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The Band Crap Thread


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So not even a modern feller like Chris Stapleton?


As much blues as he is country. Ray Charles knew a thing or two about that.

He's ok. I don't mind him, haven't really given him a chance since I don't flip onto the country channel much anymore :/


Love some blues. Those old records where you can hear the creaking of the chair... gold. And as far as ollllld old country, probably mentioned it on here before, but I'm a somewhat distant descendant of Jimmie Rodgers. Yep, the Singin' Brakeman, known for yodeling. 



That new stuff though... vom. Bo Burnham gets it.


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Pretty much all modern country is crap. It's so myopic.


Country used to have soul. It used to mean something. It's lost "it". Maybe it's because it's the defacto music of people with way too much money and not enough self awareness that they aren't really "country" at all. Country is the domain of the middle class suburbanite now. Barf.

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Pretty much all modern country is crap. It's so myopic.


Country used to have soul. It used to mean something. It's lost "it". Maybe it's because it's the defacto music of people with way too much money and not enough self awareness that they aren't really "country" at all. Country is the domain of the middle class suburbanite now. Barf.

Been that way since John Travolta rode that bucking machine in Gillies for the big screen.

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I can stomach older outlaw country, and even enjoy it in the right setting/ mood, but that is as close to accepting country music as I get.


Except for Hank III. I dig that dudes twangy, nasally tales of drunken, drugged excess and misspent time. Alot.

Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings are among my favorite music performers of any genre. Classic. 

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Love modern country. But, I realize it for what it is, which is pop crap. Still love it though

I was into it a little in high school during my redneck phase, and then again in maybe 2008-9? But I got tired of it that time and haven't gone back since. It offers me nothing. And I'll listen to pretty much anything...

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He's ok. I don't mind him, haven't really given him a chance since I don't flip onto the country channel much anymore :/


Love some blues. Those old records where you can hear the creaking of the chair... gold. And as far as ollllld old country, probably mentioned it on here before, but I'm a somewhat distant descendant of Jimmie Rodgers. Yep, the Singin' Brakeman, known for yodeling. 



That new stuff though... vom. Bo Burnham gets it.


Oh, God bless you for sharing that. Spot on.


Pretty much all modern country is crap. It's so myopic.


Country used to have soul. It used to mean something. It's lost "it". Maybe it's because it's the defacto music of people with way too much money and not enough self awareness that they aren't really "country" at all. Country is the domain of the middle class suburbanite now. Barf.


Well, it's what the comic was getting at. What is generally referred to as "country" is a commodified arena-/stadium-ready product.


But there's always been good country music to be had. I think a lot of it nowadays is called "alt country," or maybe hipster country.

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I was into it a little in high school during my redneck phase, and then again in maybe 2008-9? But I got tired of it that time and haven't gone back since. It offers me nothing. And I'll listen to pretty much anything...

yeah it comes in phases for me honestly, and that's the only music that does that to me.


Only music I don't like is grunge, and anything like Metallica or anything like Avenged Sevenfold. Nothing against them, just not for me

Well, it's what the comic was getting at. What is generally referred to as "country" is a commodified arena-/stadium-ready product.


But there's always been good country music to be had. I think a lot of it nowadays is called "alt country," or maybe hipster country.

Think you nailed it with Chris Stapleton 

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Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings are among my favorite music performers of any genre. Classic. 


I am largely unfamiliar with both of those artists, but anytime I hear something from them -- it blows my mind.


Add the late great Merle Haggard to that list, too.


Oh, and while we're at it, this guy is, at least in the northern U.S., a wildly under-appreciated genius of a songwriter:


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I was into it a little in high school during my redneck phase, and then again in maybe 2008-9? But I got tired of it that time and haven't gone back since. It offers me nothing. And I'll listen to pretty much anything...

I cant get past the glorification of the redneck/trailer lifestyle. Camo as fashion. Hero worship. Just don't care for any of that.


And I live in farm country.

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Guilty pleasure: Glenn Miller Orchestra. :bag:

How the hell is that guilty? That's the classiest guilty pleasure of all time. 


Sometimes I kinda dig Caravan Palace, a current french electro swing band. I feel kinda guilty about that one.. They have some awesome music videos. A good vid can really hook me on a band sometimes... 

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Modern country = 80's radio pop


We agree on this. I can listen to some Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, or some Roger Miller no problem. The classic wife left me, lost my job, dog ran away, so I'm just gonna sit right here and drink type true blue stuff. I can't stand any of the new stuff. My rule for country is simple. ###### Garth Brooks and everyone country artist that came after Garth Brooks.

