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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. No 2Cs need to put up about 50 to 60pts 30 to 40 pts is more akin to a 3C Tierney is a great 3C but doesn't reach a 2C level of play. He'd be better than our present options but not fitted in the classification based on the league.
  2. Always happy to see a win, and a gutsy one at that.
  3. Jost has skating problems which is much different to Mitts problems. He’s at very least a good skater. Jost could become a solid defensively responsible center according to Avs fans but it sounds like he’d just be a slower ROR-lite
  4. Supposedly Pierre LeBrun said that Buffalo and Toronto have talked about Risto but it would be a offseason deal. I hate it; if I'm trading Risto I want him out of our conference.
  5. Half of me wants to chuck Botteril into the ocean off a plane. The half believes all the other GMs are only low balling him due to the ROR deal and have left him spinning his tires trying to do something. I'm utterly disappointed; Skinner looks like the non-effective Ennis out there. (As in a lot of flash and dash but nothing coming from it) Eichel, he's an incredible player but I wish he'd stop trying to force passes with an empty net. Granted, barely anyone moves meaning he pretty much either has to give it back to Dahlin for the 10th time or attempt to thread a needle.
  6. I like this team when they play 60 minutes; they seriously look good when they all play hard. When Eichel isn't the lone contributor we play well. Who would of thought? I like Larsson, but I also want change so I'm torn.
  7. But I love agrochemical solutions to hockey problems! ?
  8. Supposedly Trocheck has dropped off a cliff in play according to Florida fans. Some of them want to give him away because he continuously turns the puck over. So I would exercise caution. That being said, his stats aren't terrible for a 2nd line center. Montour & Frolik (50%) for Trocheck and a 4th
  9. Well unless we are sending some version of our 1st along with him that would be completely insane. Otherwise its just unlikely.
  10. Let me say this, I honestly believe we are within 4 pts of the playoffs if Olofsson doesn't get injured. He has, over the yea,r turned into a solid all around player and gives us a chance on every powerplay to get a goal since no one else on the team can pull off his shot besides Eichel. Just think of all the times while he was out where we had powerplays where MoJo or another failed to get a solid shot or accurate shot off after receiving their cross-ice pass. Even just two or three of those likely flips a few games. Olofsson understands what he is good at, and plays to make the most of it. Most of our players, when they play within themselves are solid players; but too often are at least half of them attempting to play too cute or fancy. It was great to see a comeback win reminiscent of the 2000's Sabres which was rather fitting. Eichel is overjoyed to have Olofsson back.
  11. I'd dump as many UFAs as possible, and just sign Pommers and Vanek for the final 20 or so games. At least they could do something that seemingly would make most fans "happy" It's not like we'd be worse with them over many of our UFA's.
  12. Strome isn’t a target I’m too fond of. Never was a good skater, hurt his leg this year and is noticeably slower. He has yet to have a single good NHL season. (He was good in Chicago when paired with the equally hot Debrincat who has also fell off a cliff this season.) Gallagher, if he were a UFA I’d overpay to get him since he’s the type of player we lack. A no nonsense guy who plays hard every shift. While still having high skill and hockey IQ. I liked Hertl until his knee decided to get out of this season regardless of its human’s desire. Now I fear he’ll be a shell of his former self. Always will love Kapanen but I will never be willing to help Toronto in any circumstance. Even if it were too raise both of our boats, I’d rather be a sub with them taking on water. Laine is a great player but not worth gutting our team for. I doubt Eichel + Laine and Dahlin accomplish anymore than our present group. Kase or Arvidsson would be nice depending on the ask. Cirelli is pie in the sky
  13. Skinner is likely to be better next year as most of his career he’s been 1 on 1 off since getting healthy.
  14. At the end of this season, Leino's contract will leave the Sabres book. Hopefully that will lift the curse as we haven't played in the playoffs since that contract was signed.
  15. I actually wonder who would be considered a higher value player. A mid pair RHD or a rather young 3C. I'd actually guess Montour would be more valuable at this immediate time.
  16. The thing is with Couture is that he is already 30 making 8 mil for 7 more years If they want a 1st, first I'd want to know where our pick is; then I would want salary retention. Eichel needs help and bringing in wishy-washy guys won't work as we've seen.
  17. The team that showed up in the 3rd could be a playoff team; problem is they show up only once in awhile. Goaltending was atrocious until that penalty shot and it effectively cost us the game. Dahlin played very well, Promo wants to run him over on that play near the end, but it honestly looked like the puck hit some snow that had piled up and in combination with his exhaustion he was unable to fire the puck with any oomph. I just want to know where that effort is most games. I can easily root for those guys at the end of that game who were sitting they were so exhausted.
  18. Here's my proposal: 1. Jettison UFAs that you can at the deadline and acquire assets; whatever that may even be. 2. Trade McCabe for Miles Wood (Swapping two players with nigh-identical contracts and similar roles yet different positions) 3. Hug Eichel and tell him the fans love him. 4. Sign Reinhart for 7 mil or less per year with a contract at/over 5 years. 5. Trade Mitts and our 2nd to SJ for Couture (Some Shark fans are open to this idea with how their cap situation is) 6. Trade Montour to WPG for either Copp or Roslovic and a 3rd in 2020 and a 5th in 2021 (I fear his contract asking price in comparison to his actual team impact) (Should we ask for more?) 7. Figure out what to do with Tage Thompson 8. Sign Ullmark for about 2or3x3mil and Olofsson for about 3 to 4 mil over 3 to 5 years. 9. Find a more physical defensively minded LHD Thus far I have Olofsson - Eichel - Reinhart Skinner - Couture - Cozens (Skinner can swap wings if Cozens is a lefty) Wood - Johansson - Roslovic Asplund - Lazar - Okposo Dahlin - Miller Pilut - Risto ??? - Joker Ullmark Hutton Ruotsalainen/Smith/others for Forward extras Need an extra dman Would like to upgrade back up still and have 7.1 mil in cap space for the spots mentioned. -Burying Hutton = 1 mil approximately -Thompson still needs a contract as well
  19. He's literally a F/D in Florida for some reason lol. He had 17 goals in about 400 games prior to this Glad it was the Leafs though lol
  20. Wouldn’t make that trade, even if Toronto were in the West. A young skilled Dman is worth more than a young winger.
  21. I don't want new lottery tickets and the ability to watch Dahlin turn into the next Chara story in a different city.
  22. Well trading Dahlin or Eichel for that matter wouldn't do anything but add more chairs.
  23. Reinhart, Risto, and throw anyone not signed into a wood chipper. (Excluding Olafsson) Waive Hutton and depending on Okposo's condition either waive him put him on LTIR You build through bringing in hungry players who will never surrender, maybe a few old vets who still want to play. Trading Dahlin will accomplish nothing, it will just be another ROR trade.
  24. What he said is so true its scary. They need a Marketing/PR President and Hockey Ops President for the Sabres. Kim has done an ok job with the Bills but it seems between her multiple diversity boards, Bills stadium things, and being a Mom that things are beginning to fall through the cracks and the Sabres seem unable to fix any problems that are left over. We need a new Ted Black that at least gives us some lip-service and takes a beating on the radio occasionally. We need someone legit above the GM who can either get rid of Botts or get him to actually do what he was supposed do in being a cap wizard. I'm honestly ok with RK for now. But we need a new special teams coach because our present one or two in charge need to be fired into the sun.
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