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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. You laugh but kids from California and Arizona are making it to the NHL.
  2. In a couple years expect writers to hate the "smug" Buffalo fans whose teams have both won multiple championships.
  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/new-toronto-nhl-team-facing--1-2-billion-expansion-fee-144127449.html 2nd Toronto franchise expansion fee? $1.2B!!
  4. It's you who should take a history lesson...like on the historical bitterness between Shia and Sunni. To say Bush made an error in Iraq is like saying Hiroshima was a party favor. The war on Iraq was in the works for years before 9/11. Bush let the neo-cons talk him into something that never should have happened. Was Saddam bad? Sure, but it's obvious now that these iron-fisted dictators were what were keeping the lid on a festering situation. So the US goes into Iraq, dismantles the functioning military and swings the door wide open for Al Qaida and ISIS. It was a colossal f**kup that we will be paying in lives and treasure for decades. Bush was a dumb f**k who might have started the slow-motion ending of the world. He left a flaming bag of s**t for Obama to put out. And considering it's your side that made this mess, you are the last people who should be talking.
  5. If you ever vanish that will be the first place we look...in the cellar.
  6. I don't know. The ECHL Wranglers draw pretty well for a Double-A team. Plus Vegas is more about the tourists than the locals. It's one more thing to do in the city that never sleeps.
  7. http://www.hockeyattendance.com/league/ohl/2013/?sort=avg_att http://www.hockeyattendance.com/arena/erie-insurance-arena/2013/ Erie ranks 5th in attendance in the OHL.
  8. Move to Buffalo or not, I can see Pegula picking up an OHL franchise like Erie to add to his regional empire, including Rochester and Elmira. The Sabres are becoming a bit like FC Barcelona, a team that has it's own youth academy and farm system to groom future talent. Can Buffalo support an OHL team? Another 34 games at HarborCenter? Why not? I think the goal is to give people a reason to come to Pegulaville as often as possible. $10-15 tickets and dinner at [716] with the family. Logistically moving to Buffalo would shave 90 minutes of travel time for the Otters, who play in the Midwest Division with London, Kitchener, Guelph and Owen Sound. But then again if Pegula owned them they would probably fly charter.
  9. The Pegula-owned Otters move to HarborCenter 2015-16?
  10. Maybe you can spin a conspiracy theory TP has for obtaining one?
  11. I doubt it. My guess is if you snooze you lose. My take is the Sabres want to sell as many season tickets as possible this year so they don't take a hit if it's another crap season. Of course you want to buy when they get good. Who doesn't? But that doesn't fill the building now.
  12. 40+ year Sabres and Canuck jersey mashups.
  13. The biggest negative there will be less stuff to complain about, but we'll find stuff.
  14. There is no "get-out-of-Buffalo" fee. The lease is the lease. Even the NFL signed off on it. The $400MM fee comes in only if a court rules that the lease can be broken. And the court would be in Erie County. Good luck.
  15. My favorite cheap eat in the Lower East Side is Yonnah Schimmel Knish Bakery on Houston. They run about $3.50 a piece and come in a variety of flavors and fillings. An absolute hold in the wall place just a few blocks from Katz's. They even have Dr. Brown's sodas.
  16. More evidence: Terry's signature on player's checks. Now the guy is literaly signing off on who plays for the Sabres!
  17. Oh that hurts....not. I guess being exposed to endless negatively and absurd conspiracy theories has numbed you to this morass.
  18. Rooting for failure makes you look smarter. Take 10 prospects and predict all 10 will fail. 6 might. So you are batting .600.
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