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I am largely unfamiliar with both of those artists, but anytime I hear something from them -- it blows my mind.


Add the late great Merle Haggard to that list, too.


Oh, and while we're at it, this guy is, at least in the northern U.S., a wildly under-appreciated genius of a songwriter:


Until you mentioned Buck Owens, you were listing all the outlaw country performers. They were different. And considered outsiders in the industry.

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He's not new or pop country. He's actual country, and he's good




Until you mentioned Buck Owens, you were listing all the outlaw country performers. They were different. And considered outsiders in the industry.


Oh, for sure. Buck Owens was mainstream. I think he had a TV show at one point. And, yes, he was writing popular music - pop tunes. But Jeebus Christmas - it's just one sparkler after another from that guy.

Which may go to a point I didn't know I was trying to make: There can be greatness inside the mainstream of a music industry. Harder and harder nowadays, I suppose. But it can exist there.

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I cant get past the glorification of the redneck/trailer lifestyle. Camo as fashion. Hero worship. Just don't care for any of that.


And I live in farm country.

I hear you. Boy, it was something- the summer before I went to college, I was dating a farmboy, and we went to the county fair. They had Tracy Lawrence (oh that wasn't a good performance) and Josh Turner (who I like- his voice is delicious).


All the popular chicks, who up to that point had been vocal about how terrible country is, were there in their "county girl uniforms". Daisy dukes, skimpy white tank tops, sh!tty hat, you know the look, you probably have pictures of it saved somewhere. KISS ME JOSH painted out on their underage bosoms. SoOooOoo country! Pounding bud light and shootin' guns! 'Merica! Some of them even had empty dip cans in their back pockets to entice the local gents. Slummin' it! Trying it on. 


Went to the wedding of one a year or so ago, and the music was this whiplashing mix of hip hop, classic wedding songs, and that modern country music, where all these super wealthy (this was 30k+ wedding) kids were suddenly producing camo/confederate flags and stuff... it was kinda surreal. Dancing and crying to songs about that worn old home and dirt roads and no money... Pharmacist marrying an architect with a trust fund. Struggle is real. 


I hate wealthy suburbanite Ohio. 

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Oh, God bless you for sharing that. Spot on.



Well, it's what the comic was getting at. What is generally referred to as "country" is a commodified arena-/stadium-ready product.


But there's always been good country music to be had. I think a lot of it nowadays is called "alt country," or maybe hipster country.

This is very true. There are a lot of us out there trying to find real country music. And you'd have to call it alt-country. For me, country and blues are very closely related. Blues has had its more glamorous takes, especially with some of the really big blues rock stuff. But you can still find people making music that keeps the spirit of guys like Lead Belly and Fred McDowell alive. There's enough realness. Enough grit. Country used to be sharp, witty and SMART. Country has gotten dumb. 


I cant get past the glorification of the redneck/trailer lifestyle. Camo as fashion. Hero worship. Just don't care for any of that.


And I live in farm country.

I still think it's a huge conspiracy to keep people dumb and poor. Turn the redneck lifestyle into something to be "proud" of and you'll be able to elect Donald Trump President in no time. Larry the Cable guy was a total fraud and these dopes didn't even care because he made being stupid trash okay! The music just followed the money.


Support Our Troops 

Drink some beers in the truck

Come die in our oil wars

Didn't you know Jesus walked with the dinosaurs?

That's what it means to be a 'merican

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This is very true. There are a lot of us out there trying to find real country music. And you'd have to call it alt-country. For me, country and blues are very closely related. Blues has had its more glamorous takes, especially with some of the really big blues rock stuff. But you can still find people making music that keeps the spirit of guys like Lead Belly and Fred McDowell alive. There's enough realness. Enough grit. Country used to be sharp, witty and SMART. Country has gotten dumb. 


I still think it's a huge conspiracy to keep people dumb and poor. Turn the redneck lifestyle into something to be "proud" of and you'll be able to elect Donald Trump President in no time. Larry the Cable guy was a total fraud and these dopes didn't even care because he made being stupid trash okay! The music just followed the money.


Support Our Troops 

Drink some beers in the truck

Come die in our oil wars

Didn't you know Jesus walked with the dinosaurs?

That's what it means to be a 'merican


You forgot fistin' yer sister.

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Support Our Troops 

Drink some beers in the truck

Come die in our oil wars

Didn't you know Jesus walked with the dinosaurs?

That's what it means to be a 'merican

Alright they're not saying this one  :lol:


You did miss...



Working Hard

Being country


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