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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Hah. We'r a bit out from practice. I don't really coach anymore, too busy. Just on the board now. Of course I'm not at the board meeting because rather than go there I had to stay home and work all night. So this is my quick break before I get back to working... MF'er.. that's what I get for complaining about missing the game for a board meeting...
  2. I will be in the middle of what will likely be a 3.5 hour long youth baseball board meeting. I'm pretty sure I would rather watch the game. Oh well.. I will be at Thursday's game.
  3. You ever go out and win a shift 1 on 5? Nope. That said, plenty of players have stretches of bad games and you know they do.
  4. Curious.. who signs up to be the disaster goalie? What's the salary on that? Does it count towards the cap? Add one more body to transport to every away game. One more hotel room, food, insurance, salary. Do the owners want that?
  5. This team is not fundamentally flawed any longer. In that situation, the exchange of 2-3 players can go a long way to taking that next step and improving the team. Having played hockey I am surprised you have not experienced this. You cut off the bottom and add to the middle and top and get stronger. Of course the question will be.. are the deals available and do UFAs want to sign here. If a UFA doesn't want to sign here then you have to ask, is it the GM or the owner/franchise? If it's not the GM, then it does no good to complain about the GM. I would suspect that the D gets a sleight overhaul with 2 being moved out in trades. The telling sign? Do Larsson and Girgensons get offers and do they sign here? It's their choice and if they don't then it tells you something about where they see the team. They will get offers on the market, there's no doubt.
  6. No goaltender will fix the defensive zone coverage problems the Sabres are currently exhibiting. It's the same poor coverage during their losing streak earlier this year. They are losing coverage on guys behind the play. Those are easy tap-ins.
  7. One more anti-Botterill thread. I don't know what spreads worse, the angst of Sabres fans or COVID-19.
  8. I mean.. they scored two goals last night, but I get what you are saying. Another game.. guess I will watch.
  9. With less people getting into officiating and those who have dropping out at higher rates (across all sports) you are bound to see a decline in the pool of people who will rise up to officiate at higher levels. Those that do could be those who are insane enough to make it through dealing with spectators at the lower levels for the time it takes to earn their way up into the more selective leagues.
  10. He wasn't already called a bust? I'm kind of disappointed. I would have expected that as the number 2 post in the trade thread.
  11. Not really, they exist somewhere on the gender spectrum and ideally you will let them tell you where.
  12. It's how business works, so that's how you talk. When you listen to analytics people on here talk it's the same kind of jargon, but focused in their area. The same holds true for physics, engineers, etc. Doctors talk about all kinds of stuff in ways no one understands. I'll disagree here. I was a Poli Sci major in college and have an MBA. I definitely did not learn the speak from my Poli Sci era. The question isn't why is it suddenly worth more, it's that it was always worth more and why weren't they charging for it? This is pure business and pricing theory. Granted all people see is "price is going up" and I don't blame them. However, if they raise the prices and people buy the tickets they are vindicated. And yes.. society needs all kinds of whoops and boops because the next generation is being trained to have a much shorter attention span and learning to be inundated with information from a variety of sources at the same time. You have to tailor the experience for them or they will find it boring. Those of us who grew up before each news station was a collection of scroll bars with information will have a hard time grasping it. Kids though, they are on their phones with 150 notifications per second, watching 6 second clips of 35 different things.. continually jumping from one thing to the next.
  13. hmmm a late Friday night game... I have a stat for that.. 100% chance of inebriation by the time this game starts.. Let's Go! Oh.. and every game is a must win, but it's that way for others too. I want to see them be competitive, but if they go up against the "hot goalie of the week" each time it might be bad news.
  14. Perhaps be able to grab a bit of this game from the hotel. Probably have to try and stream it though.
  15. Typical small improvements.. trends mostly towards what Botterill has done with the trades that were made on his terms. Simmonds provides leadership and help now. There were a few players thrown around for 5th round picks. Kahun fits into the longer term.
  16. It feels like he can take on some kind of cap dump at this point... my optimism says he's working something with Carolina. But to give up the D they need, does it make the Sabres weaker overall for a playoff run.. which, is why he would get Simmonds.
  17. This is listed as Djuse to Florida, from Dallas, for their 6th round pick they acquired from Buffalo. According to TSN Trade Tracker
  18. Yes.. two separate thoughts in there. I didn’t mean he would flip Simmonds for the 3rd pick back.
  19. Interesting discussion of flipping Simmonds can Sabres retain another 50%? i wonder if they try to get their 3rd back from Carolina...
  20. This is a kind of trade that should lead to a slight roster change. Expect Sheary to move.. size for whatever Sherry brings. i doubt anything big happens...
  21. This is the kind of game where players on the trade block tend to not put themselves into many risky situations... all the makings of being a very non-physical game.
  22. I think I'll get to see the first period.. then perhaps have to stream it while at the airport... oh well.
  23. Sabres players acting like they want to up their trade value.
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