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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Means I know what I Had in April and now have immunity, for how long who knows? gonna donate plasma.
  2. Yes, means test for virus verbally reported to me was bs or actual virus test, not the antibody test which I got back via doh, was communicated improperly.
  3. He is full of it given other info coming out of the state... ps just got my antibody test results from NYDOH and I am positive.
  4. Been years since I read that probably HS Social Studies... not sure but will need to reread Future Shock
  5. My prayers for you and your family... big hug
  6. In addition healthcare in this country and how it is administered and politicized is a shiiteshow and Wyld is fed up with... give him a break
  7. Lgr.. Wyld has been getting more more frustrated over last couple weeks with what he has seen or not seen as far as the emergency of this disease and its prevalence. I disagree with him but respect him as a physician and he thru his travels has dealt with much worse than where he was assigned... Southern NY was a different story and the contagiousness of what I have seen make me disagree... but I do so with an understanding of his knowledge. You poked the bear at a time when he is already frustrated and you are smart enough to know it...
  8. Hornets nother thing to scare people... meh. This came up fox news as a distraction... Sure do best to get rid of invasive species... but whatever, I've seen aggressive hornets like the bald faced hornet and a common big yellow hornet that sounded like a small plane taking off... sigh
  9. Scary part is we are all gonna be guinea pigs as far a their efficacy goes. Some may work well but wont really know til folks drop dead and then we will that one is not so good... unless they can be a successful as the polio vaccine.
  10. Unfortunately we are hearing more of this kinda stuff... not a lot, but not insignificant either.
  11. I agree and disagree. Herd Immunity does work imo... problem is not enough of the herd outside of NYC area has been infected and now we are seeing hotspots elsewhere that are even worse prepared with less hospitals and hospital bed per thousand population than my area. If all these yahoos dont take precautions til a vaccine shows up this virus is going to just keep going and going.. The disarray of our healthcare system will delay enough vaccinations to make a difference til next year...
  12. On the sad news front, one of our ER tech's 8 year old son just died of Covid. And one of our ER nurses at my other hospital just checked in last night with SOB.
  13. Wait till they start to travel again...
  14. Yeh post quarantine not working in Weschester... too many yahoos not even carrying masks so they can raise them when they get close to others.., definitely gonna see a second wave. Just went to gas station and cty park. Most are wearing masks but groups of teenagers getting together and enough people not wearing masks not to see a resurgence... Fin stupid but hey keeps me in a job... sigh... so done with stupid people
  15. It is another social media site I think owned by Bloomberg... they track everything... allows for a lot of videos... dont use it though.
  16. Sorry gotta go with Datsyuk was god... His passing, all around game and playoff clutch was something special to watch... bet he could still play in the NHL even if for a short time.
  17. Yeh southern ny was overrun so fast that wasnt an option... we were shipping pts up county anywhere we could find a bed as were furiously opening up old areas and trying to keep non covids in separate rooms.. Its settled down now but for 4-5 weeks the whole area was nuts.
  18. Depends... if chest or CT reveals infiltrated lungs they are admitted... If lungs show mild inflammation of bronchial tubes but little infiltrate they are sent home... told to sequester at home check temps etc and if SOB come back.
  19. Depends on the lab 1-3 days is my experience.
  20. It may have been different.. there was an unknown virus going around at that point, but I have since had this one though not confirmed and it was very different... Still could've been so until a valid antibody test comes out who the hell knows.
  21. Actually we are seeing admissions down at both hospitals I work at, finally seeing some empty beds on some of the floors... ICU is still full because there were so many critical patients on the floors that are now being moved to ICU as beds open up because of pts passing or a few getting discharged. Oh Woody... silly man, you assumed we would exact count... maybe the antibody test if reported correctly... eh who am I kidding... I used to put together stats on Capitol Hill... even when accurate I could always make the trend line or bar chart seem worse or better depending on the agenda. That being said in the NY area we are down to around 300 deaths per day from a high of over 700. I expect that number to keep falling. My wife's hospital is expecting their OR to open up to an abnormal normal schedule. She doesn't look forward to having to deal with the backlog of cases plus the new one's coming on. In other areas of the country, eg FL, GA and parts of TX as well as certain rural areas where social distancing and masking is not being practiced you are and will continue to see spikes.... idiots... We are going to be antibody tested soon and it will be interesting to see how those numbers are reported.
  22. Ah the old virus check... wait you werent talking about farting...?
  23. Mine has come back curly from chemo... my son says I look like a jewish rabi its getting unruly. Need to just buzz the sides and back short but really not sure of my abilities with one of those beard trimmer things I recently bought... ps my son looks like a dark haired Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
  24. One difference is in organizing files.. Mac does it for you... and though PC will do it for you.. you can still manage your own personnel files where you want on your hard drives, ie docs and photos manually a lot easier within programs. MACs though I find a little more idiot proof especially with apps. just imo.
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