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Everything posted by PASabreFan

  1. When plans fail or are failing and there's seemingly no tack to the right or left, THAT is when depression sets in. Brandon Beane's plan this season failed. After about 24-48 hours no fans were depressed.
  2. When you take a toke the tongue trips Tooch?
  3. There's no smoking gun. But it makes sense. Ralph's demise was imminent and Terry, a real insider at PSU football, is a self proclaimed football guy. He said the latter to seemingly shoot down the idea he's a hockey guy. "There just happened to be a hockey team for sale first." (Bills intro presser) It established his bona fides for sure and he could have been elected mayor of Buffalo in those early years.
  4. He's a word salad, toss some phrases and ideas into a blender kind of guy. How do you think he rose from rink manager to general manager?
  5. You sweat less when your SpO2 is lower. Yes, I made it up I just desperately want Granato to be cast in the worst possible light.
  6. If you don't have competitive players, yeah. Is that really part of the development process?
  7. Good thing that KA is speaking for himself personally. Presumably in his own words.
  8. And the insane thing is he literally said he is not happy with the dreaded "compete" level of most of his players. The irony is thick coming from a guy who has never tried to win. Think the two aren't related?
  9. Kevyn said he is comfortable with the leadership in place. He said the biggest way to improve the team is for current players to get better. He said he is open to trading picks and prospects but then cited the idea of that kind of trade involving a fourth line center He is 100% running it back.
  10. No reason to bury it in a non Sabres trade thread. Link anyone?
  11. Not yet. I just don't take Ben's word at face value. Casey would have to clear it up. Maybe he did and that's why Ben tweeted what he did. Again... Where's the link? Casey has surely had morning skates in Denver before.
  12. Do you and Ben have a link? What would your list include? ROR driving into a Tim Horton's? TM calling his wife something bad? EKane's antics? ...
  13. Eichel not driving the net drove me directly nuts.
  14. I wonder what EJ would say about who is going to fill that void. Did anyone listen to Boomer?
  15. Pretty cool... This just in... It's pronounced Saloon.
  16. With all the left handers it feels like the team is rooting for me.
  17. Does it work? Are you trying to appeal to guys who are thinking one step down the line? Maybe EJ is a better illustration than Kyle. EJ's in a better hockey place now. Did it look like this season for him was about desperately trying to stay in Buffalo?
  18. Marv Levy vs. who was that one dude they had before McDermott?
  19. Does the stance of the franchise not concern you? Young guys come and get playing time in the NHL, get developed and develop yourself, then get traded ... We'll make sure it's a good spot for ya. Vets come do your time in Hockey Hell as someone out it and when the time comes get traded. Good spot, we promise. Nothing about that screams winning culture.
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