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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Insightful commentary from the panel when they weren’t laughing at the Sabres about accountability and how you choose to play. Also about the Sabres staff allowing these players to continue to make mistakes without fixing it. About how winning teams don’t allow players to get away with making mistakes over and over again. Are you listening Donnie ? Not sure this team has it in them. Its about time they start to hold each other accountable.
  2. Sportsnet still showing highlights of pit/mon .? Come on where’s the game ?
  3. Good win. I mean they had to right? Maybe things are trending up. Not sure why everyone was shitting all over Robinson last week. Seems like an improvement to a ghastly bottom six. He goes to the net😳. Maybe some of that will rub off. Thanks boys. I was entertained.
  4. They have to get the PP going. 0-5 against Montreal killed us. Go back and look at our losses this year and in a lot of cases one or two PP goals would have changed the outcome. Ifvwe have to scuttle Matt freakin Ellis to fix the PP then so be it.
  5. The lack of a servicable PP to me is mind boggling. The players are taking the heat on this but they seem to be doing the same things that have gotten them no results. This is on ellis and a lack of confidence which can be fixed with a change in coaching. The coach obviously has no answers. If we continue to do the same things and get no results I have to think KA has his eyes on another shiny toy.
  6. Despite losing in the talent competition at the end there that was a terrific game. Enjoyed the heck out of that one.
  7. That PP will be the playoff death of this team. No bout a doubt it.
  8. Well we know they can throw it around the outside. Effectively killing the PP.
  9. Whomever is running the powerplay took the shortbus in to work.
  10. Who’s the velvet Elvis on the Bruins telecast ? A bit heavy on the purple there fella.
  11. Well you picked the right team. Its a perpetual rebuild.
  12. There are no moral victories. Sure Donnie will try and use the near comeback to get them going but pfffft, they lost. Sleepwalked through the first two periods. Not good enough. It was nice to have Tage back. Thats all I got. G’nite.
  13. This is on KA. But Donnie looks to be in over his head as well. He has no answers. Its groundhog day every game. KA dropped the ball big time. Was last year a mirage ? He new our weaknesses. And ignored them.
  14. I’m not sure what you meant but hell yeah, hand the power play coaching over to the guys on the ice. Let them works out some ***** in practice and have at her. Can’t be any worse than the Matt Ellis of powerplay strategies. Did that guy ever sniff a PP😳in his life?
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