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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Why would we want to lock it?
  2. Gonna have to watch this after work. I'll just skip the 20 minutes worth of Gionta.
  3. not sure how to interpret this but it sounds cool.
  4. I said it before. If GMTM doesn't right this ship fans will turn on him and talented players Will not want to come here unless grossly overpaid. All this for one kid who is supposed to shoulder an increasing amount of pressure to carry the Sabres forward. To be honest I don't see why Stewart would want to return. We don't have much to trade for a decent goalie in the summer so for a short turn around in net it seems Neuvirth is the answer. However, what if the Isles or another team makes him an offer he can't refuse. An offer that makes being a backup not so bad. Seems like we are hoping Neuvirth ' desire to start outweighs his desire to be on a competitive team. Stewart wants to be on a contender not on a bottom feeder. McEichel will not entice established talent to play on such a young team. Look at all the high picks EDM has. Granted McEichel is projected to be a lot better but we never saw veteran players begging to play next to Hall or RNH. I was under the impression a rebuild consists of gradually adding difference makers. We let two go for bad returns.
  5. agreed. I know TM didn't have a lot to work with but he dropped the ball on returns. At least Rochester will be well stocked.
  6. yaaaaa, I forgot about that. I stand corrected.
  7. OK so now we can think about resigning Stewart?
  8. 10 minutes Here's a question. Can a player be traded while playing in a game?
  9. agreed but it's good enough to get the point across. I just hope we can rub McDavid in everyone's face.
  10. NHLN talking about Sabres goalie issues. Bottom line, not good. But hey its the most coverage we've had all year.
  11. Ya at Sabres fans aren't throwing their jerseys on the ice. Silly Canadians. Can't be wasting money in this global economy.
  12. Andrew Peters? His career lasted like 10 minutes.
  13. could you imagine something like that. Sabres fans would make Ferguson look like Disney land, without the measles though.
  14. What's the word on Stewart. Somebody said he, Neuvirth and Mitchell were the first off the ice.
  15. I will say. This is better than a regular work day. More productivity!
  16. I get it. Neuvirth wasn't helping the tank.
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