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Job Performance Poll: President/Alternate Governor Ted Black


Job Performance Poll: President/Alternate Governor Ted Black  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the CURRENT AND PAST PERFORMANCE of Ted Black as the President/Alternate Governor of the Buffalo Sabres:

  2. 2. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the EXPECTED FUTURE PERFORMANCE of Ted Black as the President/Alternate Governor of the Buffalo Sabres:

  3. 3. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate the RESPONSIBILITY of Ted Black as the President/Alternate Governor of the Buffalo Sabres FOR THE CURRENT WIN/LOSS RECORD OF THE TEAM:

    • 1 - Not Responsible at All for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 - Somewhat Repsonsible for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10 - Entirely Responsible for the Current Win/Loss Record of the Team

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Maybe I misread but I put him down as "not responsible for performance of the Sabres"


For simplicity, I kept all of the questions the same for all polls. I imagine that most folks would think that Ted doesn't have a enormous impact on the win/loss record of the team.


In before some nutty guy counters that claim and cites bad passing due to the third jerseys.

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I was going to vote but I feel I'm not qualified. Exactly what does he do ?


From his bio:


As president of the Buffalo Sabres, Ted oversees all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the franchise, with specific focus on making the Buffalo Sabres the premier destination for NHL players and the Sabres’ current and future employees. In addition, Ted will provide strategic and creative leadership in areas including corporate partnerships, advertising, NHL relations, team marketing, Sabres’ television broadcasts, fan relations and ticket sales.


I sort of interpret that to mean anything that's not the hockey department and not building buildings.


So like cup holders on pissers. That's him.


New signs around the arena.


Probably the third jerseys...?


Keeping Jeanneret alive with a steady supply of Kevin Sylvester's tears. Also him.

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low marks on past cause I hold him responsible for some of the things TPeg has said. To me Black is the man that is suppose to cover the mic and say boss your acting a bit nutty eat a snickers.


current/future better marks cause i havn't seen as many TPeg soundbites


responsible for the current record? complete opposite of my TPeg grade. I don't see him as having anything to do with the record

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This is gonna get good.......


So...did Ted lobby to get Bucky removed from the hockey column in the Buff News? Is Bucky serious about word that people are down on Ted for being "unprofessional" and he has been blackballed?


This team is the gift that keeps on giving.



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This is gonna get good.......


So...did Ted lobby to get Bucky removed from the hockey column in the Buff News? Is Bucky serious about word that people are down on Ted for being "unprofessional" and he has been blackballed?


This team is the gift that keeps on giving.


I read nothing even close to suggesting that Ted lobbied TBN in that article.

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I read nothing even close to suggesting that Ted lobbied TBN in that article.

Of course you didn't, and I'm not saying he did. Bucky just "decides" to step down from his column...says he might as well empty his notebook, and proceeds directly to say Black is being shunned and the hierarchy isn't happy with his public displays the past few months. So either Black really is getting talked about, or Bucky has some sour grapes and is taking a shot at him. Could be both. You really feel that is an illogical question to ask?


And of ALL the front office, I happen to like Ted Black the best. If he really is getting pushed out of responsibility going forward and they are mad that he is actually honest at times, then I will go to bat for Ted. My biggest complaint about him is the way he has been snide to valid criticism of the team and executives. I like his "craziness", and if he was willing to be more honest more of the time instead of digging-in trenches for those in denial, you probably would see much less negativity from at least myself. He hasn't done much to defuse the portrayal of arrogance and stubbornness coming from the organization as we are told to, and have fully commenced, suffering.

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It wouldn't make me think better of Black to find out he lobbied for Bucky's removal.

But I also can't help but chuckle at the thought given the number of times Bucky has lobbied for Darcy's removal - to the point where he became incapable of writing about the team effectively anymore.

Bucky has been a lacklustre hockey writer for quite some time now.

I also wonder if Harrington was called on the carpet after that press conference. He was far less professional than Black.


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Of course you didn't, and I'm not saying he did. Bucky just "decides" to step down from his column...says he might as well empty his notebook, and proceeds directly to say Black is being shunned and the hierarchy isn't happy with his public displays the past few months. So either Black really is getting talked about, or Bucky has some sour grapes and is taking a shot at him. Could be both. You really feel that is an illogical question to ask?



Yes I do. It is loaded with innuendo with nothing to back it up. It is the sort of mongering that ruins good peoples reputations.

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Personally I like Ted, but I stopped listening to anything that he says. What little of it is actually true is irrelevant. The best thing Ted could do for himself is to find an escape clause in his contract and find a real job with some other team. I'd bet he hates being an apologist for a regime that can't seem to begin to find a winning formula. There's nothing worse than standing in front of a microphone telling people why your employer doesn't suck when pretty much everyone already knows that they do. If Ted didn't drink before taking the Sabres' job, I bet he does now....

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Yes I do. It is loaded with innuendo with nothing to back it up. It is the sort of mongering that ruins good peoples reputations.


