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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. The wife and I went free diving with sharks today. Completely unbelievable. No cage, 160' of ocean beneath you, Silky sharks by the dozen, Caribbean Reef sharks, a couple of Sandbar sharks, and the big boy Bull sharks. Those tanks had to weigh 1200 pounds. All within arms reach and sometimes closer. So freaking cool! 10 out of 10, would recommend.
  2. I'm in Florida....in *****in August. I'm sweating!
  3. Teach him or her how to throw a straight. It's much more effective and satisfying.
  4. I routinely ski at speeds in excess of 70 mph. I will never give that up. Not ever! However, I have all but given up on the Big Air portion of my ski career. The body doesn't react well to falling out of the sky as well as it used to. If I'm being completely honest, I'm sure it doesn't react well to being dragged across the snow at highway speeds either, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
  5. Would it be complete madness for me to volunteer to work 11 shifts in 9 days including 2 doubles so that a couple of my coworkers can get their PTO used up?
  6. Death comes from the mouth. Take care of your teeth.
  7. Ever heard of a food desert? Well, I live in a fashion desert! But you are certainly correct. The shirt in question was a gift and I always graciously accept gifts. Then I wear them to show my appreciation. Then I bitch about them anonymously on message boards, because I'm a dick.
  8. I wear polos on the golf course. That's it. Hate em. When I'm not in a suit it's t-shirts or beaters.
  9. Van Heusen dress shirts suck. I've never met a shittier dress shirt. You can see through all of them, they fit like *****, the buttons fall off immediately, they're pilling after w or 3 wears. Just a ***** product. I shouldn't have to go to Neiman Marcus or Brooks Brothers just to get dress shirts that don't suck. Yeah, I know this was a douchey grievance.
  10. How bout the city they play in. Maybe just keep that on the front.
  11. Los Lakers is the one that got me. Come on...
  12. UFC London starts now. I've been looking forward to this one for weeks. Will be actively rooting against every wrestler on the card. This is London, baby. Punch each other in the head!
  13. First I heard of it was on Twitter about 20 minutes ago.
  14. No shot he gets traded within the division.
  15. The Home Run Derby is the greatest spectacle in any sports All-Star festivities. It's simply the best. Nothing comes close.
  16. We went and saw Jason Aldean the other night. Other than the venue being oversold, and it taking 2 hours at 50 minutes to get into a venue that is 17 minutes from my house, it was a good time. The band was tight. It was the first concert on their summer tour. Good stage show for a country band. Not quite Garth Brooks level, but still good.
  17. Take em both. Any Yankees fan that says otherwise is insane. Always trade prospects for 23 year old monsters who are already top 3 at their position in the pros.
  18. Juan Soto just turned down a $440 million extension with the Nationals. The Nat's will be looking to trade him if they have any sense. He's 23 years old. The Yankees should really empty the farm system for this guy. The only teams that can really afford him are the LA's the NY's(Mets are out though, no way the Nat's trade him in the division) BOS, and maybe SEA.
  19. Shoot, I wish I could get a $100k raise for simply existing at my position.
  20. I haven't seen the bonus features dvd for a while, but if I remember correctly, the scene was supposed to be just a silhouette so they didn't care of it was Connery or not.
  21. Don't blame Connery for that. It's his stuntman, Bob Simmons for the first 3 movies. Connery didn't film the shot until Thunderball.
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