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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I agree with both of these. He's shown more than I was expecting, but he's not ready to be a full-time NHLer. There was an article about him recently in TBN that made it clear that his father wasn't around -- i.e. repeated references to his mom raising him as a single mom, etc. What a dirtbag old Carlton turned out to be.
  2. There's been plenty of talk about Anaheim unloading either Fowler or Lindholm due to contract status. Maybe it's one of them instead of Theodore? And really, what's become of us? Dudacek goes tramping around on another board, brings back someone's cousin's inside source, and we all eagerly jump for the scraps? Pathetic.
  3. You need to stop shouting people down and GTF over the fact that not everyone agrees with you. And you certainly need to stop communicating like this while pretending that it is the other guy who isn't being civil. Either communicate in a respectful way or keep quiet.
  4. Let's see how he reacts. Hopefully it will be more sober than 78's reaction above.
  5. I took my son to see "Dead Pool" yesterday. (Not quite like taking him to a chicken ranch but it's the closest that I'm going to get.). It was pretty enjoyable.
  6. I ask again: do you think a single GM in the NHL would prefer Stafford over Kane? Kane had a slow start -- no doubt getting assimilated to a new team, new city, new coach, new system, etc. after missing the 2nd half of the prior season would take a bit of time for most players. But he has been playing like an absolute beast for the last 15 games or so. And for a team like the Sabres with a history and league reputation of being able to be pushed around, the 3 fights are meaningful. Also, your games played stat doesn't seem terribly significant, since everyone knew Kaner wasn't going to play the last 30 games or so of last season, and since you have a 3rd guy factored in for this season (who has, as noted upthread, chipped in 3 points in 23 games). My bottom line is that I'm thrilled about Kaner and reasonably happy with Bogo. I'd probably rather have Myers than Bogo, but at this point the spread between the 2 isn't terribly meaningful to me. But the spread between Kaner and (Stafford plus Armia) is enormous, at least from a Sabres' fan perspective. OTOH, if from your perspective as a Jets fan, you feel like that spread works in your favor, I am happy for you while still disagreeing with your conclusion.
  7. I moved the recent flurry of Stamkos posts to PAFan's new Stamkos thread. It's a pathetic attempt by me to curry his favor.
  8. You may be right, but if all he wanted was a contender, he'd probably stay with TB -- so it's likely that an equally big factor to him is whether a team is willing and able to pay him huge $$. I'm not sure there are any contenders that have a $10MM salary slot available.
  9. Well, this is huge freaking news. As I've said previously, I am 100% on board with bringing in Stamkos. I also think the contract situation isn't as dire as some are painting it. While I agree with giving Risto a long-term deal, I don't think he's a $7MM per year guy -- I think Dougie Hamilton's contract ($5.75MM x 6 years -- which BTW makes him the 14th-highest paid defenseman in the NHL), which he just signed with Calgary, is a good comparable. I also think Reinhart, even at his peak, is not going to be paid nearly as much as Eichel or Stamkos. I think Bergeron is a good comparable to Reino -- he's at $6.875MM. I can also very much see GMTM pulling a similar maneuver in this deal as he did last year with Kaner -- i.e. jump in and get him at the deadline in order to take him off the market and secure the added benefit of weakening the team to enhance draft position. So maybe: Ennis, Franson, CJ and a #2 for Stamkos? With a big fat extension to be signed within 24 hours? Holy mackerel.
  10. nfreeman

    Tank 3.0

    ...said the bearded, heavily armed separatist with more than a hint of menace.
  11. Exercise is the best cure. Sweat it out.
  12. Lots of good stuff in here. My 2 cents: - It's definitely a good move to take the interview. Doing so will enable you to learn more about the job, get you in front of senior people at your company and let you practice interviewing. - Even if you are ambivalent about the job, treat the interview as an opportunity, not a chore. Thank the people you meet for their time and for considering you, and demonstrate to them that you are excited about the opportunity. Arrive at the interview location around 5-8 minutes early -- it shows that you're punctual and serious about the interview, but that you know enough not to show up 20 min early (as too early is a PITA for them). - I would also try to learn about the department/facility, its business model, financial results and trends and any material recent developments relating to it, and think about the questions you can ask that (i) show that you're on the ball and understand the business and (ii) help you evaluate the job. - As for the bigger question: money vs happiness is tricky -- not least because circumstances can change, both personally and at the office -- and then you may have made a decision based on a set of facts that are no longer true. - Perhaps the most important example of changing circumstances: are the people who were the bosses overseeing the facility a few years ago when you temporarily worked there still there? If the person you reported to back then was a jerk, and his/her boss was also a jerk, and they are both still there and probably planted there indefinitely -- it's quite likely that it would still be a crappy situation. However, if one or both of them have been replaced, the job happiness quotient could be much better. - I would also note that your current facility dropping down to 4 days per week doesn't sound promising from a long-term business health perspective -- so that would cut in favor of moving to a better opportunity. (Of course I could be completely out to lunch on that -- would need to know more facts.) - Finally, the point that was made upthread about this job potentially opening other doors in the future is right on and potentially an important factor. i.e. if you could run an important facility within the company and show strong results, even if the job happiness quotient is low, it might be a situation where you eat a poop sandwich for 2-3 years and then move on to something better (and the sandwich is easier to swallow if you keep the long game in mind, plus buy yourself and your family a few toys with the extra cash). Good luck. You are going to crush it.
  13. I would pull the trigger on that trade in a heartbeat.
  14. Thorny has carried the flag admirably here. I'll just add: - I don't see how Armia, with 3 points in 22 games, can be considered as "destined" for the 2nd line. - Referring to Kane as a 3rd-line player isn't accurate. He's been in the top 1-2 forwards in ice time for the past few weeks. - There isn't a single NHL GM who would trade Kane for Stafford. Not one. - Bogo missed all of camp and the first month of the season with a new coach, new system, new goalie and new teammates. He had a slow start and is also hitting his stride lately, especially since being paired with Pysyk. Myers is probably the better player but it's close, and Bogo is definitely tougher. - While we certainly can't blame Stafford and Myers for the Jets' nosedive this season, it's also true that the Jets incorporated two guys from a chronic losing team into big roles -- and then fell off the table. - I am really happy to have Kane on my team. I'd like to see more finish from him, but he plays a relentless, hard game and does not hesitate to stick up for his teammates in a scrum.
  15. This comes up often enough that you've developed a consistent position?
  16. As I mentioned in the GDT, Kane fought the same guy 3 times last night -- it's the first time the same 2 guys have fought 3 times in 1 game since 2002. Kane has really hit his stride over the last couple of weeks. He's been #1 or #2 in ice time among forwards, plays in all situations and has been forechecking like a maniac. He's meshed well with Larsson and Gionta to form a great possession line that keeps it in the offensive zone and creates a lot of chances. There is no doubt in my mind that he remains the best player in the trade. Myers could still overtake him, but he'll need to take a major step up to do so.
  17. Vanek was healthy-scratched the other night due to general suckitude. There is zero possibility of Stamkos taking $40MM guaranteed when he can get $80MM guaranteed.
  18. Per Puck Daddy, last night was the first time the same 2 guys have fought 3 times in 1 game since 2002.
  19. I don't doubt this, but at the same time, I think it was the employer's decision and the employer is accountable for any blame (or credit) relating to this decision.
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