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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. PS I have more energy, still occasional abdominal cramping and Im not a lady so its weird, like when I ran xcross country. But otherwise my wife is freaked.
  2. Yeh I was reading that too... most sites say if youve been tested assume you have or had it. Monitoring everything anyway.
  3. Good and bad news... test was negative! Boss just called told me said see you Monday ?. They must be desperate... I am not that good ha. So whatever I had/have it aint Corona...
  4. My wife said an automotive group build a plastic box for them with holes for drs to insert hands to do this, assume plexi-glass BTW, found this hysterical:
  5. So checking temp this am its normal but still have a cough sinusy and lrq abdominal discomfort who knows till test comes back but Im not dead
  6. Thank you right now ok have friend delivering stuff at a safe distance to my son outside our apt. TY
  7. got tested now quarantine pending results in 2-5 days... 2 swaps wtf up each nostril... yuck gonna get some sleep after I decontaminate.
  8. I can only hope but our my two hospitals are inundated with corona so unlikely and had my flu shot.
  9. Crap just checked my temp after my night shift it was 100.4 going to get tested at my other hosp 10am est and be quarantined with my wife who also spiked a fever this am. She works at anothrr hospital... Neither of us have been touching each other for last two weeks. Can feel my lymph nodes in my neck they are swollen a little. Have a headache little soreness in my throat... oh well expected it to happen sooner or later ?
  10. Good news today, our lead CT tech tested negative... he is the one with the grandson on the way with his daughter at home. He is still gonna live in the basement til this is over. I am beat and still have 2.5 shifts to work thru saturday morning. Can't wait to get some sleep. Today was another shitte show in the ER though not because of pts but because of one ICU doc wanting to do a chest tube on an ER patient. He asked the Radiologist to help him... the Radiologist said it couldn't be justified, only a little pneumo thorax and pt was covid positive. The ER doc just said flat out no. Both of them questioned why said ICU doc didn't do it beside... turns out he was scared and wanted help. As I left he stormed down asking why it wasn't done or set up, not sure... he hadn't put in an order. So he then was going over to talk to the ER doc.... no idea what happened, above my pay grade.... but the pt was on a vent and respiratory was short on vent.....and said doc wanted to do it in CT... whatever... he just put off a lung biopsy unnecessarily and sent respiratory all over the place til I called him off till said doc communicated with the other docs.
  11. We are being told to wear masks at all times... PS our ultra sound lead tech is down with it and struggling, our rad nurse is positiveand now lead CT tech tested yesterday but only mildly had a cough for 2.5 months but he has his daughter and newborne grandson at home. He is sequestered in the basement till results come back. Please say your prayers for all of them.
  12. Interesting implications of the disease spread from Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/04/coronavirus-unique-threat-south-young-people/609241/
  13. Sleeping and telling my wife and kids I love them.
  14. Today was a rough day... long stories but rough... called some old friends on way home to put it in perspective...
  15. Come join me in Yonkers... dysfunctional sure, but I work in an underserved community, many immigrants and they need help and just plain scared... their gratitude back keeps me going.
  16. So to paint an insane situation just went to do an xray in our trauma critical care bay... had to cut thru entire main ER which now has 3 stretchers in each bay, two EMTs will full hazmat masks and gear bringing in 2 more pts, residents, drs and nurses running around and then there is an older gentleman possibly homeless sitting in a chair in front of ER desk oblivious to it all calmly eating McDonalds... You cant make this up.
  17. poor respiratory is getting worked... out of the last 10 xrays in ER last hour only 1 was clear rest not good
  18. Oof 101 pts in our ER right now 3 deaths ?
  19. Oh very true and easier on the skin... I just referring to the list.
  20. Also the deaths being reported by John's Hopkins seems to be a couple days behind., eg. Westchester only reported to be 10... there was in New Rochelle yesterday and at least 2 at StJoes in Yonkers
  21. way worse if it goes anything like down here... so sorry
  22. Wyld cant say I feel your pain... im in middle of covishiite storm in lower Westchester right now... just checked 80 pts in ER right now, we could use your help.
  23. This is awesome: kid of fellow nurse at my wife's hospital tweeted this and this is crocs response https://twitter.com/emmamarie0724/status/1242897869759287296?s=21 https://twitter.com/crocs/status/1242902448047452160?s=21
  24. We are testing like crazy and yeh i guess could be some flu, but symptoms more align with covid including granular infiltrated on chest xrays and CT. Also some we are seeing with dxs of multiple issues including the flu... wish I could post an example... hippa... PS this comedian is hysterical tell me to delete and ill move to political thread
  25. But his shield was open... cant teach stupid... granted outside
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