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Everything posted by K-9

  1. This guy offers up the "buyout" scenario. This is going from A to Z in record time. Buy him out? Is that really a possibility? If so, I gotta believe that came directly from the top. http://sabreshockeycentral.com/2016/06/30/evander-kane-to-be-tradedbought-out
  2. Where would Vesey have gone in this year's draft? He's better player than he was four years ago. GO SABRES!!!
  3. I agree. Pegula may be patient in many areas but I wonder how patient he is when it comes to tarnishing the brand. I see him as far less tolerant in that area than in others. Kim, too. GO SABRES!!!
  4. From a practical standpoint, I think the Sabres need to proceed as if Vesey is not expected on the team. GO SABRES!!!
  5. Yeah, if you believe the hype surrounding his status as an UFA coming out of college. And what have we got if we don't have hope? Bottom line is there is no reason to ever get carried away with prospects. They either make it or they don't. Potential is nice, but all it means is you haven't done it yet. GO SABRES!!!
  6. My entire premise was based on his original status as a 3rd round pick vs. his status as a prospect that would have gone top 10 in the draft. As I stated, I didn't know that Nashville had offered him the max and I don't think it unreasonable to assume they might have started negotiations the 3rd round point of view. Kas is just mad that I used the word "stupid". Which I think it is when everyone here would have done the same thing. At least anyone that actually values having a say in where they work. GO SABRES!!!
  7. After others were kind enough to provide information I wasn't aware of, I pared it down to, "now we are just mad at Vesey for taking advantage of a rule that allows him to choose his place of employment." And I said nothing about "increased production." I simply pointed out that he improved his game from 3rd round prospect to a top 10 in the draft prospect. GO SABRES!!! Not at all. Look, I appreciate the added information about what Nashville offered. I wasn't aware they offered him the max ELC. The goal posts are stopped at being mad at him for taking advantage of a rule that allows him a say in where he plays. I think we're done now. GO SABRES!!
  8. Not something I was aware of. Also thanks for the clarification.
  9. I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification. So now we are just mad at him for taking advantage of a rule that allows him to choose his place of employment. Got it. GO SABRES!!!
  10. Is it a known fact that Nashville would have automatically given their former third round pick a maximum ELC? If not, he maximized his earning potential. Is it a known fact that they recognized he had improved his game to the point of being a top 10 draft prospect? Or would they have started negotiations from the 3rd round standpoint he was originally? Pretty simple concept, really. Long winded and insulting? Why, because I suggested that everyone here would have been stupid not to take advantage of the same employment opportunity? You'll get over it. GO SABRES!!!
  11. Nelson is a far better prospect than either Paetsch or Gragnani; much more to be enthused about moving forward. He is a lock for the Amerks if he isn't kept as a 6/7 here. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Would Nashville automatically have signed him to a maximum ELC which reflects his improvement as a player or would they have started negotiations from the viewpoint that he was a 3rd round pick four years ago? We don't know for sure, but if it is the latter, then he most definitely maximized his earning potential. GO SABRES!!!
  13. The criticism of Vesey vis a vis his dealings with Nashville is ridiculous, bordering on stupid. Four years ago he was drafted as a third round prospect. In those interim four years, he developed as a prospect to the point where he would have been a top 10 choice in this year's draft. There is a rule in place that allows four year college players to become UFAs. If anyone here had increased his value as a player like Vesey has, would you still sign with your original team or would you take advantage of a rule that allows you to maximize your earnings? Would you simply have signed on with Nashville as the 3rd rounder you were drafted as? The idea that this is indicative of some character flaw in Vesey is absurd. If anything, it's a sign of intelligence. GO SABRES!!!
  14. He had a few lapses to be sure, but he also had brilliant moments as well. He certainly warranted the faith and investment the organization has placed in him. And it was easy to see why he was so highly regarded coming out of college. GO SABRES!!!
  15. Highly sought after collegfe FA and the kid didn't look out of place in his short stint last season. I think he is in the mix for 6/7 D. GO SABRES!!!
  16. Interesting point about the Oiler core. They couldn't give Yakupov away and now Hall fetches little in return. Hmm. GO SABRES!!!
  17. Yep. I was over it within seconds. Can't miss something you never had. GO SABRES!!!
  18. No state income tax is a nice perk, at least for the 41 games his income is earned in Florida. The 41 road games may be subject to income taxes, depending on those specific local codes.
  19. Yep, he is the embodiment of that conflict. May be why he is filmed with half of his face in darkness so often.
  20. If you sit on a stool and think about it, that sounds a little loose.
  21. Too bad he can't wear number 2.
  22. Someone actually placed a hole flag on the course with a Mexican flag as well. Scots are the best. Right up there with Australians in terms of collective sense of humor, imo.
  23. He needs to use better judgement. As long as he leaves it all on the ice, and except for a few times where he's loafed off for line changes, there is nobody on this team that plays with a higher level of intensity. He's a beast on the ice, hard to play against. At this point, the drawbacks of his lapses in judgement doesn't come close to outweighing his benefits as a player. My concern is that sooner or later one of these incidents will impact his availability or it will cause a distraction, which does put his team in jeopardy. Does team brass wait for that to happen or do they nip the issue in the bud instead of waiting for him to grow up?
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