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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Who is better Max Domi or Phillip Danault?
  2. That’s pretty much what I’d like to see and if Dudley. Can help set that up here then I hope we coerce him to rejoin the Sabres in yet another role lol
  3. I could live with Henrique but Stepan and either Strome are a no go for me. I'm a tad curious as to what players you classify in the electric 2Cs worth #8 and some other stuff?
  4. Unsure, if anything I would guess he just wants to win rather than attempt to mimic a specific past team like TM's LAK or Bott's PIT. Based on his comments I would expect players, "we can be proud of" Sam Bennett types over Connor Sheary types. Essentially if the player isn't scoring he will at very least add something to the team as a whole every given night. I don't think that goes to a point of grinders over skill but rather 2 dimensional players over 1 trick ponies. Skinner and Olofsson, to a degree, will likely be our only pure goal scorers. To be honest I could get behind a team like that depending on the skill level. Botts had valued pure goal scoring/skating speed over all else and it left us with a team plagued by intermittent scoring that looked listless at times outside Eichel and Larsson's lines. To be honest, ironically enough I would guess ROR would of been a guy Adams would of liked because when he isn't generating offense he still has use. Skinner types become invisible when not generating offense. A couple Skinners is never a bad thing; you just can't build a team primarily with them as you'll have wild inconsistency and entire lines being practically useless. (Sound familiar?)
  5. Why not, money is money and Tampa can't pay everyone. Which ones exactly? Reinhart at 5/6 years should be between 6 and 7 mil Olofsson at 3/4 years should be between 3 and 4 mil Kahun isn't making anything over 2.85mil Ullmark is good but nowhere near great at this time hence the 3x3mil, if he wants 2x3mil I'd accept that too Haydn Fleury is the only one I don't have a clue about so I gave him a pay raise for 2 years.
  6. Detroit got completely screwed and all of bottom 7 teams were screwed since some fanbase will get to watch hockey and get #1 overall. It's ludicrous
  7. I wish fans could sue the NHL for this ***tshow. This is a travesty to all the fans who wont get to see their teams play hockey until December.
  8. All I know is Crowe got the same MBA as I did in Sports Admin at Canisius.
  9. For all we know Botts used him as a number guy and that was it. Analytics can help with being more cost effective so perhaps they like the movie Moneyball
  10. I feel offended by the fact my proposals are equated to that of Eklund and other incompetent attention desperate media members. Hey, at least I've gotten better over the years whereas Eklund.... well not so much ?
  11. I'd almost put money on it, if Maurice were to get fired by WPG; Krueger would immediately bring him on as Associate Coach, work him into the team dynamic then bequeath HC to Maurice and become PoHO
  12. Any cap decrease would have to be done with an equal % contract change thus effectively meaning no difference. The last thing the NHL is going to do is drop the cap without any reducing cap hits because they would put 3/4th of the league in untenable positions. That's just plain bad for business.
  13. Trade McCabe for our 3rd and a 2020 3rd with the Rangers Trade Risto to CGY for Bennett, their 2nd in 20 and their 4th in 22 Trade Montour to ARI for a protected 1st in 21 and a 6th in 20 Trade Pilut's rights for a 4th in 20 from NJ Trade Thompson and the CGY 2nd to Carolina for Haydn Fleury and a 5th Offersheet Cirelli at 5 years 6 mil per Sign Edmundson at 4x4mil, Hamhuis at 1x1.3mil, McKegg at 1x1mil Resign Reinhart 5x6.2mil, Olofsson 4x3.6mil, Ullmark 3x3mil, Kahun 3x2.4mil, Fleury gets 2x1.5mil, Lazar 1x950k, Larsson at 3x3mil Skinner-Eichel-Reinhart Olofsson-Cirelli-Kahun Johansson-Cozens-Bennett Asplund-Larsson-Okposo Dahlin-Miller Edmundson-Jokiharju Fleury - Borgen Ullmark Hutton Subs: Lazar, Hamhuis, McKegg Even with a 1.25mil cap penalty we still have 3.2mil in cap space
  14. The cap won't go down in literal number but it may not move for a few years.
  15. The head coach in Winnipeg, whose name escapes, me would be the 1st person I'd think of due to their work together on the Team Europe staff.
  16. Maybe the Sabres can bring him in some backup announcer duty or something once RJ retires. He may of been spotty as the years went on but he always spoke from his heart and I'll always respect him for that.
