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Mustache of God

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Everything posted by Mustache of God

  1. I start every season convinced we'll be hoisting the cup every summer. I am always so, so, so very wrong. VO is due for a two goals tonight, one being an empty netter.
  2. PSA he was the 1st round pick we got in the ROR trade. The final piece, if you will.
  3. We got this. Everybody go put $10 on the sabres winning this.
  4. Skinner and tuch both -3 so far, tage -2. Not the stats you want to see from line #1
  5. We also have 4 picks slated for the first two rounds in this draft (one first, three second rounders) which will add to the above. One of Adams biggest challenges in the upcoming future will be identifying prospects who he doesn't think with cut it and use them as trade material before other teams catch on. There's no way everyone pans out, but there's also not enough space for even a portion of them, so decisions will have to be made.
  6. Not necessarily. This doesn't take into account own-goals and disallowed goals.
  7. The Mitts-Krebs-Quinn line looked really good last game. I wouldn't want to break that up.
  8. The question is how many Norris trophies will Dahlin win before Power wins one?
  9. Islanders vs Pens tonight, who do we root for? Both have 63 points but Pitt has 55 gp vs 59 for the Isles. Does that mean we root for Pitt as it's easier for us to catch the Isles?
  10. Between this upcoming draft and the previous two, the Sabres are slotted to have 12 selections between rounds 1 & 2, I'm really hoping that Adams uses a some of this collateral to improve the defense on this team to help them now, specifically the defense which I think is the lowest hanging fruit for him. Based upon listening to Adams speak I don't see him trading for a UFA rental, which I'm fine with although I'd hate to have this limit his options considering we do have capital to bring someone in. Defense - Find someone to replace Clague or Byrson and bring in additional depth. A second round pick and a low-tier prospect should be able to land a solid defensive d-man and then maybe bring in another depth piece. Offense - unless he swings for a huge deal to land a Meier type player, someone young and with term, I don't see any trades being made to the forwards. We're getting offense, it's the defensive side that needs an upgrade. Goaltending - I can't see any scenario where goalies will be part of a trade for us (unless Portillo's rights are tossed into a trade). We already have 3 goalies on the roster - so you'd have to move at least one. UPL isn't going anywhere and, based upon GMKA's pressers, there's no way he'd trade the veteran Anderson unless he requested a trade, but what team is going to have a 41 year old be their backup? Trading Comrie makes no sense for Adam's plan either. I fully expect next season to be UPL / Comrie.
  11. Hopefully the Sabres broke their 2nd period curse with Krebs scoring to stop the bleeding after giving up 3. Hopefully they can build some confidence against the Sharks because the better teams coming up won't let off the throttle in those situations.
  12. Best second period goaltending I've seen in the past three games.
  13. I'd like to see a buddy cop movie starring Judge Judy and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
  14. These lines make a load more sense over whatever the hell we saw yesterday.
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