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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. It's been awhile since I've played trombone, but it's down in the basement. There's a bass rig down there too.
  2. Got a bunch of motorcycle work done the last two nights, all I have left is the brake calipers and carbs and I have a second running bike to play with. F'N Awesome.
  3. More likely one of those sites that you're using the same login info for got hacked and doesn't know it yet or hasn't notified you. Realistically, you should never use the same password on multiple sites. You and I know that's really difficult, however. I ran into a false alarm awhile back[0] and went thru a password change drill. I've been using a tool called SuperGenPass. The concept is that you use a master password and the site's domain to generate a random-looking password for each site. Every site has a different password, but you only have to remember the master (or, better yet a couple masters; one for banking, one for social stuff, etc.). There is some question that the hash it uses isn't *that* strong, so if someone figures out what you're doing it may be possible to find your master password. I'm figuring that I'm making it difficult enough that they'll move on to the person using 'passw0rd' for all their accounts instead of cracking my master password. I suppose that the site could be logging all this as well despite denying that they do, so caveat emptor. Give it a try, punch in a couple masters and sites to see how it works. http://supergenpass.com/mobile/ There's also and Android app that I have on my phone so it's rare that I can't get to my passwords. There may be other apps, I don't know. [0] I started getting yet legit but strange emails to my gmail account. Looks like at least three people mistakenly used my email when registering for something. I one guy I know his name, address, phone number, and taste in shoes. Another I could probably hijack his Xbox Live account (if I had an Xbox) by claiming I lost my password and please send me a reset link. The last seems to like buying concert tickets for classic rock shows in Ohio (Van Halen, I think among others). So there's my complaint: web sites that don't properly validate email addresses with an activation email.
  4. Boo! 2001-ish Trek 4900 MTB. Then-Sabres colors, red, black, and silver (though that wasn't really on purpose).
  5. Real men don't belittle other men based on their hobbies. :)
  6. Rick DiPetro is probably sweating somewhere.
  7. At least they took the shoot out so the good guys are only one back.
  8. Working right now, and it looks like the F'N Flyers aren't getting it done.
  9. There was that whole "Catholisicm Wow!" campaign awhile back. ;-)
  10. Time. I have a bike to work on, work to work on, and a girl to work on. I can only choose two of those things. And the weather is great so I don't want to be inside.
  11. Took the Honda down to the gas station and back last night. I'd like to go further, but that brake is still dragging and it isn't running quite right. Rode Hilda to work today though, always a nice way to commute.
  12. I think that still falls under dumb nickname. Especially since I know some girls that are way tougher than I am. :)
  13. Nope, not just you. Dumb nicknames instantly convince me the poster is a ten-year-old and opinions are taken with the according weight (very little).
  14. Thanks for pointing that out, I was going to call people on exaggerating. He didn't miss the net by that much.
  15. Brisket has been corning in a fridge since last week, ready for tomorrow, friends and kinda-girlfriend coming to town today, and I put at least 200 miles on the bike this week.
  16. Maybe you should get that beater bike out, pushing it around when it breaks down will surely help. :)
  17. When someone uses 'here' for 'hear'. (Just kidding!) Kinda non-Complaint: riding into fog this morning on the way to work suddenly got a lot colder for the last 10 minutes of the ride.
  18. I love Jeff Lynne's hair, it's just amazing.
  19. This one hits close to home, but not dead on for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W_wd9Qf0IE
  20. Throwing back Snooki is never a bad idea. Sure it's nice at the time, but the doctor costs for penicillin will kill you. You know, Dogfish Head brewery isn't that far from my house, I shoul dgo check it out one evening instead of going to Victory. (now I'm rubbing it in) Work pot-luck today for lunch. All meat quiche, a nice phillo dish with proscuitto, sun-dried tomatoes, goat cheese, and asparagus, Buffalo chicken pie, and my savory sweet corn bread pudding.
  21. Maybe we should call them Team Hades and the Dionysus Gang. Class up the joint.
  22. I'll use a common theme around here: what would we do with yet another small, offensive defenseman? I haven't seen Karlsson play enough, but I bet he's Grags with better hands and at least a couple more guys around him that can score.
  23. That's a really nice build. The Silverwing I just bought looks *a lot* like the inital picture. From the looks of it, same fairing, wheels, tank, bars, and color. Probably the same year, just with the different engine. I'm getting inprired the more I find.
  24. I'm pretty tall too, I'm a little worried about that. But I'm looking at using a Goldwing or Silverwing as my base. Sure, it's a little crazy using that big of a bike for a cafe, but it'll be unique at least. :) I'm game for a ride when the threat of snow up that way subsides. Maybe I'll have the Silverwing I picked up this weekend done by then. (New2me bike == Awesome, just to keep this on topic)
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