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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Well, I think the league wants more scoring, and has wanted this for quite some time. And the point of changing the equipment isn't to drive a change in goaltending style -- it's to increase scoring by reversing the trend of ever-increasing goalie equipment size. If goalies have smaller equipment, they will figure out what style they want to play on their own. I'd guess that many will stick with the butterfly. They will still be physically much larger than they used to be.
  2. Another excellent episode. FWIW, I don't think Jimmy's increased earnings potential was the key factor in Kim's increased attraction to him -- it was him going straight and becoming respectable, instead of a self-destructive scam artist. And when she found out about the pie video, she was turned off not because of fear of losing the cash, but because she realized that he couldn't help himself -- that it was in his nature to keep breaking the rules in such a way that eventually he would get caught and lose everything (which, as we know, turned out to be a valid concern). Great mini-arc on the baseball cards, and great scene with Mike and the drug dealer at the upholstery shop. He is a scary dude. As for the comparisons with "Breaking Bad" -- they are a bit apples-and-oranges. BB was a much heavier, more serious show, IMHO, while BCS is quite a bit funnier and more lighthearted. However, the point about BCS having the benefit of BB getting up to peak sharpness is a good one. Separately, I'm a bit concerned about Jonathan Banks (the actor, not his Ehrmantrout character). I thought he really looked like hell in that episode. I hope he's OK.
  3. Well, I think more than 24 hours in advance is an unrealistic standard, especially around the deadline. I also think you're overstating the Weber point -- it was pretty clear to everyone that GMTM was going to unload the pending UFAs -- so no one was claiming that the WNY media "didn't have a clue" that he was going to be traded. But OTOH, I don't think any WNY media member reported that the Caps were going to be the other team in the trade, or that the trade was imminent -- and I also think it's fair to say that the local hockey guys almost-never-to-never have any advance knowledge of any big Sabres moves. With guys like Harrington and Gleason, I'd guess that their antagonistic attitudes toward the team have resulted in them having zero team sources who are willing to give them this kind of info. In any case, I'll invite anyone who's interested to post any advance tweets/reports by local hockey guys in other markets that prove out -- recognizing that it's important to distinguish between "Player XYZ could get moved" speculation stories and "my information is that Player XYZ is going to be traded imminently to either Team A or Team B" reports.
  4. Wow. That is outstanding. Unfortunately, I have zero faith in the NHL to enact it. Also an excellent idea -- I've heard something similar, to the effect of "beveling" the posts such that more shots that hit the post deflect into the net.
  5. I don't agree with this at all (other than the shot at Garrioch, who is a bozo; Larry Brooks, OTOH is much more plugged into the Rangers than any WNY Sabres media member is). What is the bolded based on? Good insight. Thanks. Good point regarding agents. I see no reason why local guys can't cultivate relationships with agents -- and I'm confident that many do.
  6. I will be interested to see whether any WNY media member has any advance insight from sources as to any trades that occur.
  7. Biggest Sabres move: McGinn and Franson to the Kings for their 2nd-best defenseman prospect Biggest NHL move: Drouin for Pacioretty
  8. Taking ROR and Webby out of the lineup is not an insignificant loss in guts and leadership.
  9. It's also worth noting that while a 3rd-rounder by itself doesn't give you much of a chance at a good-to-very-good NHL player, a bunch of 3rd-rounders gives you a decent shot at it. So accumulating those picks -- when the alternative is getting zero for pending UFAs -- is an entirely logical move.
  10. Serious question: did you want them to give him an extension? I agree with all of this, especially the bolded. Foligno might get traded. Separately: thanks for your blood and guts, Webby. You can play on my team anytime. Godspeed.
  11. Trading Drouin by the deadline makes sense for TB, especially if they are, as Yzerman has said publicly, going to keep Stamkos through the end of the season. That means that they are going all in for the Cup this year, so it makes sense to get whatever they can get for Drouin now in order to have those pieces available for the playoffs. Florida (or anyone else) would be ill-advised to give up too much for Ladd, IMHO. He'll likely be a decent forward to add into the mix for a playoff run, but not a real difference-maker -- more a Gaustad than a Hossa.
  12. Like...role-playing? Did she want you to be...John Wayne? Spider-man? Freddie Mercury? The old married guys are curious!
  13. nfreeman

    Tank 3.0

    I expect you favor "penultimate" as well. Here's one you might like: "uxorious." (Not a shot, I assure you -- just a good word.) Very nice.
  14. I think Ennis will be a good player on this team if/when his concussion resolves.
  15. Well, this assumes that they are roughly equivalent players, innit? In any case I think this argument is 100% academic -- no one, including the Sabres, who wins the lottery is going to trade the #1 pick.
  16. All of these. Why not have both Bogo and Fowler, and trade Franson at the deadline (which is more realistic than trading Bogo anyway)? I'd look at that as upgrading from Franson to Fowler and generally improving the top 4.
  17. So, where does the ROR injury leave the forward lines? Maybe: Kaner - Reino - Bailey McGinn - Eichel - Zemgus Foligno - Larsson - Gionta Deslauriers - Legwand - Moulson Or does Moulson move up to the top line and Bailey take his spot on the 4th line? That seems more likely, but I'd rather see the above.
  18. I think Crusader's point on the top 6 was that the 4 you mentioned, plus Ennis, are better than Boedker, putting Boedker at #6 (subject to adjustment depending on how you feel about Ennis; I prefer Ennis to Boedker, but YMMV). I agree with you generally that Boedker is a nice player, with good speed and good hockey IQ, and I certainly wouldn't mind adding him on the wing. My issue is cost. I think he will command a much higher price as a UFA than his "value" will justify in light of the Sabres' other cap space priorities. How high would you go to sign him?
  19. Great GDT, WC, as always. On the forward lines, I think Kaner is on the top line, McGinn is on the 2nd line, Moulson in on the 4th line and Bailey is in Rochester. I'd like to see Lehner come back with another strong performance and McGinn further burnish his value.
  20. I would much rather have McGinn than Stafford, even without taking Stafford's higher cost into consideration. If we factor in contacts there is no question, IMHO. I'm not that interested in Boedker, and definitely not at the price he'll command as a UFA.
  21. There's been some speculation swirling around lately that Darcy resigned from the Coyotes because he couldn't live with the way they treated Scott. Totally unconfirmed, but Elliotte Friedman and others were tossing it around. I would not be a-tall surprised if that were the case. GoDD was right about a lot of things, but he was wrong about DR being a weasel. He was, and is, a gentleman, albeit one who utterly failed here following Black Sunday,.
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