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Everything posted by K-9

  1. It's like sitting in one of their strategic planning meetings where they are straining to come up with ideas on how to get people to turn out because so many in the party don't like Trump. Reminds me of the 80s when the party was co-opted by evangelical fundamentalists when the evils of porn were trumpeted and all the God warriors sprang into action.
  2. No, you are not alone. The police should resemble and be a reflection of the communities they serve. They are not a military or para-military force; they are peace keepers. Some of the images over the last dozen years or so, especially those showing police forces operating big military equipment, look like an occupying force invading the citizenry. Training is key and it's no coincidence that the more ex-military personnel that occupy leadership positions, the more apt they are to adopt military procedures. And that is wrong as can be.
  3. Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. But the organization may not have the same patience, I'm afraid.
  4. Yes, lends validity to the December event in that it's more difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt about whether he is capable of exhibiting aggressive physical behavior towards women. We were all happy to give him that benefit of the doubt at the time. And not for nothing but the lady didn't say it was consensual, she said she couldn't remember the events. Nobody is saying he's guilty from what I can tell. But the police report is damning no matter how you slice it and non-criminal charges doesn't lesson the inappropriateness of his actions.
  5. Harbor Center looks every bit the jewel people tell me it is. Nice. Nylander sees the game at an advanced level. Somebody upthread mentioned he is simply better than his linemates who can't keep up. He will be a call up sooner than later if he doesn't make the big squad off the bat. Hockey in July! GO SABRES!!!
  6. Again, you insist on making it about a black guy when it isn't. It's about the level of egregiousness involved. As I said, if O'Reilly was the one suspected of physically abusing women, we'd "run" him just as readily. There are certainly times when race plays a role in an issue. This simply isn't one of those times.
  7. Vogl's recent article citing police sources is pretty damning. I fully understand Cambria's response as that is what he is retained to do. But it is a very bad optic, regardless. http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2016/07/07/evander-kane-will-face-non-criminal-charges-for-buffalo-bar-incidents/ Everyone I know has been willing to believe the best about Kane and we were all relieved to hear the police investigation into the December incident didn't go anywhere. But the bar scene has changed that for a lot of people, me included. Getting physical with women at a bar is egregious behavior and lends validity to the December incident as well. I don't think Kane is long for this team, regardless of the disposition of any forthcoming police charges, as these incidents are indicative of a pattern of behavior and I can't see the organization continuing to risk the brand in the hopes that Kane will somehow grow up in time. This transcends the simple equation of needing to get value for him in a trade, etc. It even transcends what he brings to the team on the ice, which is nothing short of a talented player that gives 100% and is a pain to play against. It's just not a simple case of the organization, including teammates, accepting his aloofness off the ice because of his commitment to them on it. An outright buyout is not out of the question here. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if this thing continues to heat up.
  8. False equivalency, imo. It's the differences in their respective scrapes with the law. There is just something fundamentally different about a one time DUI that caused property damage a year ago vs. physically abusing people, including women at a bar and another incident that triggered an investigation into possible physical/sexual abuse of a woman within months of each other. Both are certainly bad optics for the organization, but one is suggestive of a pattern of behavior. Race wouldn't have anything to do with it either, if O'Reilly's and Kane's roles in their respective incidents were reversed. O'Reilly would be viewed far more negatively than Kane if that were the case.
  9. I don't mean to suggest GMTM's public persona is fake. Just that he is a lot more personable, even more comfortable, at other aspects of his job than the one that mandates dealing with the media. I've heard from various people in the building that he's the life of the party at times, too. To me, that stands in contrast to his (often) uncomfortable demeanor at pressers, etc. GO SABRES!!!
  10. Per the bold text, I agree entirely. The Sabres would be foolish to let any potential other dealings revolve around signing Vesey. The assumption has to be he won't sign with us. I trust GMTM is smart enough to realize that. As to letting Vesey talk to other teams, there may be some advantages to that, depending on what was discussed at yesterday's meeting. I think it's a bit more nuanced than good idea vs. bad idea when there are pros and cons to be considered. GO SABRES!!!
  11. Something tells me GMTM speaks to players and their families and representatives in an entirely different manner than he does with the media. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Apologies if already posted, but here's a lengthy video of Jack and Jimmy playing for Team Harlow in a game from their summer league.
  13. Yeah, but would four out of five dentists?
  14. Utter balderdash. I can only conclude you are trolling here.
  15. I've read where some people have advised him that playing for the home town fans can be a real curse if you fail to meet expectations. Family is all well and good, but the home town fans that razz you while you're out shopping can make it a pain in the ass for them as well. GO SABRES!!!
  16. All fair points to be sure. I just don't think he's on par with Hall. And yeah, he can be McDavid's McSorley, but if he's a better policeman than winger, it's not a good scenario for them, imo. GO SABRES!!!
  17. Nice. Thanks for the link. I don't understand all the knob polishing for Lucic, though. He's a decent player whose best days are behind him. He's no "culture" changer, either. Having McDavid makes up for a ton of mistakes, but I think they will regret losing Hall FAR more than they enjoy having Lucic. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Yes. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the Sabres or any other team promises him in terms of assignment or ice time, he will have to win the job on its own merits. I think other players vying for the same opportunity will have something to say about it. At least I hope so. GO SABRES!!!
  19. Calling pi's take on Vesey bull crap is an insult to bull crap. My favorite is his assertion that as a college player Vesey doesn't have the right to dictate to the NHL where he plays. That is precious in how utterly incorrect it is. GO SABRES!!!
  20. Or he can hang out wherever he likes fully knowing that there is no shortage of douche bags looking to score points and master the art of defusing a bad situation. Can't meet douchebaggery with more douchebaggery. There's an art to it and if you can't swallow your pride first and foremost, there's little hope in making a bad situation better. GO SABRES!!!
  21. I'd say the guy can't go to Chippewa if he can't avoid getting messed with. Famous athletes out on the town is nothing new to Buffalo. Some are just better at it than others. GO SABRES!!!
  22. It's all good. Greatly appreciate your formulas and the work you put in applying them. Great stuff. GO SABRES!!!
  23. I understand that. Just curious. He's a far better player than he was four years ago. GO SABRES!!!
  24. This guy offers up the "buyout" scenario. This is going from A to Z in record time. Buy him out? Is that really a possibility? If so, I gotta believe that came directly from the top. http://sabreshockeycentral.com/2016/06/30/evander-kane-to-be-tradedbought-out
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