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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. I’d want contract assurances before I’d deal the 7th pick.
  2. To put it simple if they went 24 teams in the playoffs and this lottery we would literally be the only team screwed royally as we’d be unable to get Pick 1 or a playoff spot. Nothing new there
  3. To be honest, I'd be happy just to win the Cup even regardless of the circumstances. You can put a million asterisks for all I care but I just want to see Sabres players lifting the Cup! ****************************
  4. It would be a bloodbath in a best of 3 between Buffalo and Toronto
  5. Yup I’d guess for most it will be a roll into next season with perhaps a bonus. (For instance you are owed $750 so they give you $1000 toward next year) Otherwise Id guess they’ll give you the $750 minus $100 (in process fees) straight up.
  6. Botts, honestly the only thing I still held onto about you was this and you’ve even totally screwed this up. I still don’t understand why we would take a cap penalty for overages. I can pretty easily shift stuff around on CapFriendly and get us under the cap without any LTIR.
  7. Kaleta was #36 and it could of been an alumni puck. Other number choices would be 30 and 38 but it doesn't look like Miller
  8. HFBoards hates Risto and isn't fond of Mitts. (Granted they are rarely fond of any Sabres players. Montour was a favorite target of the multiplicity of Leafs fans but once he went to Buffalo he was suddenly worthless) I honestly wouldn't want Strome; he has never proven to be any good without Debrincat as his winger. Outside Buffalo, Chicago is likely my most watched team and while impressive last year; he's looked slower and mediocre at best this year. He's a lesser Sam Reinhart at center; they both have many of the same problems in skating speed and a penchant to vanish for stretches. He hasn't played a ton with Debrincat this year as well which has certainly been a net negative for both players.
  9. The SF Giants announcers are really good, especially when its Kuip and Kruk. Regardless of the situation, they bring some humor and fun to the game, while also being very knowledgeable about the game. The Giants sucked the last couple years so they've at times had the camera man scan the crowd and they'll just talk about them lol. The Chicago Blackhawks announcers are rather good as well; knowledgeable and make nice quips. Plus, "happy humans" is one of my favorite lines I've ever heard. Every teams' announcers tend to have some homerism which is a given and needed; its when you can be a homer yet still respectful and knowledgeable about the opponents that makes a tolerable broadcast. Jack Edwards I just can't listen to, yet he's no where near as bad against the Sabres nowadays due to Eichel. Otherwise its just Boston everything for 2.5 hours. Toronto is unbearable and informative simultaneously; they know stuff but talk up the Leafs to a point of madness that would likely drive me away even if they weren't our rival. Most groups are tolerable for non-Sabres games; although that may just be due to my love of watching hockey as a whole.
  10. Why wouldn't you watch; I can't imagine it is good for anyone psychologically to continuously watch the news and see everything burning constantly. I wouldn't want fans in the stands but if they can play games I'd be all for it. The longer we hide in our homes the worse economically and mentally scarred society will become.
  11. Id disagree with the no untouchable statement as regardless of our results; you will not bring success by continuously cycling players through your franchise. Eichel and Dahlin would be my untouchables with our 1st being all but untouchable. The caveat being if we were offered McDavid for Eichel levels of ridiculous it would break said category.
  12. That being said I doubt any offer out there would be worth trading Dahlin for. Rarely do trades like that work out like the Lindros one did. So no, I wouldn’t trade him short of that Colorado offer.
  13. To be honest our depth scoring always seems to have a similar story with 2 of the 3 lines being streaky at best and 1 typically being colder than ice. This year our 2nd line was arguably our 4th line as Girgs actually potted a few this year and may have tied his career high in goals without the season stoppage. Larsson and Okposo also played very well. Okposo, when he came back from his injury truly played like I'd been hoping he'd be able to as he got older; gritty, usually smart, hard to knock off the puck, and having that veteran savvy (His goal against Toronto especially) The Sheary, ERod, insert many names here showed up in a handful of games; were ok in about 20 and either bad or actively hurting the team in the rest. Rarely did they all click in the same game thus you ended up with many games where you'd see one of them seemingly skating circles around the opponent yet having little success Frolik, I love ya man for your help with the Cup in Chicago, but you may just want to retire. You are the definition of a shell of your former self. Simmonds looked ok I guess, not worth a big contract by any means but most certainly worth a low draft pick and maybe a 1 year contract to play either 3rd/4th line minutes and be a good influence. This being said we saw like 5 games with him in our jersey and he could potentially go the way of Brian Leetch with the Leafs.
  14. I hate the stupid CDC for these Doomsday predictions. Why not say 4 weeks? If its not better by week 3 then go back over the timeline. By making it 8 weeks you are only going to create further panics to purchase goods.
  15. I'd guess until a player gets it they will play without crowds. At the end of the year they may delay everything a week or so in order to give more time so they can get the fans back safely.
  16. If it’s Pick 10 or lower, I’d target with it but above that it would be come more difficult to part with the pick.
  17. Probably wouldn’t quite go as far on the 1st trade. I despise trading 1sts, especially in a deep draft. Im also unsure about Pilut and Lindholm. Pilut looks good in spurts but seems to struggle against heavier teams and Risto’s penchant for hitting means he’ll likely be played rough against. What is Lindholm? Our 2C either needs to be big and strong or a 200ft player to better facilitate our team under Eichel
  18. I don’t love Cirelli enough to trade a top 3 pick for him among other assets. The last thing I want is a potential sequel to the ROR deal with Cirelli falling apart akin to Drouin and that Top 3 pick becoming another superstar. I will always be weary of players on high tiered teams as it is difficult to parse out the truly great players and those who are really good at latching on.
  19. I'll middle you two's predictions and say with Ullmark we are likely at 74 points now, either through 3 wins or some combination of wins and OTLs.
  20. Technically he was out there 3 seconds at the end lol Supposedly he hates shootouts thus it takes a good number of players to go before they'd eventually tell him to suck it up.
  21. No this year it became both challenges upon failure = a penalty.
  22. Hypothetically if Florida called you up and offered Ekblad for Risto and Mitts would you do it?
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