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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. I got the 46 second soundbite. I’ll have to search for more.
  2. Can anyone remember the last time the sabres were relevant ? We are talking decades not years. Blocks of 10 years. We are into the second block of 10. Its early but it feels late if you know what I mean. After following this team since I was 10 I can guarantee I will not waste another decade watching this sad sack display of ineptness. I’ll be 60 in another 14 months. KA get off your ass and help all of us get over that hump. Some of us have grown old supporting this team. Patience is a dirty word. I’ve just about run out. Besides, theres more rewarding things to do than follow a loser franchise. Make us proud Kevin Adams. If you can’t get out of the way.
  3. They competed and it still wasn’t enough. Sucks to be us.
  4. Agree 100% on the youth/vets stuff. Enthusiasm is great but nothing beats veteran experience. Being the youngest team in the league shouldn’t be talked about like a badge of honour. The mix of vets/kids is all askew. And the vets we have are heavy to the geriatric side. They have to be capable.
  5. I’m getting there. Part of the fun was watching the small signs of success individually. Mitts, JJ, Cozens last year , Quinn etc. All those small victories seems to have stalled . This team sucks most nights. One or two good moves could change tjat but KA is so invested in his guys. Fix this team !
  6. Kev/balls have already decided this is all part of the course forward for this group. They along with many on this board believe in the youth approach to winning. Probably the only franchise in the league taking the ‘ don’t block the youngsters ‘ approach. We need capable veterans and a quality goaltender if we want to get out of the basement. Unfortunately Kev/balls have decided in their grand wisdom, that virtually every other team in the league is doing it wrong along with many successful teams of the past. At this pace of ‘ misery ‘ we’ll likely pick top 5 in june. Its once again self inflicted and Terry in his infinite wisdom will give them a pass. Nothing should surprise anyone with this franchise.
  7. That was hard to watch. Enjoyed the second period but wtf was that? Not sure why everyone was so quick to annoint UPL the guy to carry this team to glory but I suppose KA has left the team with few choices after what 4 seasons without fixing the problem. That being said the sloppy team defence didn’t help UPL out much. Its beginning to look like this team is playing win one lose one this season. I can’t imagine they’ll string together any streaks with the lack of any noticable defensive systems in play. Seems they’re being asked to outscore their opponents but its hard to even do that without a servicable power play. Anyways on to the next one.
  8. Wow. What a pleasant surprise. Props to the guys for putting that debacle against Jersey behind them. UPL was solid. That penalty call on Benson should be investigated. What a travesty of a call. Pathetic NHL. No excuse. But overall a solid effort all around.
  9. 12 shots on net ? Did I read that right ?guess I’ll head over to the fire Granato and staff thread. Prolly some catchin up to do.
  10. Have they made progress? Well they’ve managed to build a pipeline full of high end prospects but none of them are ready to contribute so the point in moot. No real progress that I can see. They’ve taken a step back and it appears all the good vibes from last season have been washed away. Even if some were ready to contribute theres essentially no goaltender, the seasoned vets we do have are pretty much washed and bringing more kids that don’t appear to be ready onto the youngest team in the league is foolhardy. Unless you want another high end prospect. KA has ***** the bed.
  11. You got that right. Never the present. Never the here and now. Having the youngest team in the league is nothing to hang your hat on but KA and Donnie seem to relish in it. If you look at the best most competitive teams in the league there is a formula that works. They almost all follow the same formula because they know it works. Why change it? Keep getting high picks and stockpiling them Kevin. Don’t block them with any experience. God forbid don’t ever bring in a number one goalie. You might block the kid who is 3 years away. Jeebus its frustrating watching this group self destruct.
  12. Watch how the coach does his job. No energy, no emotion, no passion, no urgency.
  13. Youngest team in the league for 1200 Alex. get a couple more vets in here with some sandpaper , experience and talent. Based on results KA has the formula wrong. I’m losing my grip on Donnie as well. These guys look like deer in the headlights. Have em ready Donnie. I’m done.
  14. I’ve flip flopped in my mind on this so many times I’m likely concussed. I was all in up thread in my agreement on others posts without actually voicing it. Then I read the posts about the 3 or 4 other players who’ve had the procedure with little to no success. WTF. Might as well go hit my head against a wall. I s’pose I’ll take it as it comes and trust that KA and the braintrust know what the heck they’re doing. As you were.
  15. Having a well thought out stretching regimen will help cut down on injuries but it won’t help if some asshat throws a dirty hit and blows out your knee. Thats just dumb luck. No amount of good stretches, happy meals or lucky charms is going to prevent the dumb luck injury and neither will talent.
  16. They are playing like the youngest team in the league. KAs mix is off. He needs a dash more seasoned vet(still capable of playing the game) a pinch more grit and leave the development of the youngsters in the AHL. Its high time this squad started winning no ?
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