. I was thinking about the whole Matty Mo on Eichel's wing and I wondered why not try Zemgus instead. Seems he went from hero to zero in a short time. Why not see what he can do on the second line.
  15. Overtime should be 5 on 5 until someone wins (playoff style). If the next game is a matinee 12 hours later, oh well you should've won in regulation. The price you pay for getting paid millions to play a game. I hope Gionta resigns for 5 years. O'reilly never leads on the ice. Note: I am joking for one of the above.
  16. Pittsburgh has a lot of skill but I have never seen a bigger group of bi***es on one team.
  17. Trumps first order of business is to nominate a coach for Buffalo who can coach.
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