Whose reputation has been ruined?


The long term head Hockey Column Writer of a major paper in his 40's that is mysteriously stepping back from responsibility and giving it up?


Or the President of the team who in said paper was just reported as being "Shunned by sponsors", "The hierarchy is not happy with him", "Banker CEO in line for his job", "Turdburger", etc.???????


At what point have you left your bigboy sunglasses in car when walking along the beach?


It was a question asked....if Bucky really is stepping away on his own, then Ted Black is in a world of trouble it looks like. That was my point. And I subsequently went on to defend Black if that is the case.




Personally I like Ted, but I stopped listening to anything that he says. What little of it is actually true is irrelevant. The best thing Ted could do for himself is to find an escape clause in his contract and find a real job with some other team. I'd bet he hates being an apologist for a regime that can't seem to begin to find a winning formula. There's nothing worse than standing in front of a microphone telling people why your employer doesn't suck when pretty much everyone already knows that they do. If Ted didn't drink before taking the Sabres' job, I bet he does now....





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I'm a bit late to it, but that stuff from Bucky about Ted was a stunner.


Oh, and if Koelmel is actually worming his way into Pegula's inner circle, then God help us all.


Koelmel's a lot of fun, charismatic, and capable of moving a few mountains, but he is, at bottom, a crazy sum-bytch.


If Ted were to get pushed out for being bad under pressure and prone to say weird stuff ("turd burger" was a bit ... unbecoming his position), I pray that Pegula chooses as his replacement a real life hockey guy with the chops to fill the position.


*COUGH* Lafontaine *COUGH*

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Any doubt i had about Black being a fool was erased the day last season when I heard him on Sylvester's show make a misogynistic "joke" to/about Jeremy White being the "first woman play-by-play announcer" for whatever team he was announcing for. Some college team I think.

Does he even know who his customers are? And what decade is he living in that he still thinks it's funny to call some other guy "a woman?" He sounded like some kind of chauvinistic country club a-hole.

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Any doubt i had about Black being a fool was erased the day last season when I heard him on Sylvester's show make a misogynistic "joke" to/about Jeremy White being the "first woman play-by-play announcer" for whatever team he was announcing for. Some college team I think.

Does he even know who his customers are? And what decade is he living in that he still thinks it's funny to call some other guy "a woman?" He sounded like some kind of chauvinistic country club a-hole.



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Whose reputation has been ruined?


The long term head Hockey Column Writer of a major paper in his 40's that is mysteriously stepping back from responsibility and giving it up?


Or the President of the team who in said paper was just reported as being "Shunned by sponsors", "The hierarchy is not happy with him", "Banker CEO in line for his job", "Turdburger", etc.???????


At what point have you left your bigboy sunglasses in car when walking along the beach?


It was a question asked....if Bucky really is stepping away on his own, then Ted Black is in a world of trouble it looks like. That was my point. And I subsequently went on to defend Black if that is the case.




Noone's reputation was ruined. I doubt *you* have the ability to ruin Ted Black's rep from a forum. But that sort of unfounded crap that you are spinning is how people in real life relationships get their reputations tarnished.


These unfounded "theories" trotted out here with your usual plausible deniability sound more and more like some sort of spiteful entitlement temper tantrum, like you didn't get your skittles in the cashier lane and now you are telling all within earshot that everyone from the cashier, to Mom, to the lady behind you giving the stink eye, is mistreating you.


There is more than enough about the Sabres that warrant complaint. We could start off with the team President not being a hockey guy and progress right on down to the turd burger of a 3rd jersey. Add in that Ted is a loose cannon in front of a mic if you will. At least it is based on something that was actually viewed/heard. There is no need to speculate and come up with unfounded allegations to make these folks look like rank ameteurs. These theories or whatever you want to label them make your point of view look alot last weeks halibut dinner that was forgotten in the fridge.


I'm a bit late to it, but that stuff from Bucky about Ted was a stunner.


Oh, and if Koelmel is actually worming his way into Pegula's inner circle, then God help us all.


Koelmel's a lot of fun, charismatic, and capable of moving a few mountains, but he is, at bottom, a crazy sum-bytch.


If Ted were to get pushed out for being bad under pressure and prone to say weird stuff ("turd burger" was a bit ... unbecoming his position), I pray that Pegula chooses as his replacement a real life hockey guy with the chops to fill the position.


*COUGH* Lafontaine *COUGH*


So, spill the beans. What's this crazy you speak of?

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I love a good conspiracy theory, but this story doesn't ring the bell for me, and I'm basically Pavlov's dog.


The Sunday column is not where Bucky fires his big gun — and he says he's still going to rip the Sabres new ones in his commentary columns. I take the juxtaposition of his farewell and the Black tidbit as basically innocent. Well, maybe a bit of an eff you.


Readers of Bob Swados' book, by the way, might remember his story of going to the newspaper during the Nolan brouhaha and getting coverage of the team softened — for a couple of days — so Ghost's theory is not crazy.

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