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Mustache of God

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Everything posted by Mustache of God

  1. Puck looks like it's sticking to the LA blue line or something.
  2. I'm really confused about Comrie's usage, or lack thereof. He had bad numbers when half our defense was out and then got injured. Now that's he's back he's had, what, two games? This is the guy you supposedly targeted in free agency. It's a weird message to say "we only want to bring in people who want to be here" and then not give them a chance.
  3. The Sabres are my favorite sports franchise - mostly because I grew up in the Buffalo area and as a kid my favorite sport was street hockey (and I also started playing ice hockey in my late 20s). I also like the bills but find it exhausting trying to keep up with everything that goes on with the team. The primary reason I visit this site is to kill time during the work day. The secondary reason is to stay on top of all the happenings of the team.
  4. This is the downside of getting sober, gotta find something else to do to fill your time. In Lehners case this was snakes and debt.
  5. You might want to get your eyes checked ๐Ÿ™‚ . Girgensons career high is 30 points, Cozens has eclipsed that in his sophomore year with 38 and has already put up 43 points in 49 games while carrying two rookies. Dylan Cozens is not making Tage Thompson money, Tage Thompson is making Dylan Cozens money. Had Adams waited to sign Thompson his contract would be 10M+.
  6. That was very eerie. I live in North Buffalo and was laying awake in bed when it hit, whole house was shaking for a few seconds. What stood out to me was the sound that accompanied it, underground thunder.
  7. Is Bisons fan legend Kenny the K man still alive? Maybe he should get Sabres tickets and hang a K every time UPL makes a big stop.
  8. If you look at the schedule, we're in the middle of a 5-week span where we don't have a single 7pm start (due to the all-star break, west coast trips, matinees and a 730 start or two peppered in).
  9. I'm a big fan of it. Teams have finally caught on to the fact that TT will kill you if you don't cover him and have had a guy taking everything away from him. By my count it's been 13 games since he last had a PP goals (vs MIN on Jan 7th). Putting VO on the other side gives you a dual threat of absolute BOMBS. Go ahead and cover Tage, that'll just create more space for VO. If the other team cheats less on Tage to cover VO then that let's Tage get his space.
  10. My gut tells me JJ Peterka will score tonight. I also feel like, based upon the ways these teams have been playing lately is that we'll put up a multi-goal and then watch it disappear. Sabres win in a SO.
  11. Some say the concept of Pekar may never die.
  12. It's weird that they show a zero instead of a "-" or "n/a" - that feels misleading.
  13. My dream scenario would be to have the Sabres make the playoffs and Vegas to fall out of the running - gotta make sure that 2nd round pick is worth something good.
  14. The more I think about it the more I want GMKA to go out and replace Byrson with a defensive-defenseman. This team doesn't need an injection of offensive talent, they need to work on stopping pucks from entering their net and that starts with Byrson. I know it doesn't tell the whole story, but look at the +/- on this team sorted by the worst offenders: Bryson sticks out like a sore thumb at -16. The next two players are VO & Casey who have completely turned their game around since the Jost pickup. 4 of the top 10 other players aren't even on the team anymore. I don't understand how Lybushkin is a +1 being paired with Byrson (he's played 5 few games). https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/index.html
  15. In what world is Dahlin a ginger? He's a blonde swede. Unless you're talking about Eakin?
  16. Adams would win GM of the year if he could somehow manage to trade Hinistroza after having waived him when any team could have taken him for free. I think it's safe to assume Johnson and Portillo are walking - off the top of my head I can't think of a single college player who stayed the 4 years who ended up signing with the team that drafted them (although I'm sure it has happened, just not to use recently). I agree what's needed is to bring in a defensive d-man at the deadline to replace Byrson.
  17. The athletic had an article earlier this week saying the sabres have one of the toughest schedules for the remainder of the season and they weren't projecting them to make the playoffs. I think they're wrong.
  18. Without us knowing the nature of the injuries the best course of action is to let the trainers/medical staff make that decision.
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