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  2. I too think having Quinn and Muel each playing 70+ games would help quite a bit. But each has a substantial enough injury history that it doesn’t seem very likely.
  3. Well, I still don't think the better team won, but there you go. Canada (sort of) and Corey Perry get to a cup final, Pavelski does not. I guess Dallas didn't get enough skates in the paint. I just can't see Florida losing the final. They are seasoned, they have the goaltending, they have the speed and they should dominate physically. They are healthy and will be rested as well. Tkachuk is not banged up like last year. Draisitl might outscore Reinhart (haha) but I honestly think this is the weakest team Florida has had to face in this playoffs.
  4. I'm so afraid he may suffer from Connolly-itis. I hope that's not the case because he could otherwise be the next concept-of-Connolly.
  5. You say it's a "myth" but the evidence would seem to say otherwise. You break the cycle by WINNING. You get to that with bold aggressive moves. Your stance has merit for some teams in general, but it's not how you break 13 years of losing. The window for progress (this time) will close faster than you think.
  6. The finals start Saturday!?! I’ll forget by then.
  7. I said Panthers in 6 the other day, but my instinct is in 5. However, I just can't imagine the NHL not giving McDavid a little extra chance at hoisting the Cup. Skinner's flaws will be exposed by Florida, but Florida will get a lot more time in the penalty box.
  8. Go Oilers. Absolutely can’t stand the Panthers.
  9. The Oilers have also been on pace for 100+ points each of the past 4 seasons and have made the playoffs 5 in a row, so... the Sabres are missing something. Florida is so tenacious and fun to watch. I hope it's an entertaining series. Good playoff hockey is a beautiful bit of sport.
  10. Chris Knoblauch wasting no time burying his substantial schnoz in the Panther’s scouting report.
  11. In what way? The dead cap hit from 25-26 through 28-29 is virtually the same whether you buy him out this year or next.
  12. No. Not really. It was a joke. Sheesh. Who pissed in your cheerios? Why so cranky over a comment made about a 50 year old article?
  13. The Oilers started tanking in 2011 and the Sabres started in 2014. At this trajectory we should make the finals in 2027.
  14. Florida in 6 Jackie is she related to Mickey
  15. How dare Edmonton infringe on Canada’s national pastime.
  16. So angry EDM made the Finals, wanted Pavelski to get a chance. Plus EDM doesn’t deserve it in the slightest seeing as they only got McDavid by being inept, winning multiple 1st Overalls which made the league change the odds which gave them McDavid over us. I pray Florida humbles them
  17. Oilers win but not a very impressive win. 10 shots.
  18. If you said one of the goalies would steal this series, no way anyone would have said Skinner.
  19. Today
  20. No use in buying out Skinner; it will put us in a precarious position next year
  21. Old friend Josh Bloom scores the GWG for Saginaw to win the Memorial Cup with 21 seconds left
  22. How does a team have 8 shots in the 3rd period of a game like this?!? And... They're winning.
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