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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Did you go with the lead-lined walls as well? It's an expensive upgrade, but seems worth it. GO SABRES!!!
  2. I'm ordering the specs for my bunker design as I type this. In my book, a D man really isn't a D man if he can't play defense. I don't care how pretty he is on offense. GO SABRES!!!
  3. So, he's bunker worthy? I don't need reasons to hate him, I need reasons to like him. I'd like an offensive QB, too, but not at the expense of playing good defense. GO SABRES!!!
  4. I want to get on the Yandle train, I really do. But I was totally unimpressed with him as a Ranger last season. I readily admit, I don't have the sharpest eval skills when it comes to hockey players so help me out; what am I missing on this guy? GO SABRES!!!
  5. I say zero words. He's gonna mime it. Here he is practicing this morning:
  6. Something happened, all right. He improved to the point of having top 10 pick in the draft talent vs. the third round pick he was when he was selected four years ago, had that confirmed by scouts, and decided to take advantage of league rules that allow four year college players to become free agents vs. signing with the team that drafts them. I doubt the Preds did anything to offend him, he just took advantage of rules tailor-made for a player in his position. GO SABRES!!!
  7. ^This. Although two would suffice; just X X. GO SABRES!!! ^ This is a good call, too.
  8. Like Buddy used to say, "Everybody is trying to rob the same train." GO SABRES!!!
  9. That is a GREAT question. Well, barrister, how about it? This lay person thinks that all other 29 NHL clubs and their representatives are precluded from doing so, regardless of familial ties. GMTM needs to have Jack wear a wire to the next Vesey family meal he is invited to. "Excuse me, Mr. Vesey. Can you pass the bean chowder and lean closer to the clam dip while speaking? Thanks."
  10. Trump companies always pay other Trump companies. It's the hundreds of other vendors Trump companies have refused to pay over the years. There's a reason he's the most litigious candidate in history. He has no qualms about screwing people over. None.
  11. Why would Vesey want to play for the negative nancys? GO SABRES!!! This is important and I hadn't considered that aspect. Thanks for the insight.
  12. Nicely done, gents. Nicely done, indeed. GO SABRES!!!
  13. Just to be clear, I'm not "hyping" Guhle. I think he showed promise when he was in camp last year and showed well in the few games he played in the A at the end of the year. That's all. Like Blue said, if he's in our lineup this year, it's not a good sign. GO SABRES!!!
  14. I'm only going by the handful of times I saw one of his WHL junior games on line. I didn't get to see him at camp last year, but some buddies who saw him said in addition to his flat out speed and skating ability, he was a physical presence when he was out there. I'm not expecting him to crack the lineup, but I expect him to show well in the A. Looking forward to seeing the kid. GO SABRES!!!
  15. Seriously, he plays with a bit of a mean streak. Nicest kid off the ice, but he's got a little jam in his game. GO SABRES!!!
  16. Oh, now it's on. It's on like whatever the Canadian version of "mofo" is. GO SABRES!!!
  17. Brendan Guhle is going to personally show up at your house and kick your ass. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Actually, I'd say the odds of us signing him are better than a third round pick panning out. Murray said a 3rd rounder has a 10% - 30% of making it; I think our odds of signing Vesey are at worst 50/50. GO SABRES!!!
  19. I love how exceptions are used to explain the rule. The Sabres took a calculated risk, nothing more. One well worth it considering Vesey is a far cry from the third round pick he was originally and if the Sabres sign him, his value dwarfs that of the 76th overall pick they gave up for the chance. There is extremely little downside to the Sabres with this trade. Virtually none, actually. GO SABRES!!!
  20. So you are mad at him for taking advantage of league rules that allow him to do precisely what he's doing? He was drafted four years ago as a not so valuable 3rd round pick, played his ass off in college, and increased his value. He should have signed with Nashville for whatever they would have offered without maximizing his newly found worth? That is just unrealistic and would have been a dumb thing for him to do. Can't blame the man at all for that decision. And why would he be unthankful for the opportunity? If anything, league rules for 4 year college players make him more grateful. We all moralize like these guys should be purer than the driven snow when we would all be apt to do the same thing. GO SABRES!!!
  21. I think this is Pegs firing a shot across the bow. Same mentality as when he bought the Bills. GO SABRES!!!
  22. I agree with anyone who may have suggested he is signed before Friday. This move has draft ramifications. GO SABRES!!!
  23. He made a few plays last year that fully suggested he was processing the game at full speed. Hell, even during his failed nine game stint before getting shipped back to the minors, he was putting the puck in places that, if he had ANYONE with half a brain to see the game like he does was skating with him, would have been perfect passes. I know he has to mature, but I think his brain is there already and it's only going to get better. GO SABRES!!!
  24. Awesome. Now trade for Hanifan so the three of them can vie for the Beanpot at practice. GO SABRES!!!
  25. I'm just joshin' ya. As you indicate, the only measure that ultimately matters is weather or not one enjoyed the episode. Regarding Jon's reckless charge to save Rickon, I thought it was great use of dramatic irony in that the night before, when he was drawing up battle plans, he made it a point to say he wanted Ramsay angry. As Tormund suggested when he uttered, "No, don't do it," when he saw Jon gearing up to charge alone, his men weren't on board when Jon completely disregarded the pincer tactics they planned. The important takeaway to me was that, to a man, they weren't about to let Jon go it alone. Given Jon's previous struggles to let reason rule over emotion, I didn't have any problem with the context of his decision to damn the torpedoes.
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