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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. On the bright side we should be able to hit 20 shots. Biron seems to be a “company man” or just optimistic.
  2. Ron Rolston could get this team going
  3. If you paid me Eichel’s check booing would not affect me.
  4. While you are sleeping you are more awake than this team
  5. Well we gotta stay a little lighthearted. No excuse for their play but at least it’s hockey season.
  6. Maybe it’s putting a top line together that’s -100 something
  7. Hearing some boos already. 11to 6 SOG in favor of Bos
  8. ESR line is terrible on D. We all knew that
  9. Thought I heard RJ call a penalty against Bos
  10. A lot of time in the Bos end but most seems like perimeter play with a couple attempts from the point.
  11. No doubt he is an NHL player but where on the Sabres does he currently fit? I would say third line. Is there a chance to compete for second line time? If he continues to grow by the time OK is gone I think it would awesome if he could fill that gap with the right linemates.
  12. All this talk about ROR trades has resulted in the most ridiculous line projections since the tank. A lot of people sounded like they new a MTL trade was happening. Now its STL. Twitter feeds are fake news. LOL.
  13. We have Dahlin, Eichel, ROR, and Sam. Roster set (minus a goalie). The shake up will be actual competition on the blue line during camp. With the exception of one or two "depth" players I don't see any big signings in FA for us this year. In fact I bet we get a band aid goalie until Linus takes over.
  14. I think the pic has enough plus value. Maybe he can trade that 10 for a 9 and an option when she turns 50.
  15. Not so sure about that. I agree other teams not realizing what they had in the players they exposed helped VGK a lot but they had to build an entire team from the ground up and did what any other management would do. They took the best players exposed and arguably swindled other GMs. They rallied around low expectations and a tragedy which drew the community together. This team could have just as easily gone the PHX/ARZ route but they play a fast and motivated while uncomplicated game.
  16. Was trying to make a point. Thanks for ruining my moment. Now I feel like the guy who starts a slow clap at the wrong time.
  17. Having grown up in WNY and eventually seeing other parts of the country and world, Buffalo is known for two things; chicken wings and four lost Super Bowls. No mention of its sports writers. I don't claim to know what JB plans this summer but common sense would suggest ROR stays. He is a skilled player and very good at FOs. Just as important, he seems to actually care his role on the team. No doubt he will have an opportunity to mentor some up and comers next year not to mention he may be a positive influence on Jack so he doesn't have an early season slump to start that huge new contract.
  18. Well I’m sure the team/league will rally around the family. I saw it mentioned on another site so I don’t know how it happened.
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