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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. nfreeman

    Tank 3.0

    Now Kane is into the crack? What's next?
  2. I suppose I'm still a Bills fan, but it's much more of a love-hate (or, really, mildly like - deeply loathe) situation. In any case, there is certainly no effort to run you off. You are a highly valued member here. But if you try to pretend you didn't say what you said, anyone here is entitled to call you on it -- especially when it crosses the line into trolling territory. I've been window-shopping for your new avatar. It's going to be something special.
  3. nfreeman

    Tank 3.0

    Just curious -- how is this % calculated?
  4. That, plus the hundreds of non-3-on-3 shifts he's played, plus the dozens of other 3-on-3 shifts the team has played without him.
  5. Here are the same links I've posted previously when you've claimed you didn't speculate on this: http://forums.sabres...ndpost&p=606292http://forums.sabres...ndpost&p=606292 http://forums.sabres...ndpost&p=606514 http://forums.sabres...ndpost&p=606574 Please explain how, exactly, this isn't "speculating as to whether TP would continue the Toronto series." As for whether it's trolling: IMHO, no one, including you, could seriously have considered the continuation of the series to be a reasonable possibility. It was, and remains ridiculous on its face, and it was thrown into the midst of yet another PAFan diatribe about TP. It was bound to elicit reactions ranging from eyerolls to irritation.
  6. I agree with both of these (except the part about him being faster than ROR). But there is nowhere to hide a slow forward in the 3-on-3. Reino had a breakaway last night in OT and was caught by an Ottawa player with ease -- and when Ottawa headed back up ice Reino couldn't come close to catching up. I think a lot more of Reino than I did last summer, but facts is facts. He can't hang in the 3-on-3.
  7. Perhaps we should just try to limit its use to when it's justified, i.e.: - firing something inflammatory and obviously untrue into the crowd in order to elicit a reaction (like, say, speculating that Pegula would continue the Bills' Toronto series) = trolling. - disagreeing with prevailing opinion for legitimate reasons and explaining your position in a reasonable manner = not trolling. I certainly agree that calling someone a troll (or a racist, for that matter) when it's not justified, but rather when you simply disagree with that person, is a weak, knee-jerk response. I don't doubt that plenty of people (both inside and outside the NHL) use cocaine, but I take issue with assuming that that "esilver" does based on nothing more than some photos of him that look like other dudes you know.
  8. And this, in a nutshell, is why you can't believe everything you read. That "big sigh" is an exaggeration so wild as to border on being a lie.
  9. I think ROR is faster than Reino, and I think the need for speed is different for a defenseman than it is for a forward.
  10. Incredible. I don't have much to add, other than Reino's shift in OT showed (to me, anyway) why DDB hasn't played him in OT: he's too slow.
  11. To me he looks like a dude with money who likes to lift weights and is likely a bit vain. I didn't see anything suggesting drug use. What did you see, specifically?
  12. It's going to be a long war, but this board certainly shows that we can win.
  13. Well, this was probably optimistic. Tempo had 9 seasons of 37 points or more, including 3 with 48 or more. Pysyk produced modestly on offense in juniors and not at all in 3 seasons in Rochester. Jeez. Just having a little fun. And I would remind you, sir, that despite what Ricky Bobby believes, the phrase "with all due respect" is not a free pass.
  14. Well, it depends on what's coming back, innit? I believe it's called "former first-rounder desperate myopia." Well, my point was that Larsson getting unloaded before next season is part of the bet -- otherwise, with Larsson apparently having secured a regular lineup spot and Schaller in Rochester, it would be a pretty foolish bet by me. OK -- you can just have the $25. Worth every penny! Or, to go back to my preferred "nfreeman was right all along" perspective, his game is limited, and if he doesn't make the right decision, and execute the defensive-zone pass almost perfectly, a very, very high percentage of the time, he's not a viable top-4 NHL defenseman. Having said that, my general impression this season is that he's played well enough to have secured a #6/#7 role (albeit on a bottom-8 team), which isn't bad for a first-year NHLer. I'm in no hurry to unload him -- but if GMTM can package him with other assets for a better defenseman coming back -- I'm all for it.
  15. Perhaps a gentlemen's wager, with proceeds to charity, as to which player puts up more points *for the Sabres* next year?
  16. Well said. Let's all chill out a bit in here, please.
  17. OK -- but of course also worth noting that those allegations also appear to have been fabricated. Hammy didn't say anything about the car. Perhaps it was the friend who was driving 95 and taking photos of the speedometer...
  18. They also appear to have been false accusations -- I think the investigation has been terminated, and Paul Hamilton mentioned (I think on Schoop/Bulldog) that his understanding is that the physical evidence on the accuser's body came from another dude.
  19. Well, I really liked the Larsson-Kane-Gionta line before Larsson got hurt, but with 6 points in 50 games, it's hard to be confident about Larsson becoming a 35-point guy. He seems to have good instincts and a nice amount of sandpaper, but not much finish or passing ability. OTOH, I think Schaller has better hands than Larsson, and I semi-expect him to be a regular in the Sabres' lineup next year -- and if that happens I will predict that he'll surpass Larsson's production.
  20. Interesting. I'd guess that means that if he IS traded, GMTM probably really likes whoever comes back in the trade.
  21. Well, if you want me to start bringing flowers again, you need to sing me love songs. Definitely not. Also, I think the point upthread about Zemgus, Bailey and Fasching (and, I would suggest, Deslauriers and Schaller) being able to make up for the losses of Foligno and/or Larsson is right on.
  22. Absolutely. Anyone who thinks he's not going for max term is kidding himself.
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