  17. If Botts was the reason behind the ROR trade and he'd been trying to trade him since early that prior season; I could easily see Terry telling him that you've had 6 months to make a trade and I'm not paying 7.5 mil to a guy who won't be here next year. I can honestly understand that sentiment especially if Botts didn't give a good explanation on how paying it would better the return specifically. If Botterill told the Pegulas they would get a better return but never gave them a specific reasoning/example I too would likely be a bit unconvinced. Plus, depending on the Pegulas level of actual hockey knowledge; the ROR deal looked good from a less savvy point of view. Your first assumption is that Berglund and Sobotka must be pretty good based on their contracts and you're getting a 1st and a prospect too for just one guy. If all Botts gave him was a more general "well we could get a better prospect" most people would balk at $7.5 million to "upgrade" a prospect. For all we know Terry actually liked ROR and was hoping to deter the trade. One other quick comment on the whole thing is if the Pegulas hated ROR after his Tim Horton's incident why didn't we hear any rumors about it while GMTM was still here or even the months prior to Botts 1st season? The famous quote may have brought them to Botts side but it seems unlikely they'd tell Botts to trade ROR 2 weeks into the season for no apparent reason.
  18. As long as sell to another Buffalo-only owner. I never want our teams to move and any team sale strikes the fear of God into me.
  19. I'm wondering if I should mail them my resume for a position in the front office; I have a Masters in Sports Admin after all.
  20. My uncle brought up that perhaps the Pegulas know the NFL season may end up delayed or cancelled and are trying to brace for a lack of revenue streams by purging the Sabres staff. While the Pegulas seem to be incompetent franchise runners that doesn't necessarily mean they are completely incompetent in all aspects of business. The past 9 years the Pegulas have muddled and befuddled and thrown bags of money at the Sabres to no effect. Any businessman would eventually get confused by the fact his money doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything. Remember in 2011 we were a small market team with potential and a GM who was actually not bad at playing with a small budget. The Pegulas came in and threw money at the team which in a basic sense should have improved everything but I think things just effectively blew up akin to the Leino contract. Essentially the team went through what most lottery winners do; oh my god I have a ton of money where can I spend it! Thus they expanded rapidly putting on a ton of new scouts and team members, signing huge contracts, etc. Then we have our first GM changeover and Tim Murray receives more money and puts band aids on things, tanks, and the Pegulas revamp the locker room. Changeover number two occurs and while differing in philosophy Botts gets money and does much of the same in replacing a guy here and there and patching up holes. The point is since the Pegulas bought the team we have effectively just poured money into the team expecting good stuff to happen, which the Pegulas are also to blame for, but its human nature to try and throw money at problems. (Just look at the government of either party) The pessimist in me says we are just doomed as always but besides the team leaving we are truly already in hell. The optimistic approach is that Adams figured out the front office was a mess of multiple GM iterations, old guard, and such and decided to gut the building down to the frame and rebuild the house. And since the Pegulas want to have less overhead and no regular GM would ever want to downsize why not give it to a guy who has the Sabres best interest in mind and experience in a myriad of roles. The one thing about Adams is he's from here and is a Buffalonian; so he has no ulterior motive for helping this team. We don't have to worry about him being overly obsessed with Ottawa or Pittsburgh. Step 1 of purging everything seems about done but I'd still want to go through what's left and make sure everyone is on the same page. Then you go and find a couple vets of front office stuff like a Dudley and you painstakingly rebuild the front office from the ground up. We have until about October/November for the draft so we have at least 3/4 months and a bonus month to fix everything. Krueger set up one or two entire hockey programs and Adams set up and ran the Hockey Academy so building Hockey Operations seems to be up both their alleys.
  21. I’m curious as to what Adams will be philosophically for his team building. His Amerks comment does make a lot of sense. We need Rochester to win due to youngsters being led by vets not youngsters just riding shotgun with lifelong AHLers. One good thing that may come from being slightly more frugal is a heavier investment into analytics as the bang for the buck is rather good.
  22. Like with any new president heir first 100 days is seen as their introduction to the whole of the country on their leadership such as do they uphold campaign promises. You are Kevyn Adams, you can't fire yourself or the owner, and I'm going to pretend all the teams are available to be traded with. What is it that you would do? For me: 1. I'd get rid of most of the scouting staff, the pro scouts especially based on their performance. 2. I'd create an Analytics department that uses both high and low level analytics 3. I'd hire new scouts for "the eye test" 4. Analytics and Classic scouts work together on prospects/as for pro scouting I would have scouts hunting for trade candidates work separately for intervals to lessen the bleed over of either side effecting the others' judgements. (Obviously if, without knowing the other, both sides are intrigued by the same player they are likely a great candidate.) 5. Find out what Ralph and Jack think about ideas. Ralph would get player names whereas Jack would be more in a general arena. (What type of player are you looking for to help the team structure, etc.) 6. Hire a Cap guy and contract negotiator. (Can be 1 or 2 people) (Essentially what Botts did in Pittsburgh) 7. Hire a GM for the Amerks/Assistant GM Alright, have at it
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