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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Supposedly it would be akin to Early through Mid June: Tune up camp Late June/Early July: Start playoffs Supposedly they want at most 60 days to pass before the Cup is handed out July & August would be the playoffs September would have the draft October Free Agency/Rest November Training Camp/Preseason December 2020-2021 starts with a condensed timeline but full 82 game season.
  2. Someone on HF proposed Risto Johnson our 2020 2nd To ANA for Henrique(1mil retained) Max Jones Jacob Larsson and their 5th I don’t mind it, Henrique is a very consistent 40 to 50 point guy, stays healthy, scores big goals, and while his contract would end when he’s 34/35 the retention puts him under 5mil per year.
  3. They took tests, I didn’t have the antibodies sadly
  4. Yes, county and emergency personnel did 2 weeks ago
  5. Seen above: Tage Thompson runs over Aaron Ekblad to create a scoring chance
  6. Alright, I get you. ? Though it certainly tells me they still have a lot of work to do with immigration policy. We are a melting pot but currently someone decided to dump an entire shaker of Central American spices into the pot and we need a bigger spoon to stir it. ?
  7. Different circumstances however; if you want higher income taxes that doesn’t mean you must also want higher sales taxes since they are both fiscal policies
  8. Added incentive to Olofsson’s contract.
  9. If he can learn how to use his size, not merely cheat using his size he could truly be a great 2RW. His size with hands is a rare combo
  10. I don’t see how being against illegal immigration and the possible irreversible cultural shift caused by a mass influx of non-English speaking people can be truly equated to challenging a visa denial on a person with professional skills. Just my 2 cents
  11. New plan: Trade the 7th Overall and a 4th in 2021 for Cirelli's RFA rights; sign him at 6x6mil Sign RFAs Reinhart 6x7mil Ullmark 3x2.9mil Pilut 1x1mil Olofsson 4x4mil Kahun 2x1.85mil Trade Hutton for Brandon Sutter(1 mil retained) Trade RFA rights to Montour and Thompson and our 5th to MIN for PIT's 1st, MIN's 4th, their 2021 7th, and Foligno(1 mil retained) Sign UFAs Larsson 2x2.25 Elliot 2x2.15 1.25mil Cap Penalty included sneaks us in with 24k capspace Skinner - Eichel - Reinhart Olofsson - Cirelli - Johansson Kahun - Cozens - Sutter Foligno - Larsson - Okposo Dahlin - Miller Pilut - Risto McCabe - Jokiharju Ullmark Elliot Extras: Asplund, Ruotsalainen and Borgen At years end we would recoup more than 12 mil from our UFAs to help re-secure Dahlin and Jokiharju What do you guys think?
  12. Nothing new, the NHL always looks to screw the Sabres and the city of Buffalo and award garbage fanbases. I'd like for the city of Buffalo to boycott the playoffs airing. Why should we help them if they never help us. I want to see the Sabres playing not garbage like the Hurricanes, Panthers, Stars, and Coyotes who don't even deserve teams. Plus the fact Montreal would get to go is a bloody joke; they are worse than Buffalo with just better goaltending. They lost to the Red Wings 4 times....
  13. There may never be a full cure; we aren't just going to hide in our homes until it might come.
  14. I doubt it, while they could probably exist for some time it would never be able to grow thanks to a weaker Canadian dollar. It would never happen however as besides Toronto and Montreal, the American teams could easily outbid the Canadian teams due to taxes alone.
  15. I’m unsure if it was as much people being less fanatic or merely the slow changeover between the old school suits and ties crowd who would treat the events as something akin to a theatre production and thus weren’t exactly rowdy usually. And that of the slow creeping to the newer more fanatic jersey wearing fans who probably have some inspiration from European soccer in combination with a cultural shift away from the very prim and proper 50’s during the 60’s
  16. 2. 6. That's what I could do off the top of my head. (I was born in 1992 so a lot of these are well before my time)
  17. Not really, why would we want to dwell on endless depressing situations. I can't personally end the pandemic or the depression caused by it, I can't end the snow nor kill murder hornets so we come here to talk about something more "normal"
  18. Tell that to the Dallas Stars in 99 or the Boston Bruins in 2010 Until we win, I don't care if its done by being the scum of the earth, I just want a championship. Then I'll worry about whether or not we are being honorable.
  19. That was our next freaking game, we win and we'd of been 1 point back with 2 games in hand. Montreal has had enough happiness in the franchise history. We deserve it!
  20. We should at very least get the opportunity to play Montreal for Spot 24
  21. Then use a system that goes 1-12 in each Conference or 1-24 league-wide not a 1-6 in all 4 divisions but well Buffalo is a little behind Montreal so they don't deserve it. We shouldn't be in an exception to the rule; that is where we are screwed. Also I would want full lottery privileges; why should we have to miss the playoffs yet again and yet still have no way of get #1. Just to make matters worse seeing as the Senators and Red Wings will be getting Top 5 talents while our team finds new ways to flounder. Can we do a vote of no confidence or something? Just to add, the idea Montreal should get in over us when they lost 4 times to Detroit and have a nominal lead on us in a complete farce in of itself.
  22. No idea but I'm sick of the NHL find new ways to screw us. It's not the fans' fault the team can't seem to work their way out of a paper bag.
  23. 1. I'll take any playoff berth we can get; until we win a Cup nothing is off limits to me in achieving that. I couldn't care less if ownership doesn't deserve because we as fans deserve it and some of the players do as well. The idea that the Rangers would get in solely because they have more points than us is ludicrous; they also have more points than Montreal and Florida; why do those two get in but not us? Montreal has 3 more points than we do but we were about to literally play them and have 2 games in hand; there is no reason we should be shafted for their sake. 2. This will only further prove the large market bias even though Buffalo gets some of the best TV ratings in the US. I would hope Buffalo would boycott airing the NHL playoffs if they kick us out for NYR. 3. We can't even win the freaking lottery, the best we can get is #3 which is effectively like getting #3 in the McDavid-Eichel draft. The Top 2 are a good bit better than the rest.
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