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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. I dont think so and from what I can tell, surmise based on what happened here and as Brawndo mentioned Covid is causing heart attacks, embolisms, DVTs, PEs, and other blood clots.
  2. We moved to Buffalo in '68 when I was 4. So in 1970 became aware of hockey mostly because we played a lot of street hockey in the snow on Summitt Ave. Loved Perrault but Schoenfeld was always my favorite. Listened to the radio under my pillow because my folks would not let me stay up late to watch past 1st period. To me Lorenz killing the bat was one my most memorable, the Schoenfeld /Cashman fight and the umpteen times Gil split the defense and scoring after starting behind his own goal line.
  3. The positive perspective has some flaws. Yes elderly are more vulnerable... but covid is causing weird blood clots that cause heart attacks, PEs and brain aneurysms that result in long term care after covid symptoms are over. These cases are even occurring in people that were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic so not sure I believe the analysis and these problems are occurring in younger people. If what he says is true then why are these hospitals reaching capacity when then otherwise wouldnt?
  4. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/06/21/880832213/yes-wearing-masks-helps-heres-why Interesting article
  5. Fla announced 56 of it hospitals have all icu beds full... but hey dont wear a mask... young people dont die.
  6. No luck... did see 4 sturgeon, a big carp... Bald Eagle catching a fish, a beaver, about 8 Merganzer ducks nervously packed up as another Eagle probably its mate eyeing them.. but no luck ?
  7. Got serenaded by my son canoeing on the CT River in Massachusetts:
  8. No never been, we have Cooks Farm in Hadley that makes ice cream straight out of the cow... place is called Flavvors
  9. We are up on ridge of the 7 sisters
  10. Here is looking at you from Pelham MA
  11. I want one that says Wear a Damn Mask... Save A Life...
  12. BTW way... in Radiology we call this TDS... "time distance and shielding..." reduces your exposure... same applies here.
  13. Because you are implying that these things dont work by stating the science hasnt gotten there yet. When actually much of it has. The full mechanism and how virulent and all the mutations and who gets affected and infected and why isnt fully understood sure. But mask wearing has been tested and does reduce the viral load, close proximity to an infected increases exposure, touching contaminated surfaces and not washing hands reduces risk, viral load due too poor indoor ventilation are all known exposure risks for this or any other virus. You should be discussing more the scientific issues with coming up with a vaccine and why some besides age are more at risk than others... That is not yet figured out fully. And you have discussed some of that but you still imply doing all the above is not full proof. Actually it is, just we as humans dont do it perfectly and make mistakes or simply ignore the above. Cook your meat as well kills viruses and bacteria. Bleach wipes works. I was in a high viral area made some little mistakes and caught it. Luckily I survived. Still I didnt spread it to my family because I quarantined early, wore a mask at home even before symptoms and I still wipe everything down when I come in. It is tough to change behavior, I get it. But much of this could be ameliorated if folks would just do these basic things.
  14. Chappaqua would beg to differ...https://www.theexaminernews.com/covid-19-cluster-from-greeley-graduation-rises-to-19-positive-cases/ Soley yeh it can spread on surfaces that is why we wipe everything down coming into house as well.
  15. Cant or wont... guessing you meant wont
  16. Not following guidelines including quarantining if coming from or living in a hotspot... not just mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing. Yeh it doesnt preclude other reasons for the spread but it has shown stats wise if not purely scientifically to reduce the spread. Problem is scientist dont know who is carrying it so controlled studies are still being evaluated. Though the reduction in cases in NY and Westchester all suggest if not prove the point of wearing a damn mask... socially distancing reduces your potential exposure or transmitting. All I need to know is my wife and kids didnt get it because I went to a hotel room at first sign of a fever. We wore masks inside around kids when virus first hit. And my wife and I work different shifts. Washed hands cleaned surfaces, bagged scrubs as soon as we came inside. Wiped down inside of cars. We both were in the middle of it in hospitals. Me more than her. So go ahead and ignore protocols at your own risk. This debate is inane and frankly pisses me off after seeing so many deaths. Scientifically proven debate at this point is a waste of time when stats show mask wearing and social distancing works even if not perfectly.
  17. Not visiting my 86 year old Dad til this thing has blown over.
  18. St Benedict's church at Main and Eggertsville seals its parking lot every year. Great for doing donuts on after a rain or light snow?
  19. Based on what happened in Chappaqua... I'd say social distancing and mask wearing has helped. Anecdotal sure but one infected asymptomatic in an area already hit... doesnt imply much herd immunity or maybe that area never reached the herd threshold because of social distancing and mask wearing...
  20. The kid in Chappaqua NY was presymptomatic outdoor event (High School graduation)and spread to 8 people because lack of social distancing.
  21. That is not quite correct. The story and Dr. Gupta says the body contains memory cells that can produce antibodies when needed and that they are hard to detect. So it is unclear how long the body can remain immune. What is clear from the tests is pre-symptomatic and possibly symptomatic people shed the virus for longer periods periods of time then symptomatic people.
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